March 2019 - elearning for healthcare
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Archive for March, 2019

Learning Paths developed for Intensive Care Medicine e-learning programme

Posted on: March 21st, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Learning Paths developed for Intensive Care Medicine elearning programme

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has recently completed a review of the elearning for Intensive Care Medicine (e-ICM) Programme and as a result have developed two Learning Paths to enable users to quickly and easily access sessions. These are now available within the e-ICM Programme on the elfh Hub.

Hard to reach areas of the curriculum

For all doctors in training either following or planning to follow the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in ICM.  This new e-ICM learning pathway helps provide a background knowledge for those areas of the curriculum that have been identified as sometimes challenging to address through clinical exposure.  As well as providing this all in one easy to find place, completion of these sessions will be useful when mapping evidence to these curriculum items on the e-portfolio.  Find out more here.

Further information regarding competency signoff can be found here.

New to ICU

This new e-ICM learning pathway brings together sessions that introduce some of the key concepts and terminology regarding the care of critically ill patients.  The aim is to give an initial grounding from which you can explore the many other topics within the e-ICM programme.  The sessions will be of benefit to doctors, advanced critical care practitioners, nurses and Allied Health Professionals.  For doctors in training, this will include those undertaking foundation and core / Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) training in ICM, or doctors who are interested in critical care.

Find out more here.


For more information about the e-ICM programme visit:

HEE e-LfH - 2018 in numbers

Posted on: March 20th, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

2018 was HEE elfh’s biggest year to date.

This infographic shows the impressive numbers in terms of number of registered users, new programmes launched, number of elearning sessions launched.

elfh infographic March 2019

Prescribing Simulator tool for prescribers now live

Posted on: March 19th, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare and The British Pharmacological Society have worked together to develop the Prescribing Simulator which is a formative assessment tool for all prescribers to develop their prescribing skills.

On accessing the Prescribing Simulator users are presented with clinical scenarios in a hospital setting that require a medicine to be prescribed using an electronic prescription form. The prescription is then automatically scored, and feedback is provided to guide the user as to where improvements can be made.

After logging into the simulator users can select a test based on either clinical setting, therapeutic area or even patient age. Selecting the test allows a strength or weakness to be targeted to areas of personal improvement. Alternatively, users can access pre-prepared assessments for a variety of lengths and topics to test their general knowledge.

While the scenarios on the Prescribing Simulator are written in a hospital setting the cases are relevant to general practitioners, pharmacists and other prescribing groups.

After logging into the simulator users can select tests based on clinical setting or therapeutic area to complete targeted development based on the following areas:


  • Gastrointestinal diseases (GIT)
  • Cardiovascular diseases (CVS)
  • Respiratory disease (RESP)
  • Neurological disease (NEURO)
  • Psychiatric disease (PSYCH)
  • Infectious disease (ID)
  • Endocrinological and metabolic disease (ENDO)
  • Dermatological disease (DERM)
  • Ear, Nose and Throat disorders (ENT)
  • Ophthalmological disease (EYE)
  • Haematological disease (HAEM)
  • Oncology and palliative medicine (ONC)
  • Rheumatological disease (RHEUM)
  • Renal diseases (RENAL)
  • Urological disorders (UROL)
  • Surgical diseases (SURG)
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G)

The Prescribing Simulator aligns to relevant learning outcomes set out in ‘Outcomes for Graduates’ (published by the GMC). It also provides learning material that is relevant to UK final year medical students preparing to sit the Prescribing Safety Assessment and also aligned to many of the competencies highlighted in the Prescribing Competency Framework.

For more information about the Prescribing Simulator, including how to access, visit:


Foundation - March update

Posted on: March 14th, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and is approved by UKFPO.

Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so try some of our free elearning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.

You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elfh at the beginning of your foundation training:

Population Wellbeing Portal goes live!

Posted on: March 13th, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England (HEE) has worked with Public Health England (PHE), the Academy for Public Health for London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex and the Faculty of Public Health to develop the Population Wellbeing Portal.

The Portal offers free elearning resources, training and education in population health, wellbeing and prevention. The Portal provides a central location for free training and education resources relating to the health and wellbeing of the public including links to elearning, toolkits, videos, webinars and various publications. Whatever your involvement with the public, these resources will support you in expanding your knowledge and skills to enable you to influence the health of the population.

The Population Wellbeing Portal brings together material from multiple sources. This includes resources from HEE, PHE, the Academy for Public Health for London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex, the Faculty of Public Health and many others. It links with All Our Health, PHE’s framework of evidence to guide healthcare professionals in preventing illness, protecting health and promoting wellbeing.

For more information about the Portal visit:

TEL News February 2019

Posted on: March 5th, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

February’s issue of TEL News includes details of the Learning Solution user research and a feature on the Topol Review launch. There is also an announcement about a new Allied Health Professionals resource and the launch of Children’s Oral Health elearning programme.

Select the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.

REMINDER - Changes planned to NHS Digital site

Posted on: March 4th, 2019 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

We are continually looking to improve the user experience of HEE elfh and as part of these improvements the NHS Digital site will be replaced with the elfh Hub from 1 April 2019.

You do not need to do anything as the URL will redirect automatically. Usernames and passwords will remain valid on the new site and you will still be able to access the same elearning content, certificates and reports as before. Local administrators will also still be able to access the same reports. 

For more information about this change please email . 


elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies