Telephone assessment for colorectal STT – elearning for healthcare
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • North Central and East London Cancer Alliance
  • Health Education England_New logo 2021
  • British Society of Gastroenterology
  • The Associationof Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
  • JAG
  • GIN
  • Royal College of Nursing

Available on the Learning Hub

This programme has moved to the NHS Learning Hub. We recommend you read the information on this webpage to find out more about the programme before you access the learning (

More information about the Learning Hub and the migration of elfh programmes can be found here.

About the Colorectal Cancer programme

The NHS England Rapid cancer diagnostic and assessment pathways guidance features nurse-led assessment as a core element of the colorectal cancer straight-to-test (STT) pathway.  This assessment can be carried out via a telephone consultation, and this training package prepares nurses to undertake this role.

The training package consists of:

  • Local clinician-led training elements and a tool to support assessment of directly observed practice
  • A competency framework and logbook to enable learners to record competencies and achieve sign-off to undertake telephone assessment for colorectal STT pathways

This training is suitable for experienced colorectal nurses or endoscopists who will be undertaking telephone assessment for colorectal cancer STT pathways, as part of their clinical role.  Clinical supervision for learners will be provided by the service in which learners are being assessed to practise.

More information

The elearning programme consists of six modules:

1) Introduction to telephone assessment and the STT pathway

2) Assessment: Symptoms

3) Assessment: Co-morbidities and functional status

4) Consent

5) Undertaking the telephone assessment

6) Wrap up – Completing this Course

At the end of each module there is a short assessment that has to be passed before the module can be completed.  Alongside the modules there is also a logbook that needs to be completed.  The logbook contains a list of competencies that the learner must achieve. Once these and the modules are signed off the learner will be classed as passing the programme. Further information about who can sign the learner off is contained in the Guidance and Competency logbook.


Meet the team

  • Jonathan Guy, Project Manager, HEE elfh Programme
  • Victoria Ward, Lead Learning Designer, HEE elfh Programme
  • Tracy Watkins, Lead Learning Designer, HEE elfh Programme
  • Rashmi Chavda, Graphic Designer, HEE elfh Programme
  • Alice Denham, Lead Learning Designer, HEE elfh Programme
  • Andy Dowden, Website Design, HEE elfh Programme
  • Alex Drinkall, HEE elfh Stakeholder Manager
  • Neha Baj, elfh Content Development Lead, HEE elfh Programme
  • Charlotte Teager, HEE Programme Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
  • Neil Ralph, HEE National Programme Lead, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
  • Martin Sinclair, Programme Lead, HEE elfh Programme


  • Harriet Watson, Consultant Nurse/Clinical Endoscopist
  • Edward Seward, Director of Endoscopy
  • Jon Fawkes, Clinical Endoscopist
  • Charles Mendoza, Clinical Endoscopist
  • Lindsay Steward, Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Phillip Andrews, STT Triage Nurse
  • Edna Mangsat, Clinical Endoscopist
  • Helen Gibbs, Gastroenterology Nurse Specialist, Royal Derby Hospital
  • Evonne Jones-Morris, Clinical Endoscopist, Oxford University Hospitals
  • Sara Santos, Clinical Endoscopist
  • Alison Ward, Clinical Endoscopist

With thanks to

  • Adam Haycock, Consultant Gastroenterologist, St Mark’s Hospital
  • Philip Walton, Clinical Endoscopist, Countess of Chester Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust
  • Aaron Grove, Clinical Endoscopist, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust Trust
  • Chapala Dey, Clinical Endoscopist, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

How to access

To access this elfh programme, you will require a Learning Hub account. If you do not have one, then you can register by selecting the Register button below. Note that if you hold a full elfh account, you can sign into the Learning Hub using your existing login credentials.


To view the Telephone assessment for colorectal STT programme, select the View button below. If you already have a Learning Hub account, you will also be able to login and access the resources within the programme.


NHS healthcare staff in England – ESR

The Telephone assessment for colorectal ST programme is also available to NHS healthcare staff via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR). Accessing this e-learning via ESR means that your completions will transfer with you throughout your NHS career.
Further details are available here.

Not an NHS organisation?

If you are not an NHS health or care organisation and therefore do not qualify for free access to the Learning Hub, you may be able to access the service if you have an existing OpenAthens account. Please go to Learning Hub and sign in with your existing credentials.

If you do not have an existing OpenAthens account, please contact elfh directly to check whether you may be eligible for access.

Registering large numbers of users

If you are a HR, IT or Practice Manager and would like to register and enrol large numbers of staff within your organisation for access onto the Telephone assessment for colorectal ST programme, please contact elfh directly.

Organisations wishing to use their own LMS

For HR departments wanting to know more about gaining access to courses using an existing Learning Management System please contact elfh directly to express interest.

More information

Please select the following link for more information on how to use the Learning Hub

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies