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Personalised maternity care elearning now available

Posted on: June 27th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

An elearning programme about personalised care and support planning in maternity services is now available to access for free on the NHS Learning Hub.

The programme, which was produced by the Personalised Care Institute, takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and discusses how healthcare professionals can support women to make safe and informed decisions during their antenatal care and delivery.

Using a case-based approach, it discusses consultation skills and methods which midwives and maternity staff can use, as well as the IDecide tool.
For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Choice and Personalised Care in Maternity Services programme page.

New handbook supports healthcare support workers in their role

Posted on: June 21st, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new digital handbook for healthcare support workers (HCSWs) has been developed by NHS England elearning for healthcare in partnership with the London region HCSW programme team.

The handbook serves as a ‘one stop shop’ of resources that are relevant to existing and future HCSWs. It captures many areas of the HCSW’s journey including applying for a HCSW role, Care Certificate, career development, skills and “day in the life of” videos to showcase all the opportunities a HCSW can work in.

There is also a support section which signposts learners to further information such as raising concerns, health and wellbeing and buddying.

The resource is aimed at HCSWs, people interested in a HCSW role, HCSW leads in Trusts, nursing leads and educational leads.

For more information and to access the handbook, please visit the HSCW Handbook programme page.

GP podcasts support women with perinatal mental health illness

Posted on: June 20th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

An engaging podcast series to enhance healthcare professionals’ understanding of perinatal mental health is now available to listen to on NHS England’s Learning Hub.

The GP Spotlight programme, piloted by the Wessex Clinical Network, supports best care for women (and families) affected by perinatal mental health (PMH) illness in primary care services and facilitates timely access to high quality care from specialist perinatal mental health services.

The 11 podcasts, led by ‘GP champion’ Dr Laura Davies and PMH psychiatrist Dr Laurie Windsor, cover a range of topics including postpartum psychosis, birth trauma, eating disorders and perinatal depression.

They aim to:

  • improve understanding of perinatal mental health conditions, pathways, and working relationships
  • improve referral and management of women with perinatal mental illness
  • strengthen relationships between health professionals across the pathway

The podcasts are around 10 minutes long, making them accessible and cost effective for all healthcare professionals including GPs, mental health practitioners, midwives, community nurses and health visitors.

Each podcast provides key information to arm the learner with awareness and tools so they can guide women struggling with PMH illness to the most appropriate care.

For more information and to access the podcasts, please visit the GP Spotlight Podcasts catalogue on the Learning Hub.

New NHS elearning programme supports improved patient access to general practice

Posted on: June 15th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

NHS England’s elearning for healthcare and London regional team have worked with Londonwide LMCs, the EQUIP team, and system partners to develop a 2-hour elearning programme to improve understanding of how general practice can adapt local access systems to provide the best experience to patients and staff within available resources.

Freely available to all NHS and general practice staff, the elearning consists of 5 20-minute sessions, based on the London General Practice Access Guide and Manual.

It will be a helpful resource when considering local responses to the recent delivery plan for recovering access to primary care. The programme is aimed at the whole general practice team, including clinical and non-clinical staff, and outlines latest research, best practice, case studies, tips and practical quality improvement projects that have led to improvements in services and patient experience.

General practices, service planners, commissioners and wider primary care staff are encouraged to embed this elearning in local staff learning systems, and support staff undertake this learning. CPD Accreditation has been sought from the Royal College of General Practitioners.

For further information and to access the programme, please visit the General Practice Access webpage.

Healthy eating session now added to All Our Health

Posted on: June 13th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

An elearning session on healthy eating has now been added to the All Our Health programme.

Developed by NHS England elearning for healthcare and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, the resource is aimed at the general population and healthcare professionals whose role includes supporting people to achieve a healthy balanced diet.

The session has been developed in response to evidence that most people in the UK do not meet government dietary recommendations. The most recent UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) data shows that population intakes of saturated fat, sugar, and salt are above the government recommendations and, on average, adults eat up to 300 more calories than the daily recommended amount required for a healthy body weight.

As a result, and to help the nation improve their diet, the Healthy Eating session aims to support colleagues in:

  • understanding specific activities and interventions that can prevent poor dietary health
  • thinking about the resources and services available in their area that can help people meet government dietary recommendations
  • being aware of where vitamin supplements are recommended at a population level

The elearning also features helpful tools and resources such as the UK’s national food model, the Eatwell Guide and the Healthier Families app.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Healthy Eating session within the All Our Health programme.

All Our Health features sessions on a wide range of public health issues including obesity, mental health and wellbeing, dementia, and alcohol. Each bitesize session helps health and care professionals prevent ill health and promote wellbeing as part of their everyday practice.

TEL News May 2023

Posted on: June 8th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

This month’s edition includes new elearning programmes on the Learning Hub, revised content on elearning for healthcare and an update on the simulation and immersive technologies team XR Roadshows.

Read May’s TEL News >

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New ‘all ages’ Hub launches with resources and tips on feeding and eating disorders

Posted on: June 1st, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new learning Hub for health and care professionals featuring tips and resources on feeding and eating disorders in children, young people and adults is now available within the NHSE MindEd mental health eLearning programme.

The new All Ages Feeding and Eating Disorders Hub also includes resources on eating disorders in under-served populations such as men, minoritised ethnic groups, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with diabetes and many more.

MindEd has also developed new tips on feeding and eating disorders (FEDs) in adults.

The new tips, aimed at healthcare professionals in primary care, hospital, mental health and specialist adult eating disorder services, feature 4 tips sheets on the following topics:

What to be aware of – raising your awareness of FEDs and promoting earlier recognition
What to look for – helping you to spot signs and symptoms early
Medical investigations – this will be most relevant to GPs and other medical professionals assessing and supporting patients with FEDs
What to do – top tips on what to do with and for adults (18 years and over) with different FEDs.

eLearning on a range of mental health support including anti-bullying, adverse childhood experiences and top tips for education staff, can be found on the MindEd programme page.

Perinatal Mental Health programme features new resources

Posted on: May 24th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

The Perinatal Mental Health elearning programme has now expanded to include 2 new sessions for parent-infant practitioners and colleagues in specialist perinatal mental health services.

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health created in partnership with NHS England, Parent-Infant Foundation and key partners, is designed to enhance awareness about perinatal mental health for parent-infant practitioners working in settings supporting women during pregnancy and up to 24 months after birth, including maternity services, primary care, charities, and community groups.

The session will help to ensure the wider health and care workforce has access to the right knowledge and skills in perinatal mental healthcare enabling them to deliver quality care, support and treatment for mum, baby and family members, wherever they are.

Routine Outcome Measurement in Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Services offers tools, tips and information to help in implementing routine outcome measurement (ROM) in SPMHS and maternity settings.

The session, which has been co-developed by NHS England, will benefit practitioners across SPMHS and maternity services by helping them to incorporate the outcome measures into conversations with patients.

The 2 new sessions complement 3 existing elearning courses which focus on perinatal health for health visitors, occupational therapists and the competency framework.

For more information and to access the new and existing sessions, please visit the Perinatal Mental Health programme page.

Dermatology elearning sessions now updated

Posted on: May 24th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

NHS England elearning for healthcare has worked with the British Association of Dermatologists to develop 7 new sessions for the e-dermatology elearning programme.

The new sessions are:

The existing Borrelia and Consequences of Lyme Disease has also been updated.

Each session takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and learners will gain a greater understanding and specialist training in dermatology from accessing the resources.

e-Dermatology focuses on the diagnosis and management of common dermatological disorders. It is available, free of charge, to all clinicians and healthcare professionals including junior doctors, specialty doctors, GPs, physician associates (PAs) and nurses working in the NHS.

To access the new sessions, plus many more on topics such as psoriasis, eczema and skin cancers, please visit the e-dermatology programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies