March 2025 - elearning for healthcare
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Archive for March, 2025

Putting care first: Transforming statutory and mandatory training

Posted on: March 6th, 2025 by Emma No Comments

We’re transforming how the NHS approaches statutory and mandatory training to create a better experience for everyone. Our ambition is to make training simpler, smarter and more streamlined across the entire NHS.

This is part of our wider programme to optimise, rationalise and redesign statutory and mandatory training to:

  • make moving between NHS roles smoother
  • reduce repeated training requirements
  • cut down on duplicate form filling
  • streamline employment checks
  • enable greater workforce mobility across the NHS

As part of the optimise phase of this programme we are launching improved versions of the elearning sessions.

The following five statutory and mandatory sessions have been reviewed and updated with newly appointed NHSE National Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

  • Data security awareness
  • Equality, diversity and human rights
  • Fire safety
  • Safeguarding adults level 1
  • Safeguarding adults level 2

The NHSE National SMEs have:

  • checked sessions are aligned to the current Core Skills Training Framework (England) v1.1
  • included relevant information on latest guidance and NHSE policies
  • reviewed and reduced, where appropriate, the number of assessment questions

The sessions have also all had a refreshed look and feel and have been updated against accessibility guidelines and the NHSE style guide.

The remaining sessions within the Statutory and Mandatory programme will be launched over next few months.

Staff will not be required to redo these sessions, but they will be available for people when they renew their training.

New National Induction elearning for Health and Social care

Posted on: March 6th, 2025 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

A new national induction elearning programme is now available for everyone starting a role in health and social care.

The elearning is part of a new National Induction Framework which is now available for all new joiners of health and social care.

The standardised induction delivers on the first recommendation from the Messenger review, to create an entry-level induction for all new joiners of health and social care.

The induction programme is designed to inform, guide and navigate new starters across complex organisations, sectors about how they deliver joined up services. The content can be used across all types of NHS and social care employers. There are helpful guides and templates for recruiting managers to support new joiners.

The elearning programme has been designed with over 2,000 staff and people who access care and support from across health and social care. It includes videos from people working in different roles across health and social care to show career opportunities.

Whilst the induction modules are not mandatory, health and social care organisations are encouraged to make access and participation readily available to all colleagues when a job offer is made

Find out more: National induction for health and social care – elearning for healthcare

National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) elearning

Posted on: March 6th, 2025 by Talisa Saini No Comments

The National Breast Imaging Academy, and NHSE TEL elearning for healthcare collaborate to offer easy to access elearning to support workforce issues threatening the delivery of breast imaging services across the country.

Rolling out over 2025, four new elearning sessions will be available on a range of topics. The first being breast care for transgender and gender-diverse people.

This new elearning session is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a safe and affirming environment for transgender and gender-diverse people. Within the session, participants learn about the importance of understanding gender identity and gender affirmation, navigating NHS gender-affirmation pathways, and the specifics of gender-affirming surgery such as mastectomy and feminising top surgery.

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in dismantling barriers that prevent transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals from accessing necessary medical care. Studies have shown that the TGD population experiences worse healthcare outcomes, including lower cancer survival rates, due to anticipated and experienced discrimination.

By educating healthcare professionals on the specific needs of transgender and gender-diverse people, the session aims to improve health outcomes and ensure that all individuals receive the high-quality care they deserve.

For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies