NHS Induction Programme for International Medical Graduates – elearning for healthcare
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  • Health Education England_New logo 2021
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  • Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • British Medical Association
  • Medical Protection Society

Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates: A guide to induction for IMGs recruited to the NHS

Welcoming and Valuing Ine=ternational Medical Graduates

The National Induction programme has been designed to ensure that all international medical graduates (IMGs) recruited to the NHS are welcomed, valued, and supported as they transition to UK clinical practice.

The Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates Guidance sets out the minimum standards for effective induction and support. It explains why induction is vital for new IMGs and describes in detail what Trusts should provide in terms of a welcome and pastoral induction, professional practice induction, IT and electronic patient record systems induction, and language & communication induction. The document also includes additional information for HR departments.

Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates – A guide to induction for IMGs WEB

Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates – A guide to induction for IMGs PRINT

To accompany the guidance, an elearning session introducing the National Induction programme has been developed, together with an extensive menu of supplementary resources, all of which can be accessed via links below

elearning module: Introduction to the National Induction for IMGs

This session introduces IMGs, and their prospective employers and educators, to the content of the Induction programme. It outlines the specific areas of support and resources that will be provided to overseas-trained doctors planning to take up posts in the NHS.

The session will also feature IMGs who are currently working in the NHS describing some of the challenges they initially faced in adjusting to life in the UK and to practising in a new healthcare system. It will also include expert advice from senior consultants and educators on the support IMGs can expect as they settle into a new phase in their career.

The session has the following learning objectives:

  • recognise how a comprehensive induction for IMGs starting work in the NHS is essential for wellbeing, sense of inclusion and career and to ensure safe patient care
  • describe the information, resources and support IMGs can expect their employing Trust to offer them and their families, before and after they arrive in the UK
  • consider the range of challenges that could arise for a doctor moving into a new linguistic, cultural, and professional environment
  • reflect on personal and professional learning needs and identify ways to meet these
  • locate supplementary learning resources

Supplementary resources to support induction to professional medical practice in the UK

The Welcoming & Valuing International Medical Graduates (IMGs) guidance is supported by an extensive programme of additional resources, including elearning modules, exemplary checklists, and other relevant documents, from which IMGs, their supervisors, and NHS employers can select and supplement according to individual, speciality, and local needs.

These resources, listed below, introduce IMGs who are new to the UK to ethical, social, legal, patient-safety and professional aspects of UK clinical practice. The programme includes modules which are both interactive and generic in content and are therefore relevant to international doctors of any specialty and grade.

It is expected that this supplementary programme will act as a driver for new international doctors to engage in focused discussions with their educational supervisors, to build their individual professional development plans and to undertake additional training to address their learning needs. Not only should this enable IMGs to more quickly understand how theory is applied in practice, but it should also encourage reflective learning strategies, which may be new for those doctors used to a more didactic approach to education.

Primary and secondary audiences

  • International Medical Graduates (IMGs)
  • Educational/Clinical Supervisors
  • Postgraduate Medical Education Departments in NHS employing organisations
  • All employers and Health Education England lead employers who recruit and support newly recruited IMGs
  • HR Managers involved in recruiting IMGs
  • Medical Staffing Teams in NHS Trusts
  • Colleges/faculties/NHS organisations sponsoring IMGs under AoMRC’s MTI programme
  • HEE Deans and Associate Deans

Programme team

  • Dr Amit Gupta

    Clinical Lead, Neonatal Intensive Care, Oxford University Hospital
  • David Mendel

    Dr David Mendel

    Head of Professional Development, HEE London and South East
  • Lynne Rustecki

    Lynne Rustecki

    Education Lead, Professional Development Team, HEE London and South East
  • Mala Rao

    Professor Mala Rao OBE

    Medical Adviser, Workforce Race Equality Strategy
  • Tista Chakravaty-Gannon

    Tista Chakravarty-Gannon

    Head of Outreach Development and Support Operations and Head of Welcome to UK Practice, General Medical Council
  • Dr Andy Beckingham

    Dr Andy Beckingham

    Consultant in Public Health and Project Lead (2018 – 2020)
  • Kandy Sisya

    Ms Kandy Sisya

    Education and Research Officer, NIHR ARC NWL
  • Sujesh Bansal

    Prof. Sujesh Bansal

    Honorary Clinical Chair, MAHSC; Consultant Anaesthetist and Director of Manchester International Fellowship Programme, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Sameer Ahmed

    Dr Sameer Ahmed

    Consultant Anaesthetist and NUTH International Medical Graduate Tutor, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

HEE project team

  • andi blackmore

    Andi Blackmore

    Programme Manager, Health Education elearning for healthcare
  • Dave Beardmore

    Dave Beardmore

    Project Manager, Health Education elearning for healthcare
  • Angelina Montinaro

    Angelina Montinaro

    Lead Learning Designer, Health Education elearning for healthcare
  • Naomi Knight

    Naomi Knight

    Graphic Designer, HEE elearning for healthcare
  • Louise Garrahan

    Senior Marketing and Communications Officer, Health Education elearning for healthcare

How to access

In order to access any elfh programme, you will need an elfh account. If you do not have one, then you can register by selecting the Register button below.

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To view the NHS Induction programme for International Medical Graduates, select the View button below.  If you already have an account with elfh, you will also be able to login and enrol on the programme from the View button.

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If you already have an account with elfh, then you can enrol on to the NHS Induction programme for International Medical Graduates by logging in to the elfh Hub, selecting My Account > Enrolment and selecting the programme. You can then access the programme immediately in the My elearning section.

NHS healthcare staff in England – ESR

The NHS Induction programme for International Medical Graduates is also available to NHS healthcare staff via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR). Accessing this e-learning via ESR means that your completions will transfer with you throughout your NHS career.

Further details are available here.

Not an NHS organisation?

If you are not an NHS health or care organisation and therefore do not qualify for free access elfh Hub, you may be able to access the service by creating an OpenAthens account.

To check whether or not you qualify for free access via OpenAthens, you can view the eligibility criteria and register on the ‘OpenAthens’ portal.

Registering large numbers of users

If you are a HR, IT or Practice Manager and would like to register and enrol large numbers of staff within your organisation for access onto the NHS Induction programme for International Medical Graduates, please contact elfh directly.

Organisations wishing to use their own LMS

For HR departments wanting to know more about gaining access to courses using an existing Learning Management System please contact elfh directly to express interest.

More information

Please select the following link for more information on how to use the elfh Hub.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies