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New Patient Group Directions elearning programme now available

Posted on: January 18th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service (SPS) and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) to develop a new elearning programme about patient group directions (PGDs).

PGDs provide a legal framework that allows some registered health professionals to supply and/or administer specified medicines to a pre-defined group of patients, without them having to see a prescriber, such as a doctor or nurse prescriber.

This elearning programme supports healthcare professionals and organisations who are considering the need for, developing, authorising and using PGDs to deliver healthcare services in line with legislation and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) medicines practice guideline (MPG2).

It outlines the legislation and guidance supporting appropriate and legal PGD use. It also considers when PGDs should not be used and which other legal mechanisms would be more appropriate.

The programme is divided into sections which cover a different aspect of PGD use and development. Learners are also signposted to a wealth of resources, including the SPS website which contains supporting guidance, answers to frequently asked questions and relevant national guidance.

On completion of the programme learners should be able to:

  • determine when PGD use is legal and appropriate; and identify when alternative legal mechanism should be considered
  • use current legislation and guidelines to develop and implement appropriate PGDs to ensure timely access to safe and effective care
  • apply the appropriate competency frameworks and governance arrangements within their professional responsibility to use, develop, authorise, review or update a PGD
  • access online resources to support the use, development and authorisation of PGDs

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Patient Group Directions programme page.

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 50

Posted on: January 14th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Key Messages and links to 7 January 2022

Welcome to Health Education England’s regular stakeholder bulletin. In this bulletin we will provide:

  • Chief Executive updates
  • COVID-19 latest updates
  • Overview of HEE education and training news
  • An update from your regional office

Chief Executive updates

New Year message from Dr Navina Evans
We enter 2022 with the NHS facing unprecedented demand. It truly is a winter like no other. The past two years have taken, and continue to have, an inevitable strain on our NHS people and our health and care learners across all professions, whose training and education is a key part of NHS service delivery and frontline patient care every single day.

The pandemic has had a huge impact on us all both personally and professionally. Our learners have been at the forefront of the NHS COVID response with doctors in training and placement student nurses, midwives, AHPs and healthcare scientists, caring for patients whilst doing everything they can to keep their training and education on track to ensure they can continue to progress with their careers safely and enter the workforce on time to safeguard supply.

Our health and care learners, educators and partners in training and education delivery should be incredibly proud of their personal and collective contributions. Vince Lombardi, the former American football coach, said, ‘The measure of who we are, is what we do with what we have,’ and he was right. I can only continue to repeat our gratitude for all that you do. Read more on the HEE website.

HEE COVID-19 latest updates

We have created a COVID-19 update webpage that provides guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 surge guidance.

To keep up to date with plans for medical training recovery, visit HEE COVID-19 webpages.

COVID Vaccination

Health Education England (HEE) is encouraging all health and care trainees, students and learners, to ensure they have had both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine unless they are medically exempt.

The recent amendments to The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (“the 2014 Regulations”) require all colleagues over 18, who have direct, face to face contact with service users to evidence that they have received a complete course of an approved COVID-19 vaccine, subject to limited exceptions, by no later than 1 April 2022.
This means that all students on placements in any CQC regulated service will need to be fully vaccinated by 1 April 2022. In practical terms this means all those who have yet to be fully vaccinated and who are not exempt will need to have their first vaccination by 3 February 2022 in order to receive their second dose by 31 March 2022.
Please see below for key dates:

  • 6 January – Regulations made. Start of 12-week grace period
  • 3 February – 8 weeks before regulations are enforced (and the period required between the first and second vaccination dose).
  • 1 April – Regulations enforced. All staff in scope must be fully vaccinated or have secured a medical exemption.

HEE is working with the Council of Deans for Health and others to develop a set of FAQs to support students and universities over the coming weeks.

Book your coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients:

Multi-Disciplinary Updates

A new e-Portfolio for Advanced Practitioners launched

A supported e-Portfolio route for advanced practitioners has been launched to enable the education and training of Advanced Practitioners. It has been recognised by the Centre for Advancing Practice and will help individuals working in advanced practice roles to be supported in evidencing their advanced clinical practice. It will also give practitioners the opportunity to identify any gaps in their learning and to potentially be offered further learning opportunities to help close these gaps.  Read more on the HEE advancing practice website.


Less than Full Time (LTFT) training webinars

A series of three webinars are being held in mid-January for doctors in training who may be interested in the option of Less than Full Time training. The webinars will provide an introduction to LTFT training, discuss the trainee perspective of the LTFT experience and give the opportunity to ask questions. Recent research has shown that Less than Full Time training can impact very positively on trainees; for example 78% of trainees reported a positive impact on their sense of work/life balance.

The three webinars will be broadly the same presentations, but will feature different speakers and are at different times of the day to enable as many trainees as possible to watch. We are taking questions in advance of the webinars, as well as live Q&As during the events.

Mental health

Psychological Professions Workforce Plan for England

HEE has published the Psychological Professions Workforce Plan for England. The plan aims to support local systems to meet the requirement to deliver growth in the psychological professions workforce by over 60 per cent and make use of the diverse roles available to deliver services, as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.

HEE and NHS England and Improvement are now working with partners across health and care systems locally, regionally and nationally to make this a reality and this plan will facilitate the required actions by all stakeholders. For more information and to view the plan click here.

Workforce and education initiatives

Healthcare evidence and knowledge now a simple search away

The new, HEE funded, NHS Knowledge and Library Hub, is a ‘one-stop’ gateway which, for the first time nationally, connects NHS staff and learners seamlessly to a significant range of free, high-quality knowledge and evidence resources, services, tools and databases, all in one place.

Content of the easy-to-use platform includes over 7,000 journals, e-books – including OUP handbooks, clinical decision support tools – such as BMJ Best Practice, NICE pathways and guidelines and clinical and medical databases.

Accessed via OpenAthens, users will be able to tap into the same system wherever their career takes them.  Start your search or learn more through our short user guides. Updates will be posted on our new Twitter channel – follow us @NHSKFH

Building appropriate confidence in AI to enable safe and ethical adoption

Join the second in our Digital, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Technologies in Education (DART-Ed) webinar series looking at how safe, effective and ethical adoption of AI technology in healthcare relies on clinician confidence, and how this can be built. The session takes place on 1 Feb 2022. You can sign up for a place and view a recording of the previous webinar on our website.

elearning for healthcare

Keep up to date with all the latest additions to the elfh platform here.


By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

TEL News December 2021

Posted on: December 23rd, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

This month’s edition includes details of new VR resources from SuppoRTT plus new elearning programmes including Step to Work and Enhanced Paediatric Nursing Skills for Surge (EPNS4Surge).

Read the full issue of December’s TEL News.

Read December’s TEL News >

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New programme to support children and young people with respiratory conditions now available

Posted on: December 16th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT), The University of Bradford and The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership to develop a new integrated learning programme to support enhanced nursing care for children and young people (CYP) with specific respiratory conditions.

Enhanced Paediatric Nursing Skills for Surge (EPNS4Surge) will provide nursing staff with the knowledge and skills to enhance the delivery of care for CYP with bronchiolitis, croup, asthma and viral induced wheeze. There is also an emphasis on how sepsis may mimic or present alongside these common conditions.

This programme provides specific training to ensure CYP are cared for safely through the development of new workflows, including enhanced nurse triage, nurse-led discharge and hospital at home care.

During winter months, hospitals often experience a ‘surge’ in the number of respiratory admissions to paediatrics causing pressures on the finite number of inpatient beds. This training can be an integral part of ‘surge planning’ in combination with staff support and team development to release capacity.

The programme is freely available to all NHS staff and can be accessed by visiting the EPNS4Surge programme page.

New sessions added to Clinical Imaging and Saving Babies’ Lives elearning programmes

Posted on: December 2nd, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the College of Radiographers and the HEE maternity team to develop 3 new sessions for the Clinical Imaging and Saving Babies’ Lives programmes.

The sessions, aimed at sonographers, introduce and explain the ultrasound components of the Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle Version 2.

Each elearning resource takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and comprise the following topics:

  • Introduction – explores fetal growth restriction and associated risks. It provides an overview of how to evaluate fetal biometry and interpret estimated fetal weight charts.
  • Uterine Artery Doppler Assessment – describes the technique for assessing uterine arteries using Doppler. It also demonstrates how to interpret and report resultant waveforms and graphs.
  • Cervical Length Assessment – demonstrates appropriate equipment settings to optimise the image and technique to acquire accurate images and how to measure and report cervical length.

A 4th session, Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler, will be available soon.

The sessions have been written by subject matter experts Trish Chudleigh, Ellen Dyer and Sonia Cumming. Gill Harrison, Professional Office for Ultrasound at the College of Radiographers has edited the sessions.

To access the new resources, please visit the sessions within the Clinical Imaging programme.

Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare elearning sessions now updated

Posted on: December 2nd, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for Healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) to update 2 existing sessions in the Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare elearning programme.

The programme launched in September 2020 with 30 new sessions covering a host of topics including anatomy, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and early pregnancy.

Each resource is aimed at a range of healthcare professionals, particularly those working in nursing and midwifery, to help them gain the necessary knowledge to successfully support patients with their sexual reproductive needs.

Sessions 17 and 18 have now been renamed 14 and 15 with new content added, as detailed below. The sessions are required for taking FSRH’s Letter of Competence (LoC) qualifications:

  • Session 14: Additional Training in Subdermal Implants (SDIs). The resource outlines the advantages and disadvantages of an SDI and details the fitting and removal of SDIs, as well as any complications. It also explores the possible side effects and management of SDIs, including the use of local anaesthetics.
  • Session 15: Additional Training in Intrauterine Techniques (IUT). This session provides evidence-based recommendations and good practice points on the insertion of intrauterine contraception (IUC) and techniques used within the UK.

Each resource within the programme is interactive and readily accessible anywhere at any time. Learners can access information, undertake self-assessments and view video clips, animation and real-life case studies to support their learning.

Healthcare professionals who have already completed sessions 17 and 18 have a 6-month grace period until 29 May 2022, which means these sessions will still be accepted as evidence supporting FSRH LoC application submissions made during this period. After 29 May 2022, sessions 17 and 18 will no longer be accepted and the new sessions must be completed.

For more information about the elearning programme and to access the resources, please select the Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare programme page.

All Our Health’s new townscape on contraception and preconception care

Posted on: November 18th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (formerly Public Health England) to develop an interactive townscape on contraception and preconception care within the All Our Health elearning programme.

The townscape provides advice and guidance for health and care professionals to help women, young people and families with different aspects of their pregnancy planning and prevention.

It takes a place-based approach to consider what action can be taken on this public health issue and features an animated town where learners can click on various buildings, such as the GP surgery and school, to access support on topics such as contraception, sexually transmitted infections, fertility and pregnancy.

The townscape also signposts the learner to other sources of support such as the Family Nurse Partnership and sexual health charities.

It complements 4 existing townscapes on breastfeeding, smoking in pregnancy and childhood obesity and child oral health plus 26 bite sized elearning sessions which cover a range of public health topics including early adolescence, immunisation and physical activity.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the townscape. To access the other sessions and townscapes, please visit the All Our Health programme page.

New Healthy Weight Coach elearning programme now available

Posted on: November 11th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities to develop a new elearning programme for health and care professionals to help people living with overweight or obesity.

Healthy Weight Coach has been developed for colleagues working within primary care networks, healthcare practices and pharmacies across England who already engage and interact with people as part of their role and are interested in supporting people who want to prioritise their weight, health and wellbeing.

The resource will help individuals to engage and support people living with overweight or obesity to make positive changes to their health and weight-related behaviours.

The programme comprises the following 8 sessions, which each take between 20 to 30 minutes to complete:

  1. The role of a healthy weight coach
  2. The complexity of weight gain, obesity and weight management
  3. Measuring and assessing a person’s weight
  4. The outcomes associated with overweight, obesity and weight management
  5. Healthy eating, drinking and physical activity
  6. Avoiding weight stigma and challenging biases
  7. Supporting behaviour change
  8. How to communicate effectively

The healthy weight coach is a new, voluntary role and all 8 sessions must be completed in order to become a healthy weight coach.

On completion of the elearning programme, learners will have the skills and confidence to have meaningful conversations to support people to move towards a healthier weight and will be well-placed to signpost or, where appropriate, refer people to weight management services.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Healthy Weight Coach programme page.

New section and updates to Breastmilk Provision for Preterm and Sick Neonates now available

Posted on: November 11th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has added a new section on antenatal conversations to the Breastmilk Provision for Preterm and Sick Neonates elearning programme.

The programme is aimed at healthcare professionals involved in the provision of breastmilk for preterm and sick infants such as midwives, neonatal nurses, nursery nurses, nursing associates, maternity healthcare support workers and paediatric staff.

The new section focuses on the importance of supportive, exploratory conversations with parents on feeding choices before birth. On completion of the resource, learners will be able to offer guided conversations on feeding choices and signpost parents to breastfeeding resources and support.

Antenatal Conversations complements the existing 4 sections within the programme which cover:

  • After delivery
  • Starting to express
  • Increasing milk supply
  • Resources

These sections have also been updated with case studies and current evidence-based-practice.

The elearning programme has been developed in partnership with:

  • Thames Valley & Wessex Neonatal Operational Delivery Network (ODN)
  • Southampton, Hampshire Hospitals, IOW and Portsmouth (SHIP) LMNS
  • Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
  • Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
  • Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust and Frimley Health and Care LMNS
  • Parents from the Thames Valley & Wessex ODN Neonatal Parent Advisory Group.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Breastmilk Provision for Preterm and Sick Neonates programme page

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies