A national online induction programme for doctors in training will become available later this month.
The Doctors in Training Induction Programme incorporates key relevant clinical topics which support doctors in training with the additional competencies needed as part of their induction to provide high quality patient care. The programme format involves three ‘patient journey’ scenarios each with an assessment.
The programme has been developed by Health Education England after consultation and input from experts including Foundation Doctors, Foundation School Directors and Clinical Leads, which shaped the structure and themes of the scenarios.
These scenarios focus on practical and professional skills as doctors in training enter the wards. The accuracy of the stories is enforced by using real staff and locations within the films and the stories were regularly checked throughout production, for plausibility and against learning objectives, with subject matter experts and doctors in training.
The programme team believe that using the stories in the settings the doctors in training will be working in is an effective way to share and embed the induction content with the learners.
The scenarios will cover the following topics:
- Blood Transfusion and Consent
- Safe Prescribing and Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
- Mental Capacity Act & Death Certification.
The new induction elearning programme will be available from the end of June 2018, via the elearning for healthcare Hub, the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and some local Learning Management Systems via AICC links.
The new induction resource will be able to be used in conjunction with the existing statutory and mandatory programme. For more information on this programme please visit: https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/statutory-and-mandatory-training/.
For more information about the programme please email tel@hee.nhs.uk.