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New trauma informed care elearning programme now available

Posted on: October 10th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

NHS England’s elearning for healthcare and Mental Health team have worked together to develop a new elearning programme about trauma informed care.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a growing need for health and care professionals to understand the dynamics and impact of trauma on the lives of individuals, families and communities.

Whilst embedding trauma informed care requires a systematic multi-faceted approach, the aim of this programme is to support the learner in deepening their understanding on the importance of becoming more trauma sensitive in the way care is delivered, both as an individual and within a team or service.

The programme, which is aimed at frontline health and care professionals, emergency services colleagues, violence reduction units and education staff, consists of 5 modules:

  • Human Development and Responses to Threat
  • What Do We Mean by Trauma?
  • Basic Awareness, Concepts and Challenges
  • Public Health and Prevention, Personal Capacity
  • Making Trauma Informed Approaches Part of Healthcare

On completion of the programme learners will have a greater understanding of trauma and its impact on the lives of everyone who encounters services, including those who work within it. It will help learners to recognise and sensitively respond to people who have experienced trauma.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Trauma Informed Care programme page.

TEL News September 2023

Posted on: October 5th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Our latest edition of TEL News includes new VR360 videos on pharmacy careers, new VHLF masterclasses, elearning on psychologically informed neonatal care plus updates to the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

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Safer management of medicines training for social care staff

Posted on: October 5th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning programme to help social care staff safely handle and administer medicines has been added to the NHS Learning Hub.

Focusing on patient safety, teamwork and providing person centred care, the four modules look at the risks involved in handling medicines and how to make medicines use safer for everyone.

The programme also explains some of the differences between handling medicines in residential care homes compared with nursing care homes.

Developed by NHS England, the four modules cover:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Handling Medicines Safely
  • Module 2: Administering Medication
  • Module 3: Ordering, receiving, storing and disposal of medicines
  • Module 4: Understanding Medicines

Each module takes between 30 and 60 minutes to complete and are aimed primarily at social care staff. However, informal carers, such as unpaid carers helping a family member, neighbour, or friend, should find the module on Administering Medication useful.

By the end of the programme learners will be able to describe their role and responsibilities in relation to managing medicines and describe the process of ordering, storing, administering, and disposing of medicines in different social care settings. They will also be able to describe the safe processes for the general use of medicines in social care settings.

For more information and to access the programme, please visit the Safe Management of Medicines for Social Care Staff programme page.

New session on acute medicine added to eating disorders programme

Posted on: September 28th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning session has been developed to help healthcare professionals in acute medical roles identify, assess and treat people with eating disorders.

The 60 minute resource includes information on providing medical assessment and treatment, admissions, transfer of care, appropriate treatment plans and the psychological impact of eating disorders on patients, their families and carers.

At the end of the session there is a video demonstrating the assessment and management process in practice.

Eating Disorders in Acute Medical Settings has been developed NHS England, Beat charity and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Learners can access it within the Eating Disorders Training for Health and Care Staff programme.

Updated Saving Babies’ Lives sessions now available

Posted on: September 27th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

The Saving Babies’ Lives programme has recently been reviewed with six updated sessions now available for maternity and neonatal staff.

The newly updated Detection and Surveillance of Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) session aligns with element 2 of the recently published Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle Version 3. It provides an understanding of the core principles of the risks of stillbirth associated with FGR and the element’s suggested measures to reduce this by improving detection and management.

Reduced Fetal Movements RFM (element 3) session reflects the latest evidence-based research related to advice and monitoring of RFM which includes advice that antenatal assessments from mid-gestation routinely involve the ‘Ask, Listen and Inform’ approach.

Effective Fetal Monitoring During Labour has also been updated to align with the changes to element 4. It introduces the key principles of risk assessment at the start of labour to determine the best method of fetal monitoring in labour.

Prediction, Prevention and Perinatal Optimisation of Preterm Birth (element 5) encourages maternity and neonatal staff to draw upon the learning from the existing BAPM toolkits and the successful programmes being supported by the patient safety collaboratives across England.

Saving Babies’ Lives also features updated sessions on ultrasound and smoking advice for pregnant women.

Each session takes up to 30 minutes to complete and are aimed at maternity staff including midwives and obstetricians and neonatal staff.

This elearning has been developed in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Midwives and the British Intrapartum Care Society.

For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the Saving Babies’ Lives programme.

Neonatal early warning system tool now adapted into elearning

Posted on: September 15th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

The new national Newborn Early Warning Track and Trigger (NEWTT2) tool has now been adapted into an interactive elearning resource for maternity teams.

The current warning system supports maternal and neonatal staff to recognise early indicators of clinical deterioration in newborn infants and to improve outcomes with appropriate interventions.

The new programme, developed with NHS England and DEQ Quality Transformation, introduces NEWTT2 and features a structured guide on how to use the tool. It also includes several guided clinical case studies to illustrate how the tool works in a clinical setting.

It will enable midwives, obstetricians, and maternity support colleagues in all maternity units in England to support staff to learn how to use this new tool as part of the implementation process, supported by NHS England and your local Patient safety collaborative.

After completing the session, learners will have greater understanding of how to record physiological observations and understand whether escalation of care is required. Learners will also understand which members of the multi-disciplinary team need to be alerted and what timeframes are necessary.

Learners can access the session here.

New session helps learners to recognise palliative care needs

Posted on: September 13th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

The End-of-Life Care For All (e-ELCA) elearning programme now features a new session on recognising palliative care needs.

The resource describes common palliative care needs and offers guidance on how to identify these needs and provide the most appropriate care on an individual basis.

By the end of the session, learners should be able to describe what palliative care needs are, identify patients with palliative care needs and identify when specialist palliative care is required.

e-ELCA also features newly updated sessions covering a range of topics from assessment of anxiety, depression and delirium to spiritual care and quality of life. An existing session on dying as a prisoner has also been updated.

The new and updated sessions can be accessed through the End-of-Life For All programme page.

New neonatal psychology programme available for staff

Posted on: September 12th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new first of its kind elearning programme on neonatal psychology has been developed to support better outcomes for babies, families and staff.

Psychologically-informed care takes into account the needs of everyone in the unit, and considers how best to support them for better outcomes. For families this can include managing better while on the unit and being well post-discharge. For staff, psychologically informed care sustains us too.

Developed by NHS England, Association of Clinical Psychologists and neonatal networks, this elearning has been developed to encourage the workforce to think more psychologically – a key area highlighted by patients, advisory groups and the Ockenden report, the Kirkup report and aligns with the new three year plan for joint working across maternity and neonatal settings. No other training like this currently exists for neonatal staff.

Each of the four modules in the programme take approximately 30 minutes to complete and cover the following topics:

  • Psychologically-informed neonatal care
  • Infant wellbeing on the neonatal unit
  • Family wellbeing on the neonatal unit
  • Staff wellbeing on the neonatal unit

Once completed learners will know more about psychologically informed care and have ideas about the ways they can implement this into their daily work. They will also have a better sense of the impact of the work on themselves and what can help them to manage.

For more information and to access the modules, please visit the Neonatal Psychology programme page.

New session promotes health benefits of aquatics and swimming

Posted on: September 6th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

NHS England elearning for healthcare has developed a new programme on the unique health benefits of aquatics and swimming.

The resource, developed in partnership with Swim England, Aquatic Therapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (ATACP) and the University of Nottingham, has been created following research that highlights how healthcare professionals intuitively believe swimming and aquatic activity provide unique health and wellbeing benefits, ideal for musculoskeletal conditions, chronic pain and weight problems, but they lack the knowledge and skills to make this a more routine conversation with patients.

To address this issue, the 20-minute session raises awareness of the benefits of aquatic activity on health and wellbeing and will enhance learners’ confidence in identifying patients who would benefit most.

It covers the following topics:

  • Helping people navigate their way to swimming and aquatic activity
  • What happens to the body in water?
  • Adaptive effects of aquatic exercise
  • Who can exercise in water?
  • Exploring aquatic activities

It is aimed at GPs, physiotherapists and those who influence an individual’s decision to be active, such as social prescribers and leisure professionals.

For more information and to access the programme, please visit the Aquatics and Swimming programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies