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New sessions added to the Caldicott Guardian elearning programme

Posted on: April 8th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the National Data Guardian for health and social care and the UK Caldicott Guardian Council to develop 2 new sessions within The Role of the Caldicott Guardian elearning programme.

The purpose of the programme is to provide learners with a better understanding of the role of the Caldicott Guardian within the health and care workforce, and to provide those undertaking the Caldicott Guardian role with clarity around their responsibilities and the help available to them within this role.

The 1st new session is aimed at new or existing Caldicott Guardians. It provides a starting point for the newly appointed Caldicott Guardian and is an aide memoire for the more experienced. The learning explains how the role fits into the wider information governance assurance framework and will help Caldicott Guardians arrive at lawful and practical decisions regarding the protection and sharing of patient and service user information. It also looks at what sources of support and resources are available to support them in their role.

The 2nd session is aimed at members of senior leadership teams who may need to appoint, work alongside, or otherwise support a Caldicott Guardian. It explains the importance of the role, including how their work represents the best interests of patients and service users, and how Caldicott Guardians can impact the decision-making processes of the organisation.

The new resources complement 1 existing session which is aimed at the general health and social care workforce and is intended to improve people’s awareness of the importance of Caldicott Guardians and confidentiality in health and care.

For more information and to access the sessions, please visit The Role of the Caldicott Guardian programme page.

Assessments for On-call Pharmacists elearning programme now available

Posted on: April 7th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with HEE London and South East (HEE LaSE) Pharmacy Team to develop an elearning programme for pharmacy colleagues.

Assessments for On-call Pharmacists aims to provide trainee pharmacists and early career pharmacists with an insight into the variety of different clinical scenarios that may be encountered out of normal working hours. These include questions on how to manage drug-drug interactions, which resources to refer to, and how to prioritise queries. Examples include how to best manage a request from a nurse asking to borrow clozapine from another patient or deciding on the correct dosage of medication for an unwell patient with a renal transplant admitted to the intensive care unit.

These assessments should be considered a supplementary resource alongside existing local induction and training for on-call pharmacists. The core e-assessment must be completed to obtain a certificate and includes various clinical topics that will be seen during early careers.

On completion of the programmes, which takes approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete, learners are expected to understand the different clinical resources available and how to use them to do the assessments.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Assessments for On-call Pharmacists programme page.

New Information Sharing elearning programme now available

Posted on: April 5th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the NHS Transformation Directorate to develop a new elearning programme to help colleagues better understand the principles of sharing information.

Health and social care professionals have a legal duty to share information to support individual care. It helps them to make informed decisions, ensures that people receive safe care, enables the smooth transition of people between different care settings and enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the service.

The Information Sharing programme is aimed at frontline and admin health and care staff and their supervisors who have responsibility for managing and/or sharing personal information.

The resource will help learners to understand the principles behind information sharing, show them how to apply the principles in practice and build confidence in using and sharing information.

The programme features 1 session which takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

At the end of the session learners will be able to explain the key principles to consider when deciding whether to share information and identify the circumstances in which staff should seek further advice.

For more information and to access the programme, please visit the Information Sharing programme page.

New Internal Medicine Training programme now available

Posted on: March 31st, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning programme has been developed for internal medicine training (IMT) trainees and trainers by Health Education England (HEE), elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), the Severn Deanery and the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board.

The programme includes new sessions on delivering outpatient care and outpatient training, applicable to many training programmes, but primarily aimed at internal medicine trainers and trainees. The sessions comprise the following topics:

For trainees:

  • Managing patients in an outpatient clinic
  • Resources for evidencing internal medicine training (IMT) capabilities in practice (CiPs)
  • Procedural skills video resources from the NHS Lothian Mastery Skills Pathway

For trainers:

  • An introduction to Internal Medicine Training
  • How to optimise outpatient training

Within the ‘Managing patients in an outpatient clinic’ session trainees will learn about the delivery of high quality outpatient care, meeting the curricular requirements in this field, and adapting their skills for virtual clinics. A trainer’s session on ‘How to optimise outpatient training’ will support the development of skilled educators in delivering learning in an outpatient clinic environment.

For IMT trainees there is also a newly developed list of available resources within the programme relevant to the IMT CiPs, alongside links to the procedural skills videos created by the NHS Lothian Mastery Skills Pathway.

information and to access the new resources, please visit the Internal Medicine Training programme page.

New Clinical Trials elearning session now available

Posted on: March 31st, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new session on clinical trials has been developed for the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products elearning programme.

Developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with a range of health organisations including the Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre Network and London Advanced Therapies this new session will enable learners to understand key aspects of conducting clinical trials with advanced therapy investigational medicinal products (ATIMPs).

ATIMPs are medicines for human use which are based on genes, tissues or cells that offer ground-breaking new opportunities for the treatment of disease and injury but have not yet received regulatory approval. This new session is designed to provide learners with a refresher of standard clinical trial practices and explains the additional features which impact on the design of trials for ATIMPs.

The new session, which takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, comprises the following topics:

  • a general refresher of clinical trial practices
  • an overview of the complexities of working with ATIMPs
  • additional features which impact on the design of trials for ATIMPs
  • specific steps required to initiate trials in ATIMPs

It is primarily aimed at healthcare professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, doctors, who are, or will be, engaged in clinical research with ATIMPs and want to further their understanding of the specifics of undertaking clinical trials with these advanced therapies.

For more information and to access the Clinical Trials resource, please visit the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products programme page.

New adult safeguarding programme now available

Posted on: March 29th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with NHS England and Improvement to develop a new elearning programme on adult safeguarding.

The Adult Safeguarding in a Secure and Detained Setting programme focuses on adult safeguarding and the roles and responsibilities of those working in these settings across England. It has been developed for a multi-agency audience including prison officers to enable better collaboration between teams and create a culture of safety by embedding safeguarding into everything the prison does.

The learning includes scenarios based in a prison setting, with attention to areas such as elderly care, self-harm and suicide, food refusal, and people with neuro-disability issues. By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

  • define what constitutes safeguarding and at risk within a secure estate setting
  • describe the at-risk factors and how they can impact adults retained within secure estate settings
  • describe the potential impact of risk factors
  • identify the statutory duties that underpin the support of adults at risk

It is envisaged that further case study-based learning within this programme will become available during 2022. Learners are encouraged to provide feedback via the session evaluation if they feel there are particular areas within adult safeguarding in a secure and detained setting, that would be useful to their practice.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Adult Safeguarding in a Secure and Detained Setting programme page.

New dementia diagnosis elearning programme now available

Posted on: March 23rd, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning programme to support personalised assessment and diagnosis of dementia is now available on Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare Hub.

Assessment and Diagnosis of Dementia: A personalised approach has been developed to support colleagues involved in assessment and diagnosis of dementia to deliver a flexible, person centred service.

The course has been developed in partnership with NHS England and Improvement’s Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health Policy team. 20 sessions within the course cover a range of topics including cognitive assessment, consent and coercion and post diagnosis assessment.

It takes the learner through the process of delivering safe, personalised assessments. This includes face-to-face, telephone and video methods and it identifies good practice at each stage.

At the end of the programme, which takes approximately 15 hours to complete, learners will be able to:

  • identify the appropriate mode of communication for the individual client
  • identify the most appropriate cognitive assessment for the individual client
  • describe the practical considerations for the different modes of assessment

The resource has received support from Professor Alistair Burns, National Clinical Director for Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health at NHS England and NHS Improvement.

He said: “This resource has been developed by a multidisciplinary project team with input from people living with dementia and their families. It is a fantastic resource to support memory clinic teams to deliver a blended service model, providing reliable and safe assessments and diagnoses in a way that is personalised to everyone.”

For more information and to access the module, please visit the Remote Assessment and Diagnosis of Dementia: A personalised approach programme page.

New session on Healthy Ageing added to All Our Health programme

Posted on: March 16th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) to develop a new elearning session for the All Our Health programme.

Healthy Ageing is aimed at frontline health and care professionals to help them use their trusted relationships with patients, families and communities to promote the benefits of healthy ageing.

This session has been developed in response to the UK’s steadily ageing population.  People are living longer but they are not always living in good health. The average healthy life expectancy differs considerably from region to region with too many people, particularly in the most deprived areas of England, spending a large proportion of their later life in poor health or managing multiple long-term conditions which could be prevented, or the impact lessened, through action on behavioural risk factors, community interventions, such as building social connections, and wider determinants including employment, housing and transport.

To help address this widening gap in life expectancy, the Healthy Ageing session provides advice and information to help all health and care professionals:

  • understand specific activities and interventions that can support healthy ageing and provide holistic care
  • think about the resources and services available in your area that can help people to be happy, healthy and active into later life

The session also signposts learners to other sources of useful information within the NHS, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and The British Geriatrics Society. It complements the 26 existing sessions within the All Our Health programme which covers a range of public health topics including dementia, falls and fractures and physical activity. All Our Health also features 5 interactive townscape sessions where learners can click on various buildings, such as the GP surgery and school, to access support on topics such as breastfeeding and childhood obesity.

For more information and to access the Healthy Ageing session, please visit the All Our Health programme page.

New session on diagnosing Mycoplasma genitalium added to Sexual Health and HIV programme

Posted on: March 16th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASSHH), the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh to develop a new elearning session for the Sexual Health and HIV programme.

The resource – Diagnosing Mycoplasma Genitalium – is aimed at doctors and nurses specialising in sexually transmitted infections and non-specialists who are completing specific additional training in this area. The session focuses on the use of tests to diagnose this increasingly recognised sexually transmitted infection.

On completion of the resource, which takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, learners will be able to explain the epidemiology of Mycoplasma genitalium and know when and how to test for it.

The Sexual Health and HIV programme features more than 140 resources which have been widely used by more than 27,000 colleagues. It provides the knowledge framework for healthcare professionals treating and supporting people with sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and related conditions.

For more information and to access the new session, please visit the Sexual Health and HIV programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies