A new elearning session on financial wellbeing has now been added to the All Our Health programme.
Developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), the Money and Pensions Service and NHS England and Improvement, the resource is aimed at all health and care professionals to enhance their support for people in poverty or those struggling with their finances. It also provides information on how learners can look after their own financial wellbeing.
The session has been developed in response to evidence that shows money and health are intertwined with 90,000 people in the UK dying in poverty every year and 1 in 4 terminally ill people of working age spending the last year of their lives in poverty.
As a result, and to help address challenges in the current economic climate, the Financial Wellbeing session aims to help colleagues:
- understand specific activities and interventions that can improve financial wellbeing and subsequently impact on health
- understand the important difference between providing guidance to someone about their money situation and providing advice
- think about the resources and services available in your area that can help people understand, manage and improve their financial wellbeing
The elearning also features helpful tools and resources from organisations including the Money and Pensions Service and the Wellbeing and Health Action Movement (WHAM project).
For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Financial Wellbeing session within the All Our Health programme.
All Our Health features sessions on a wide range of public health issues including obesity, mental health and wellbeing, dementia, and alcohol. Each bitesize session helps health and care professionals prevent ill health and promote wellbeing as part of their everyday practice.