Since the COVID-19 vaccination programme went live, the content of the different sessions which make up this programme has been updated and amended as more information about the vaccines and the vaccine programme has become available.
For those who have already completed this elearning programme, these updates are detailed below, starting with the most recent.
23 September 2021
All sessions updated to include
- revisions following republication of the Green Book COVID-19 Chapter (16.9.21 version): notably changes to management of potential contraindications
- recommendations for booster doses
- recommendations for 3rd primary dose for those immunosuppressed at the time of their first or second vaccine
- vaccination recommendations for all 12 to 17 year olds
5 August 2021
All sessions updated to include
- revisions following republication of the Green Book COVID-19 Chapter
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
- vaccination recommendations for 12 to 17 year olds
Core session updated to include consent for children and young people
Pfizer BioNTech vaccine session revised to detail transition from use of this vaccine under Regulation 174 to use under Conditional Marketing Authorisation
8 July 2021
Pfizer BioNTech, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccine sessions all updated to include
- the latest vaccine effectiveness data
- reference to JCVI interim advice about a booster vaccination programme
- myocarditis and pericarditis reports following the Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna vaccines
- capillary leak syndrome reports following AstraZeneca vaccine
- revised advice on co-administration and giving COVID-19 vaccine when other vaccines have recently been given
- advice about mixed vaccine schedules
- JCVI advice about the recommended interval of 8 to 12 weeks between vaccine doses
- more information about vaccine induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome following AstraZeneca vaccine added and updated contraindications and precautions for this vaccine
- some minor wording changes to all sessions following recent updates to the Green Book COVID-19 chapter and new weblinks added
11 May 2021
AstraZeneca session updated to include
- updated advice from the JCVI that an alternative to the AstraZeneca vaccine should be offered to healthy adults aged under 40 years, not only to healthy adults under 30 years as previously recommended in April
21 April 2021
All sessions updated to include
- new JCVI advice on COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women
AstraZeneca session more substantially updated to include
- new advice about very rare blood clotting and unusual bleeding condition following vaccination with AstraZeneca vaccine and the subsequent new contraindications and precautions to this vaccine, including changes to age group recommendations
Some minor wording changes to all sessions following recent updates to the Green Book COVID-19 chapter and new weblinks and images added.
8 April 2021
New knowledge and assessment sessions for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine added
16 February 2021
Core Knowledge, Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca vaccine sessions all updated to include
- advice on managing allergic history and allergies after first dose
- updated information and clarification of advice on vaccination in pregnancy
as stated in revised Green Book COVID-19 chapter
29 January 2021
Pfizer BioNTech vaccine session:
- Wording revised to say 6 doses obtainable from vial in response to a change in the Information for Healthcare Professionals on Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine document
AstraZeneca vaccine session:
- Change to state multidose vial should be clearly labelled with the date and time of expiry rather than from when it was first punctured
Some minor wording changes in Core Knowledge, Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca sessions in response to user feedback or nationally published guidance.
20 January 2021
Core Knowledge session:
- Section on Long COVID added,
- Section on laboratory and pathology staff and social care staff eligibility for vaccination updated to be in line with Green Book COVID-19 chapter
- Change to wording around immunosuppression to reflect change to Green Book COVID-19 chapter about this
Pfizer BioNTech vaccine session:
- Waste disposal section updated in response to expert feedback
- Addition of ordering via Foundry system by PCN designated sites in response to request to add this from Specialist Pharmacy Service (SPS)
- Change to wording of description of appearance of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine prior to dilution following change about this in the Pfizer Reg174 HCP Information document
- Addition of link and reference to the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine healthcare professional’s training and information materials (
AstraZeneca vaccine session:
- Waste disposal section updated in response to expert feedback
- Minor wording changes to “how does the vaccine work” in response to user feedback for clarity
- Addition of ordering via Foundry system by PCN designated sites in response to request to add this from Specialist Pharmacy Service (SPS)
- Addition of link and reference to the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine healthcare professional’s training and information materials (
8 January 2021
- Advice about obtaining an additional dose from COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vials added to AstraZeneca session
- More information about recommended interval between first and second dose added to both AstraZeneca and Pfizer BioNTech sessions
- More information added to section about information to provide to recipients following vaccination in both AstraZeneca and Pfizer BioNTech sessions.
31 December 2020
- New knowledge and assessment sessions on the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine added
- Core Knowledge and Pfizer BioNTech vaccine sessions updated to include: revised advice from JCVI on pregnancy and breastfeeding, updated statement from JCVI about scheduling of vaccine doses (between 4 and 12 weeks),
- Pfizer BioNTech session updated to include: advice on obtaining a 6th dose from a vial, and allergy precautions as stated in updated Green Book COVID-19 chapter and updated Information for Healthcare Professionals on Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine document
December 2020
- Core Knowledge session updated with advice about not giving COVID-19 vaccine to pregnant or breastfeeding women after the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech) was authorised for use
- New MHRA guidance added on not giving COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 to those with a history of anaphylaxis to a vaccine, medicine or food or a previous dose of the vaccine and addition of 15 minute minimum observation period following vaccination
- Some amendments to the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 session storage and reconstitution sections following republication of updated Information for Healthcare Professionals on Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine document
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