HEE elearning for healthcare’s (elfh) COVID-19 elearning programme is free to access, with no requirement to log in, for the entire UK health and care workforce, including the NHS, independent sector and social care.
The HEE elfh COVID-19 elearning programme continues to be well used by health and care professionals responding to the pandemic. The programme has been live since mid-March and it has now been launched more than 960,000 times.
The COVID-19 programme now includes:
- Essential Guidance from the NHS, UK Government, WHO and BMJ
- Public Health England – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Minimum Requirements for Staff Returning to the NHS
- Critical Care and Ward-Based Equipment Guides
- Resources for Staff Working in Critical Care Setting
- Resources for Staff Working in Acute Hospital Setting
- Resources for Staff Working in Primary Care and Community Setting
- Resources for Staff Working in a Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Setting
- Resources for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs Returning to work, being Redeployed or Up-Skilled
- Resources to support staff with difficult conversations and end of life care
- Resources for Specific Professions, Support Workers and Volunteers
- Staff Wellbeing and Resilience during COVID-19
Daily content updates
4 May: Session launches for the COVID-19 elearning programme have now passed the 925,000 mark. We are starting to look at the usage statistics from different professional groups as the early part of the evaluation work on the programme.
Six of the headline metrics on session launches are:
- Students – 181,738
- Nursing and midwifery – 168,880
- Medical – 147,732
- AHPs – 63,109
- Social care – 44,701
- Public health – 3,417
New content is still being added to the programme and we now have a new learning path called “Resources for Cabin Crew Supporting Delivery of Direct Patient Care”. This content is for redeployed cabin crew providing direct patient care supporting nursing and healthcare assistant staff. The resource can be accessed here.
For more information about the programme including a drop down list of resources available by role select here.
7 May: There have been more than 960,000 session launches on the elfh COVID-19 elearning programme.
A new learning path for health and care staff working in a care home setting has recently been added. The resources can be accessed here.
New resources for radiographers have also been added to the programme. The content includes minimising risk using PPE and infection control, how to safely use mobile equipment and optimising image quality. The resources can be accessed here.
For more information about the programme select here.
Learning Hub update
Health Education England’s (HEE) Technology Enhanced Learning team will be releasing the Learning Hub, with core functionality, at the end of May 2020. The Learning Hub is being released to support the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response by enabling the health and care workforce to share and access resources during the pandemic.
The Learning Hub will be a new digital platform that will provide easy access to a wide range of resources that are pertinent to education and training in health and care. Users will be able to contribute digital resources (including video, audio, images, documents, web links, articles etc) and search and access the variety of learning resources that will have been contributed by stakeholders and the health and care workforce to support system readiness and recovery from the pandemic. New features will frequently be released in line with the original plan for the functionality of the Learning Hub in its Beta phase.
The Learning Hub will add to HEE’s existing suite of platforms and complements the major role the elearning for healthcare Hub is playing as part of the COVID-19 response.
If you would like to know more about this release of the Learning Hub follow @HEE_TEL on Twitter, read the blog and look out for regular updates over the next few weeks.
HEE update
HEE is producing a weekly bulletin with updates about its work as part of the COVID-19 response. This week’s issue can be accessed here.
For more information and to access the HEE elfh COVID-19 programme visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/coronavirus/.