Access to specialist interventions for children with a range of speech, language and communication needs, under the guidance of a speech and language therapist.
One to one support from a speech and language therapist for children with identified additional/complex needs (children with long term persistent but specific speech, language and communication needs, such as Development Language Disorder, in the absence of other needs, will also need 1:1 speech and language therapy support).
Specific support and training from specialists to enable early years settings to support children with severe, specific or complex speech, language and communication needs.
Parents should be provided with specific specialist support to facilitate their ability to support their child’s communication development.
Joined up, multi-disciplinary support.
Continued monitoring and collaboration with multidisciplinary team.
Contribution to statutory assessment, annual reviews and individual education plans/target setting.
Additional support may be provided by other specialists eg community paediatricians, portage workers etc.