Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with Public Health England (PHE) to update the Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (Alcohol IBA) elearning programme which helps professionals deliver simple advice to individuals whose drinking might impact their health.
The Alcohol IBA courses are available for delivery in four settings:
* Primary Care
* Community Pharmacy
* Hospitals
* Dental Teams.
The elearning resources teach learners how to use World Health Organisation validated tools to identify patients’ levels of health risk from alcohol and how to intervene appropriately with those who could benefit from reducing their alcohol consumption.
Use of IBA is recognised as a contributor to Making Every Contact Count (MECC) and is a feature in the NHS Health Check, CQUIN programmes and efficiency savings programmes.
The overall goal of the Alcohol IBA elearning programme is to enable the learner to effectively engage with non-dependent alcohol misusing patients, who may not realise they may be taking risks with their health.
Each of the courses aimed at primary care, community pharmacy and hospital settings is split into four elearning sessions:
- Alcohol Facts
- Introducing IBA and Identifying Risky Behaviour
- Practising IBA and delivering brief advice
- Assessment
The course aimed at dental teams consists of four sessions:
- Facts about Alcohol
- Identification and Brief Alcohol Advice (IBA) for Dental Teams
- Practising AUDIT-C
- Assessment
The Alcohol IBA elearning resources are available for free to all NHS staff as well as being available via OpenAthens and via PHE’s Alcohol Learning Resources website. For more information and to access the elearning sessions click here.