December 2018 - elearning for healthcare
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Archive for December, 2018

TEL News December 2018

Posted on: December 24th, 2018 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

December’s issue of TEL News includes details of our AI-Powered Tool and updates on the Learning Solution. There is also announcements about new content added to the Educator Hub and the launch of the Diabetic Foot Screening Interactive Assessment.

Select the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.



Making Every Contact Count e-learning programme updates now live

Posted on: December 21st, 2018 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with Public Health England (PHE) and University of Brighton to update its Making Every Contact Count (MECC) elearning programme.

This resource, comprising four elearning sessions, is intended for anyone who has contact with people to “Make Every Contact Count” and develop public health knowledge. Based on feedback from learners, each of the four sessions have been reviewed and now benefit from revised and additional content with a focus on mental health. The template of the programme has also been updated.

In addition to the updated content, the MECC elearning programme has now received accreditation from The University of Brighton. The MECC elearning programme is already accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH).

Dr Charlotte Ramage and Marianne Willmer from University of Brighton, said: “It has been a positive experience working with the PHE and HEE team. They have been inclusive and responsive to ideas throughout in the development of the online MECC programme. The elearning public health initiative has been carefully constructed to appeal to its widest possible audience. By broadening accessibility, we hope the end users feel confident to discuss the health of colleagues in their team and the general public and embrace the health messages for their own health and wellbeing.”

MECC is an approach to behaviour change that utilises the millions of day-to-day interactions that organisations and people have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

MECC enables the opportunistic delivery of consistent and concise healthy lifestyle information and enables individuals to engage in conversations about their health at scale across organisations and populations. Drawing on behaviour change evidence, the approach maximises the opportunity within routine health and care interactions for a brief or very brief discussion on health and wellbeing factors.

A MECC interaction takes a matter of minutes and is not intended to add to the busy workloads of healthcare professionals and the wider workforce, rather it is structured to fit into and complement existing professional clinical, care and social engagement approaches.

The wider MECC elearning programme is designed to support learners in developing an understanding of public health and the factors that impact on a person’s health and wellbeing, emphasising how asking questions and listening effectively to people is a vital role for us all.

To access the free Making Every Contact Count elearning programme and view the updated sessions, please visit:

New content to the Educators Training Resource programme

Posted on: December 12th, 2018 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has added new content to the Educators Training Resource programme to help educators in their role of supporting the careers of their junior colleagues.

The Supporting Career Conversations for Educators content can be found within the course, 06 – Guiding Personal and Professional Development as part of the Educators Training Resource Programme. The content sets out the rationale for providing careers support to more junior colleagues, trainees and learners and the value of this to the organisation.

The course introduces the underpinning principles of having supportive career-focussed discussions with junior colleagues and trainees. The course also offers some techniques, approaches and insights into best practice to better equip colleagues to support learners to help them move their careers forward in a satisfying direction.

The final session explores different ways individuals may make decisions about their careers, introduces a framework to help structure career conversations and demonstrates how even a five-minute conversation can make a positive difference to a colleague’s career.

The programme has several links to further resources to support this role.

The programme is available via the elfh Hub and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).

For more information on the Educators Hub visit:

Foundation e-Learning Programme: Professional Capability: 20 Contributes to quality improvement

Posted on: December 5th, 2018 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and approved by UKFPO – Foundation is a free elearning programme for Foundation doctors.

Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, try some of our free elearning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.

The elearning sessions in Professional Capability: 20 “Contributes to quality improvement”, look at audit and evidence based practice. It outlines the study designs used in medical practice. You are provided with a guide to developing a structured research strategy which will help you find journal articles relevant to your clinical questions. How to evaluate a journal article is discussed using a linked example paper from the British Journal of Anaesthesia.


  • Audit
  • Evidence Based Medicine in Clinical Practice
  • Common Study Designs in Clinical Research
  • Explaining Evidence/Guidelines/Protocols to Patients
  • Guidelines in Clinical Practice
  • Searching the Literature and Locating Papers
  • How to Review a Paper

Sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elfh at the beginning of your foundation training:

e-LfH Hub - Notice of downtime

Posted on: December 3rd, 2018 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

The Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) Hub will be offline on Friday 14 December 2018 from 12noon until 6pm on Sunday 16 December for maintenance to the IT infrastructure. We are upgrading the servers for increased performance and stability of the HEE elfh Hub.

During this time users will not be able to access the HEE elfh Hub.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

TEL News November 2018

Posted on: December 3rd, 2018 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

This month’s edition includes an update on the national Simulation-Based Education Framework and a round-up of recent events attended by the TEL team. There is also details of the new Learning from Deaths programme, new content on the Image Interpretation programme plus the release of the Perinatal Mental Health Framework.

Select the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies