A new elearning programme is available to help health and care staff deliver more personalised care to people with long-term conditions. The programme, developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), focuses on personalised care, support planning, prehabilitation and rehabilitation.
As multimorbidity becomes more prevalent, meeting the needs of people with long-term conditions is one of the biggest challenges facing the NHS. More than 15 million people in England are living with a long-term condition, and in many cases people have more than one, resulting in poorer quality of life and a greater risk of premature death. Treatment and care for these conditions can also use up to 70% of acute and primary care budgets.
A personalised approach to care and support is vital to ensure that people’s needs are fully identified and planned for, taking their strengths and developed abilities into account.
A range of topics are explored in the new elearning sessions, including:
- key theoretical principles underpinning prehabilitation screening, assessment, and interventions
- the impact of rehabilitation interventions on the needs and symptoms of patients
- the role of multidisciplinary teams (in particular, allied health professionals), in supporting people with long-term conditions.
The PRosPer elearning programme was originally developed by Health Education England and Macmillan Cancer Support, to help improve personalised care and support planning for people with cancer.
Since developing the initial elearning programme, it has been recognised that much of the content could be helpful for staff caring for patients with a range of long-term conditions. It has now been developed to apply to this broader patient group.
Anybody who provides care or treatment for people with long-term conditions will find this training helpful.
More sessions will be added later in 2022, and we will provide an update when they are available.
Accessing the PRosPer Long-Term Conditions elearning programme
To read more about the programme, visit the programme page.