Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has been working with the University of Bradford to review, add new content and update sessions within the e-Dementia elearning Programme.
The programme about dementia care has been designed to enhance the training and education of the health and care workforce. It focuses on the essential knowledge and skills needed to support and enable people living with dementia and their family carers to live as well as possible, wherever they live.
e-Dementia will also be of interest to those responsible for training and educating the health and care workforce. It can be used in a variety of ways including as part of induction; to structure reflective practice with individual staff and teams; for self-paced learning; and to revisit as a form of refresher training.
As part of the e-Dementia update, 14 new sessions have been added and 12 sessions have been retired from the programme.
New sessions added:
Module 1 Dementia awareness
- Person-centred dementia care
Module 2 Dementia identification, assessment and diagnosis
- Dementia risk reduction and prevention
- Communication, interaction and behaviour in dementia care
- Health and wellbeing in dementia care
- Pharmacological interventions in dementia care
- Living well with dementia and promoting independence
- Families and carers as partners in dementia care
- Equality, diversity and inclusion in dementia care
- Law, ethics and safeguarding in dementia care
- End of life dementia care
- Research and evidence-based practice in dementia care
- Leadership in transforming dementia careFor more information about the e-Dementia programme and for details of how to access please visit: elearning is also available via the elfh Hub, the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and via AICC links.