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New National Induction elearning for Health and Social care

Posted on: March 6th, 2025 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

A new national induction elearning programme is now available for everyone starting a role in health and social care.

The elearning is part of a new National Induction Framework which is now available for all new joiners of health and social care.

The standardised induction delivers on the first recommendation from the Messenger review, to create an entry-level induction for all new joiners of health and social care.

The induction programme is designed to inform, guide and navigate new starters across complex organisations, sectors about how they deliver joined up services. The content can be used across all types of NHS and social care employers. There are helpful guides and templates for recruiting managers to support new joiners.

The elearning programme has been designed with over 2,000 staff and people who access care and support from across health and social care. It includes videos from people working in different roles across health and social care to show career opportunities.

Whilst the induction modules are not mandatory, health and social care organisations are encouraged to make access and participation readily available to all colleagues when a job offer is made

Find out more: National induction for health and social care – elearning for healthcare

National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) elearning

Posted on: March 6th, 2025 by Talisa Saini No Comments

The National Breast Imaging Academy, and NHSE TEL elearning for healthcare collaborate to offer easy to access elearning to support workforce issues threatening the delivery of breast imaging services across the country.

Rolling out over 2025, four new elearning sessions will be available on a range of topics. The first being breast care for transgender and gender-diverse people.

This new elearning session is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a safe and affirming environment for transgender and gender-diverse people. Within the session, participants learn about the importance of understanding gender identity and gender affirmation, navigating NHS gender-affirmation pathways, and the specifics of gender-affirming surgery such as mastectomy and feminising top surgery.

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in dismantling barriers that prevent transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals from accessing necessary medical care. Studies have shown that the TGD population experiences worse healthcare outcomes, including lower cancer survival rates, due to anticipated and experienced discrimination.

By educating healthcare professionals on the specific needs of transgender and gender-diverse people, the session aims to improve health outcomes and ensure that all individuals receive the high-quality care they deserve.

For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the programme page.

Radiation safety the focus of new elearning

Posted on: November 26th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

NHS staff working near sources of ionising and non-ionising radiation can access new elearning to highlight safe working practices and protect them from harm. 

The interactive programme supports staff who may be exposed to low levels of radiation due to working on wards or departments or accompanying people to departments where radiation is used. It provides an overview of identifying hazards and risks, safety signage and the types on controlled areas which may be found in a hospital.  

It also explores the legislation and risk assessment to minimise exposure, procedures to ensure staff safety and the use and care of personal protective equipment (PPE). 

Topics covered include: 

  • Ancillary worker protection 
  • Radiation protection for sentinel node lymph biopsy theatre staff 
  • Basic MRI safety for new referrers 

The training is available on the Learning hub. For more information visit the programme page https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/radiation-safety/ 

Congratulations to the programme team, who have been nominated for a Healthcare Science Award for their work. Best of luck for the final.

Updated Overseas Visitors NHS Cost Recovery elearning

Posted on: November 11th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Updates are available for the Overseas Visitors NHS Cost Recovery elearning programme to reflect changes to policy and support health and care staff. 

NHS England e-learning for healthcare (elfh) has worked in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England Financial Oversight and Delivery to refresh and update the programme. The refresh will enhance the training and education of health and care staff to operate the overseas visitors cost recovery process for NHS funded services.  

The programme consists of 9 session and aims to build confidence and knowledge in the cost recovery process and support NHS and private organisations to adopt accurate cost recovery practices in line with the charging regulations. All sessions have been quality tested to reflect critical policy amendments, such as changes because of the UK leaving the EU, and systems that support health and care staff to manage the overseas visitor cost recovery process.   

This programme can be used by individuals directly involved in the cost recovery process, such as Overseas Visitor Teams and equivalent, and wider health and care staff looking to grow their awareness.  

For more information, please visit the Overseas Visitors NHS Cost Recovery programme page.    

Menopause and people professionals eLearning

Posted on: October 17th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

The latest in our series of menopause eLearning is aimed at people professionals across healthcare. It’s important that our people professionals have the knowledge and resources to support staff experiencing menopause symptoms to stay and thrive in the workplace. Studies have shown that one in 10 people leave the workplace because of their menopause symptoms. People professionals in the NHS play a vital role in supporting and keeping everyone working in the health service.  

The session is aimed at delivering an overview and awareness of menopause for people professionals to help support individuals and line managers in the workplace.  At the end of the session, learners will be able to: 

  • Explain what the menopause is and list its symptoms 
  • Describe how menopause symptoms impact people in the workplace 
  • Understand what workplace adjustments can be made to help and support people affected by their symptoms at work 
  • Signpost to further information and support 

This module forms part of a series of menopause training. You can find out more on the programme page https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/menopause-awareness/.  The training takes around 30 minutes to complete.  

Guidelines for the management of periprosthetic joint infection

Posted on: October 15th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

A new programme of eLearning has been developed to provide all healthcare staff with information and guidance on how to manage patients with Prosthetic Joint Infection (PJI). It has been designed to support people in any healthcare role where they might be caring for someone with a suspected or actual prosthetic infection.   

This eLearning module aims to ensure that staff are able to recognise and refer patients for the correct treatment in a timely manner so that they have the best chances of a good recovery. 

The module provides essential information about Prosthetic Joint Infection, the Patient Experience of PJI, Guidelines for management of PJI, and key resources. A CPD certificate will be provided following the successful completion of the assessment. 

Prosthetic Joint Infection is one of the most devastating events that can occur after joint replacement and significantly impacts both patients and the surgeons who treat them. The outcomes of PJI can be vastly improved if best practice guidelines are adhered to. This module uses evidence-based guidelines as a basis for understanding how PJI guidelines are relevant to all healthcare professionals who look after patients who have had a joint replacement, and how best to manage those patients. 

The guidelines are the result of the INFORM: EP (INFection and ORthopaedic Management: Evidence into Practice) study, based on the evidence from a successful six-year research programme called INFORM led by the University of Bristol and funded by National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The guidelines aim to ensure that patients with infection after hip replacement surgery receive prompt and effective care and have the best chance of a good outcome.  

The INFORM website also has a list of additional support services for your patients that you can download and share with your patients which covers finance, mental health, hip and pain support, carers and family. It also offers counselling and other support services, as well as useful links for patients. 

For more information and to access the training, please visit the programme page. 

Social supervision and conditional discharge elearning now live 

Posted on: October 11th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Social and clinical staff and managers who are supporting or monitoring people on conditional discharge (CD) can access new elearning which sets out the actions and responsibilities required when caring for restricted patients. 

The Social Supervision and Conditional Discharge elearning programme provides an overview of the system for managing individuals who have been sent to hospital under S37/41 Mental Health Act (MHA) by a Crown Court following serious offences, both in hospital and in the community. 

It includes sessions that give an overview of the law, policy and practice relating to community-based supervision of conditionally discharged patients in England and Wales and is a foundation for further in-depth learning. It is available on the NHS Learning Hub. Key topics are: 

  • Guidance for Judges about making s37/41 MHA 
  • Core aspects of MHCS’ responsibilities on behalf of the SoS for Justice 
  • Powers of MHCS and of the 1st tier Tribunal to order Conditional Discharge 
  • Key tasks of the Clinical and Social Supervisor and MHCS in managing these patients and protecting the public 

To find out more and to access the sessions please go to the Social Supervision and Conditional Discharge elearning programme page  

Updates to the Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) elearning programme 

Posted on: October 3rd, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

NHS staff, public health practitioners, and all employees who deliver or commission services which may have an impact on people’s health and wellbeing can access updated elearning aimed at identifying and tackling health inequalities.

The Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) elearning programme enables professionals to systematically address inequalities and equity in programmes and services.

The toolkit provides an easy-to-follow template that can be applied flexibly to suit different work programmes, policies and services, and a practical framework that enables multiple audiences to:

  • identify health inequalities and equity-related issues to a programme of work or service
  • identify what action can be taken to reduce health inequalities and promote equality and inclusion

To find out more visit the Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) elearning programme

New eLearning for occupational therapists working in perinatal mental health

Posted on: October 3rd, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

Three new sessions of the Perinatal Mental Health for Occupational Therapists eLearning programme have been developed in collaboration with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and the NHS England E-Learning for health Programme.

The new eLearning sessions are designed to support staff in improving their knowledge and understanding of perinatal mental health to ensure better practice among parent infant practitioners including midwives, health visitors, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists.

The three new sessions are:

These new sessions were developed by a team of occupational therapists, with valuable input from a midwife and individuals who’ve accessed occupational therapy services. Case studies are based on real life examples and include assessment/intervention plans written by experienced occupational therapists for participants to compare with their own. They build on six existing sessions launched in 2020, covering various aspects of occupational therapy and perinatal mental health.

For more information and to access the programme, please visit the Perinatal Mental Health eLearning programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies