Key Messages and links to 15th May 2020
Welcome to Health Education England’s weekly COVID-19 stakeholder bulletin.
HEE is working with partners to support the system-wide response to COVID-19. Our priority is to ensure trainees and learners are kept informed of immediate changes to their training and recruitment, as well as to support returners to the NHS.
In this bulletin we will provide:
- Overview and Call for Evidence of HEE and our partner’s national response to COVID-19
- An update from your regional office
- Signposting to useful resources and contact information
We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients by:
Call for Evidence – What learning points has the Pandemic exposed, in terms of how we can rapidly define the ‘new future’ for education and training? Read our Chief Executive’s latest blog
As HEE and the wider NHS begins to plan the restart, recovery and reform of core business, we need to ensure that we do not lose the innovations, opportunities and benefits from the collective actions and decisions taken to support the Pandemic.
HEE and partners across the UK continue to play a key role in supporting the COVID-19 response, including the biggest effort ever to increase the workforce, which has seen: the deployment of 10,000 returning health professionals; 30,000 student nurses, doctors and other health professionals starting their NHS careers early; and upskilling thousands of existing staff to be deployed to support frontline services.
As part of embedding the positive changes and innovations to achieving this during the pandemic we are keen to hear the views and insight from partners and stakeholders to questions such as:
- How was the urgent effort to deploy our workforce during the COVID-19 surge achieved?
- What did we do that was different that aided the rapid response?
- What opportunities has the crisis highlighted that we should grasp?
- How can we use learning now to build a resilient future in workforce and education and training terms?
- What are the implications of COVID-19 for our workforce and education reform?
- What positive changes have we made in education and training that we do not want to lose going forwards?
If you would like to contribute your views or find out more, please contact us at
Joint statement on planned placements in England – Health Education England along with the Council of Deans of Health, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and NHS Employers has published a joint-statement, expanding on the previous NMC and HCPC emergency measures to support the COVID-19 response, to clarify how planned placements for nursing, midwifery and allied health students should be used. You can view the joint statement here.
Thank you to all students who have opted in to take up a paid placement to help fight COVID-19. The image below shows the process from opting in through to deployment:

Joint HEI / NSHCS webinar for STP trainees – On Thursday May 14th at 2pm Carol Ainley, Director of Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education, will be joining senior colleagues from the National School, to answer questions about the academic aspect of the STP.
STP assessment and completion in 2020 for third year STP trainees and training officers – On Friday May 15th at 2pm Jane Lynch, Training Programme Director of the STP, will be joined by Sandie Gay, Head of Education & Assessment at the NSHCS, will be hosting a webinar aimed specifically at third year trainees and training officers to answer questions about completion and the alternative to the OSFA, the Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence.
Nursing – Tuesday 12 May, the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, marked International Nurses Day, a chance to celebrate the role of nurses as clinicians, leaders, researchers and educators across the globe. Many of the planned celebrations were postponed as a result of COVID-19 but HEE took the opportunity to thank the nursing community and acknowledge the vital work that they do, which has never been more important than in the current time. Our Chief Nurse, Mark Radford, led the HEE virtual celebrations and premiered this film to mark the occasion.
Physician Associates – The Faculty of Physician Associates (PAs) have set up a COVID-19 special temporary register for graduate student PAs who have completed their University programmes but have yet to pass the PA national exam. Find out more at
Doctors Returning to Training – If you missed our knowledge refresher and wellbeing webinars for doctors returning to training – you can now watch them online.
We are ensuring core HEE work to support our NHS colleagues continues:
COVID-19 Patient Information for Vulnerable Groups – HEE Library and Knowledge Services have worked with PHE, NHSE/I and the Patient Information Forum to collate trusted, accessible online patient information resources for all frontline staff across health, social care and voluntary organisations who work directly with patients and family groups.
Health Careers – this year’s Step into the NHS primary school competition for Key Stage 2 children has been extended until the 19th June. More pupils can now draw, write, act or dance their ‘thank you’ to the NHS. Click here for more information.
We are making sure all professions have the training they need to make a difference:
HEE elearning for healthcare (elfh)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) elearning programme – Earlier this week the elfh COVID-19 elearning programme reached the milestone of one million session launches since it went live in mid-March.
New resources for radiographers have recently been added to the programme. The content includes minimising risk using PPE and infection control, how to safely use mobile equipment and optimising image quality. The resources can be accessed here.
Three new training videos have also been added to the programme for staff working in a critical care setting, an acute hospital setting and to support staff with difficult conversation and end of life care.
Guidance for psychologists has been added to the programme: “Adaptations to psychological practice: Interim guidance during Covid-19 pandemic” can be accessed here.
For more information about the programme select here.
The Learning Hub – COVID-19 release – HEE’s Technology Enhanced Learning team will be releasing the Learning Hub, with core functionality, at the end of May 2020. The Learning Hub is being released to support the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response by enabling the health and care workforce to share and access resources during the pandemic.
The Learning Hub will be a new digital platform that will provide easy access to a wide range of resources that are pertinent to education and training in health and care. Users will be able to contribute digital resources (including video, audio, images, documents, web links, articles etc) and search and access the variety of learning resources that will have been contributed by stakeholders and the health and care workforce to support system readiness and recovery from the pandemic. New features will frequently be released in line with the original plan for the functionality of the Learning Hub in its Beta phase.
The Learning Hub will add to HEE’s existing suite of platforms and complements the major role the elearning for healthcare Hub is playing as part of the COVID-19 response.
If you would like to know more about this release of the Learning Hub follow @HEE_TEL on Twitter, read the blog and look out for regular updates over the next few weeks.
By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.
Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.