Health Education England’s (HEE) Educator Hub is a new elearning resource aimed at educators and supervisors of doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, allied health professionals and healthcare scientists and it is now live.
The content, which is hosted on the HEE elearning for healthcare (elfh) Hub, includes both academic and video-based practical modules, such as supervision, feedback, workplace based assessments and Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). These have been migrated from HEE Kent, Surrey, Sussex’s e-Training for Trainers (etft) platform together with London’s Multi-professional Faculty Development modules. Complementary content from other regions will also be included to produce a national resource.
Modules are linked to the new ‘Professional Development Framework for Educators’ which is being adopted in London and South East in the first instance. The framework domains map to professional regulatory standards for education and training including HEE’s Quality Framework standards and are applicable to all educators working in clinical practice and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as guidance for best practice.
Professor Elizabeth Hughes, Dean and Director of Education, HEE, London and South East said: “The Educator Hub elearning modules support the professional development of educators. They include formative and summative assessments followed by certification allowing the educator to demonstrate their learning”.
To access the national elearning resources please select this link.
For more information about the Educator Hub please email: