Safe Prescribing – elearning for healthcare
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

About the Safe Prescribing programme

Safe Prescribing is an elearning course developed to support doctors throughout their Foundation training to become expert prescribers.

The content reflects the core curriculum for principles of safe prescribing. It has been designed to raise awareness of aspects of prescribing which are prone to error and to give doctors basic information about how to write safe prescriptions.

More information

The sessions of elearning within Safe Prescribing cover the following subjects:

  • Prescription Writing
  • BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources
  • Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)
  • Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)
  • Safe Anticoagulation
  • Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment
  • Safe Prescribing of Insulin
  • Adverse Drug Events
  • Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance
  • Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)
  • Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)
  • Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)

Successful completion of all sessions will generate a certificate of prescribing competency which can be added to the trainee’s portfolio.

Executive team

  • Martin Sinclair

    Martin Sinclair

    Programme Lead, HEE elearning for healthcare
  • Ed Neville

    Edmund Neville

    Project Clinical Lead
  • Alastair Henderson

    Alastair Henderson

    Chief Executive, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
  • elfh staff - Jen Van Iwaarden

    Jen van Iwaarden

    Project Manager/Lead Learning Designer, HEE elearning for healthcare

Project team

  • Ed Neville

    Edmund Neville

    Project Clinical Lead
  • elfh staff - Jen Van Iwaarden

    Jen Van Iwaarden

    Lead Learning Designer, HEE elearning for healthcare

How to access

In order to access the Safe Prescribing programme, you will need an elfh account. If you do not have one, then you can register by selecting the Register button below.

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To view the Safe Prescribing programme, select the View button below. If you already have an account with elfh, you will also be able to login and enrol on the programme from the View button.

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NHS healthcare staff in England

The Safe Prescribing programme is also available to NHS healthcare staff via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR). Accessing this elearning via ESR means that your completions will transfer with you throughout your NHS career.

Further details are available here.

Not an NHS organisation?

If you are not an NHS health or care organisation and therefore do not qualify for free access elfh Hub, you may be able to access the service by creating an OpenAthens account.

To check whether or not you qualify for free access via OpenAthens, you can view the eligibility criteria and register on the ‘OpenAthens’ portal.

Registering large numbers of users

If you are a HR, IT or Practice Manager and would like to register and enrol large numbers of staff within your organisation for access onto the Safe Prescribing programme, please contact elfh directly.

Organisations wishing to use their own LMS

For HR departments wanting to know more about gaining access to courses using an existing Learning Management System please contact elfh directly to express interest.

More information

Please select the following link for more information on how to use the elfh Hub.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies