August 2021 - Page 2 of 3 - elearning for healthcare
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Archive for August, 2021

New elearning sessions available in the Essentials of Wound Care programme for the Health and Care Workforce

Posted on: August 18th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The Essentials of Wound Care for the Health and Care Workforce elearning programme was developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with the National Wound Care Strategy Programme and Health Education England.

Designed to support the health and care workforce, this elearning programme aims to develop the knowledge and skills needed to enable appropriate wound care to people in any setting.

About the elearning sessions

The new elearning sessions are part of a suite of essential wound care sessions, aimed at developing wound care knowledge and skills for any patient facing heath and care practitioner.

  • Essentials of the Foot at Risk
  • Essentials of Digital Wound Imaging
  • Essentials of Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Existing sessions in the elearning programme were designed to provide an introduction to wound care.

  • Essentials of Skin Care
  • Essentials of Wound Assessment
  • Essentials of Leg Ulceration

These interactive sessions take approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete and certificates are available to download on completion of each session.

About the National Wound Care Strategy Programme

These education resources have been developed as part of the National Wound Care Strategy programme, which aims to implement a consistently high standard of wound care across England by reducing unnecessary variation, improving safety and optimising patient experience and outcomes.

Visit the National Wound Care Strategy website for more information about the programme.

How to access the elearning programme

To learn more about the sessions, please visit the National Wound Care Strategy programme page.

The National Wound Care Strategy Programme elearning is also available to the NHS health and care workforce via AICC and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).

To help us ensure our elearning resources are relevant and support your continued development, you can complete the wound care evaluation survey.

Long COVID elearning session available

Posted on: August 17th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked in partnership with Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust, NHS England and NHS Improvement and Health Education England to develop a Long COVID and post-COVID-19 syndrome introductory elearning session for all healthcare professionals, registered and unregistered.

About the session

Long COVID and post-COVID-19 syndrome is an emerging condition and one that we are continuing to learn more about. The elearning session was developed to provide healthcare professionals with a basic introduction to long COVID and post–COVID-19 syndrome.

The 30 minute session explains what we mean by long COVID and post-COVID-19 syndrome, the common signs and symptoms, investigations and how patients might be assessed and supported with these.

Accessing the session

To read more about the session, please visit the Long COVID programme page.

Supporting Unpaid Carers, a free elearning resource for all carers

Posted on: August 13th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for Healthcare (HEE elfh) with Health Education England, Carers UK and Agylia Care developed an elearning resource for unpaid carers.

The Supporting Unpaid Carers programme is free to access and aims to support carers with bite-size elearning sessions and downloadable resources. Specialist resources on topics such as infection prevention and end of life care require registration and they are free to access.

By completing our evaluation survey, your feedback will help us to assess the effectiveness of the elearning programme and develop new sessions for the programme.

New Podiatry Undergraduate and Post Graduate apprenticeship course now available

Posted on: August 12th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, Health and Care Innovations Limited, the University of Plymouth Podiatry team and HEE South West, to develop a new elearning programme to support podiatrists providing training for apprenticeship roles at foundation, intermediate and graduate level. The elearning is a result of a targeted action taken by the South West regional podiatry workforce action group.

The new elearning sessions have been created for podiatry staff teaching, mentoring, clinically training and educating apprentices within the workforce. The video based content takes users step by step through the skills that they will learn during the pre registration apprenticeship courses. This elearning resource is also relevant for undergraduate students.

The aim is to support consistent clinical education and competency evaluation for the learners and educators. Topics include:

  • clinical procedures
  • surgery and conditions
  • equipment
  • governance
  • protocols.

How to access the elearning

The Podiatry Undergraduate and Post Graduate apprenticeship course is available to access via the elearning for healthcare hub.

You can learn more about the elearning resources on the Podiatry Undergraduate and Post Graduate apprenticeship course page.

Urgent Care for Paramedics – Injuries elearning available

Posted on: August 12th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England and the College of Paramedics worked in partnership to develop an Urgent Care for Paramedics – Injuries module, as part of the Paramedics elearning programme. The module includes 10 elearning sessions to support paramedics in dealing with a range of injuries.

Elearning sessions include, but are not limited to:

  • Ankle Injuries: aims to provide the underlying theory and assessment techniques to carry out these assessments effectively
  • Knee Injuries: aims to give the pre-hospital clinician a greater understanding of knee injuries and red flags which may indicate a serious injury requiring further assessment and treatment
  • Elbow Injuries: aims to provide the underlying theory and techniques to carry out these assessments effectively
  • Minor Head Injury: aims to develop a foundational underpinning knowledge surrounding history taking, physical assessment and management of patients presenting with minor head injuries in the out-of-hospital environment
  • Minor Neck Injury: This session is designed to equip paramedics with the knowledge and theory to safely manage minor neck trauma at the scene of a minor road traffic accident (RTC). There will also be an emphasis on good safety netting if the patient is safe to discharge

Each interactive session can be accessed on a variety of mobile devices and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.

To register for this elearning module, or for more information, please visit the Paramedics programme page.

Updates planned for the Educator Training Resources programme

Posted on: August 11th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England’s (HEE) Educator Training Resources (ETR)and Educator Hub programmes are being reviewed and revised. An updated programme will be available from Monday 6 September 2021 with a new structure, including additional pathways that have been developed by HEE’s elearning for healthcare and London and South East Professional Development teams.

The ETR sessions will continue to be available in the new structure and sessions will be categorised differently to improve the user experience and ensure that users are accessing learning most relevant to them. More information will be available on the HEE elfh programme page in coming weeks.

This learning has historically been available via 2 routes; the elfh hub and the Educator Hub platform. As part of the review, the Educator Hub tenancy will be retired on 6 September 2021 and the learning will no longer be available via this route. Users will be able to access the learning via the elfh hub.

As part of the retirement, learners should be aware of the following:

Learning completion – session level

Users’ learning activity will be retained and they will be able to verify that this learning has been completed, through their activity log on the elfh hub.

Learning completion – course level

Where users are completing sessions to receive a certificate, within one or more of the 7 courses that currently make up the programme, this learning will need to be completed and the certificate downloaded prior to the tenancy retirement. After  6 September, the certificates will not be available.

Users will still be able to access all learning, but through the new Educator Training Resource courses via the elfh hub only. HEE elfh has over 400 elearning programmes in its catalogue bringing together a huge amount of bite sized content into 1 place, providing free elearning resources for the health and care workforce, 24/7.

If you have any queries about these changes, please contact

New All Our Health communications toolkit now available

Posted on: August 11th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with Public Health England to develop an engaging, interactive communications toolkit to encourage professionals to raise awareness of the All Our Health programme.

In the last year colleagues within health and care, local government and emergency services have accessed the All Our Health resources more than 268,000 times and completed more than 91,000 hours of learning. The programme covers key public health issues including obesity, dementia, air pollution and county lines exploitation.

The communications toolkit has been designed to help those working across communities and places to raise greater awareness of the sessions and call on more professionals to improve their knowledge and confidence in tackling health inequalities.

The toolkit includes the following useful promotional materials:

  • Written summary of the programme
  • Email signature template
  • Introductory video
  • Poster
  • Social media assets including animated GIFs
  • Testimonials

An interactive animation for learners to preview a selection of sessions will be available soon.

Currently there are 26 bite-sized elearning sessions on different public health topics plus 3 interactive townscapes on breastfeeding, childhood obesity and smoking in pregnancy. Further sessions and townscapes will be available later this year to help professionals prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing.

To access the toolkit and sessions, please visit the All Our Health programme page.

Pharmacy Practice and Educational Supervisor Training - new elearning programme available

Posted on: August 11th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) with the University of East Anglia, De Montfort University and Keele University are delighted to launch new elearning sessions for pharmacy practice and educational supervisors.

The elearning sessions have been developed for those in the pharmacy sector who are involved in the training of others, ranging from supervising shadowing experiences, to having educational supervisory roles across a range of settings. This includes community pharmacies, primary care and health and justice pharmacy services.

These new resources aim to provide supervisors with the knowledge and skills needed to gain confidence and satisfaction from their practice and educational activities and enhance their contributions to the development of a highly skilled pharmacy workforce.

It also aims to improve the learning experiences of trainees and their contributions to patient-centred care.

This programme currently includes 2 modules:

  • Module 1, Core Skills: Introductory level topics relevant to practice and educational supervision. This module is recommended for all as an introductory module or to refresh existing knowledge
  • Module 2, Enhanced Skills: A deeper learning approach to topics relevant to practice and educational supervision, providing context for specific programmes/learner groups. This module is recommended for practice and educational supervisors involved in specific regulated pharmacy training programmes and those who wish to develop their skills further
  • The development of an ‘Advanced Skills’ module will be determined upon the workforce need.

Each module takes approximately 2 hours to complete and covers a range of topics with increasing complexity. Learners are asked formative questions to enable interaction and test their knowledge.

To learn more, please visit the pharmacy practice and educational supervision training programme page.

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 40

Posted on: August 10th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Key Messages and links to 5 August 2021

Welcome to Health Education England’s regular stakeholder bulletin. In this bulletin we will provide:

  • Latest messages from our Chief Executive
  • COVID-19 latest updates
  • Overview of HEE education and training news

Weekly messages from HEE

Read recent messages from Dr Navina Evans, Chief Executive, HEE:

Navina welcomes Amanda

Read Navina’s welcome message to Amanda Pritchard, NHS England’s new Chief Executive.

HEE COVID-19 latest updates

We have created a COVID-19 update webpage that provides guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 surge guidance.

To keep up to date with plans for medical training recovery, visit HEE COVID-19 webpages.

For the NHS to have consultants and GPs tomorrow, we must train them today

Read Prof Sheona MacLeod’s latest update on the recovery of training. HEE’s Deputy Medical Director discusses the ever-growing number of solutions educators are finding to support training recovery, which we have made available on the HEE website here.

Students encouraged to have both COVID jabs this summer

HEE is encouraging all health and care students and learners and those starting programmes in September, to ensure they have had both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine unless they are medically exempt.

Professor Mark Radford, HEE’s Chief Nurse, is leading HEE’s drive to encourage student vaccinations which will protect them, their families and those patients they may be caring for and enable them to take part in their clinical learning placements. This follows government guidance advising that those working in social care must be fully vaccinated and a number of NHS trusts are now requiring this from all patient-facing health and care staff. Read the full update here.

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients:


HEE responds to GMC survey with support for doctors in training
The General Medical Council (GMC) has published its National Training Survey 2021 which provides comprehensive data and insight into learning opportunities and training progression for doctors in training; their workloads and workplace experiences; and how training has adapted to the pandemic. Over 63,000 doctors took part in this year’s survey which gathers data for all of the UK.

The survey gives doctors in training a platform to be frank and open about their experiences. HEE will be working with the GMC, and our other partners, to review this valuable feedback and see where we can act to improve training further. Read the full update here.

Rise in doctors from BME backgrounds working in the NHS welcomed
HEE has welcomed the findings of the Medical Workforce Race Equality Standard (MWRES) 2020 report the first of its kind to explore race equality among England’s doctors.

The report has found that last year more than 53,000 doctors working in the NHS were from a black and minority ethnic (BME) background, up by more than 9,000, a rise of around one-fifth, since 2017. It also highlighted that BME doctors currently remain underrepresented in senior positions, including at consultant grade roles and in academic positions.

HEE provides OUP medical and nursing handbooks
Newly qualified doctors and junior doctors can tap into two invaluable resources as begin their transition during August rotation. Clinicians can get online access to 130 medical handbooks published by Oxford University Press (OUP) as well as Oxford Handbooks in Nursing and the ‘Emergencies In…’ series along with several key textbooks including the Oxford Textbook of Medicine.

Funded by HEE’s national NHS Knowledge and Library Services means the resource is free to the NHS in England and can be accessed 24/7 via the HEE/OUP site using their NHS OpenAthens account. To find out more, email us at


New research on perceptions of the postgraduate route into nursing
Research providing insights into the postgraduate pre-registration route to a nursing degree, including how to better engage with potential applicants and raise the profile of this route, has been published by HEE.

The research takes an in-depth look at a range of issues including the motivations for applying to postgraduate preregistration nursing programmes, potential barriers to applying and how these programmes can be effectively promoted at both a national and local level. The research also highlights the impact that the current pandemic has had for some in considering changing career, in part because of the value that health and social care have to society at this time.

Meet the nursing associates animation

Nursing associates bridge the gap between healthcare support workers and registered nurses to deliver hands-on, person-centred care as part of the nursing team. They work with people of all ages in a variety of settings in health and social care.

Our new animation showcases the role of nursing associates across different settings giving practical examples of the duties being carried out and the benefits they bring to employers. These benefits include improved service delivery and patient care, improved staff retention through career progression and contribution to widening participation.

Watch our new animation to find out more.

Allied health professions

AHP strategic workforce plan

The pre-pandemic NHS People Plan workforce planning illustrated that a minimum of 27,000 additional Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) will be needed by 2024 to meet future AHP workforce demand. This requires specific attention to AHP workforce planning at system level. HEE has received funding as part of a one-year Comprehensive Spending Review settlement to support and build AHP workforce supply across the health systems.

To support senior AHP leadership of this work within provider trusts, system and region we have written to provider trusts to offer a modest non-recurrent funding allocation in 2021/22 to build their organisation’s part of an AHP strategic workforce plan (including the support workforce) and to establish initiatives within the organisation to support workforce priorities across the 14 Allied Health Professions and to work with systems through the AHP Councils to build system thinking. The intended legacy of this investment is to provide organisations, systems and regions with dedicated insight into 14 AHP specific workforce issues and solutions.

AHPs represent the third largest workforce in the NHS, and include 14 distinct occupations including; art therapists, dietitians, dramatherapists, music therapists, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, osteopaths, paramedics, physiotherapists, podiatrists, prosthetists and orthotists, diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers, speech and language therapists.

For support or more information about AHPs please contact:



Laura Leadsford

South East

Rebecca Tyrell


South West
East of England

Sara Ennew


North West
North East, Yorkshire and Humber


Mental health

New multi-disciplinary mental health framework – Children and Young People Mental Health Inpatient Competence Framework

The Children and Young People (CYP) Mental Health Inpatient Competence Framework outlines the core competencies required for all staff working in CYP MH inpatients services. It provides a standardised, evidence-based, and compassionate approach to support the workforce to provide high-quality care for children, young people, and their families.

The project has been developed based upon extensive involvement and consultation with experts by experience, parents, carers, and families.

The NHSE/I Quality Taskforce worked with HEE to commission the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health working in partnership with UCL to deliver this project.

Please share this framework widely with your children and young people’s mental health networks. In the upcoming months, we will support further discussions to inform high-quality practice using this framework.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please email or visit HEE CYP Mental Health webpages.

Workforce and education initiatives

Publication of the future of work experience discovery report

Work experience provides unique insights into NHS careers – the interactions, schedules, emotions, sensations and outcomes associated with the jobs on offer. The report recommends ways in which health and care provider organisations can use work experience to help achieve their recruitment objectives whilst making work experience opportunities more visible and the process of obtaining them easier and more equitable.

The recommended options outlined in the report are ambitious, including the development of a national work experience digital platform and service similar to NHS jobs. HEE will publish its official response to The Future of Healthcare Work Experience Discovery Report in the autumn. To read the report, go to


By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies