Key Messages and links to 2nd February 2022
Welcome to Health Education England’s regular stakeholder bulletin. In this bulletin we will provide:
- Latest message from our Chief Executive
- COVID-19 latest updates
- Overview of HEE education and training news
Weekly messages from HEE
Read the recent message from Dr Navina Evans, Chief Executive, HEE:
‘A new organisation’
I am keen to update you on our work to bring together Health Education England, NHS Digital, NHSX, and NHS England and NHS Improvement into a new single organisation.
The legal merger of our organisations is subject to Parliament’s approval of the Health and Care Bill, and subsequent secondary legislation. In the meantime, we will continue to work more closely together.
Much of what we are already doing as part of our work to develop a long-term strategic framework for the health and care workforce will depend on creating an organisation which is fit for purpose and future proofed to deliver both now and in the years ahead.
To read more of Navina’s blog please visit the HEE website.
HEE COVID-19 latest updates
We have created a COVID-19 update webpage that provides guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 surge guidance.
To keep up to date with plans for medical training recovery, visit HEE COVID-19 webpages.
Previous guidance from the NHS regarding deployment of NHS staff from 1 April 2022 has now been paused, as explained in a letter issued from the NHS.
To see the full HEE letter, dated 2 February 2022, please visit the HEE website.
We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients:
Medical and dental
HEE makes strides to address equality, diversion and inclusion
Health Education England is pressing forward with a strong plan of action to address diversity and inclusion in postgraduate medical education and training.
Details are revealed in the first annual report of the HEE Deans Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, which was formed in 2020.
More information and full details of the report can be found on the HEE website.
Extended Surgical Team (EST) pilot
The Health Education England Extended Surgical Team (EST) pilot commenced in November 2020 and was aimed at new ‘extended’ surgical teams, which included consultants, doctors in training and SAS doctors, but the focus of the pilot was the role of multi professional team members. HEE supported the development of pilot sites to explore the development of the EST in new areas to both improve workforce provision and enable improvement provision of surgical training.
A report outlining the findings of the pilot, The Health Education England Extended Surgical Teams (HEEEST) Pilot: Year 1 Report, is now available.
Mental Health
Mental health clinical support worker toolkit launched
Providers of mental health services are working to meet the NHS Long Term Plan ambition of increasing the number of additional mental health clinical support staff by over 6,000, in order to provide services to two million more people in need of care by 2023/24.
To help organisations put this in place Health Education England with National Workforce Skills Development Unit and partners has created a toolkit which brings together resources, guidance, case studies and examples of best practice. The areas the toolkit covers are workforce planning, recruitment, induction, day to day management, learning and development and career planning. To find out more and view the toolkit, visit the HEE mental health webpage.
Primary care SMI physical health checks learning catalogue
Health Education England has worked jointly with NHS England and NHS Improvement to develop a catalogue of learning resources to support primary care professionals to deliver annual checks for people with severe mental illness (SMI) as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. These learning resources are now available on the NHS Learning Hub and include a free 15-minute e-learning module that explores the morbidity and mortality issues associated with SMI, and highlight physical health checks good practice.
People with an SMI are at risk of dying prematurely, in some cases 20 years earlier than the general population. Many of these deaths are preventable if conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular problems are identified and treated early through psychical health checks.
AHP Support Workforce Webinar – Radiography Support Worker
This is now available on the HEE website
Allied Health Professions’ Research and Innovation Strategy for England
This Strategy comprises a definitive collective national reference statement that encompasses and supports the existing research and innovation strategies of all the Allied Health professional associations. For more information and to read the strategy please click here.
Workforce and education initiatives
Healthcare evidence and knowledge now a simple search away
Health Education England (HEE) has launched a new online search platform to give NHS staff and learners access to the latest research findings along with decades of published evidence – all in one place.
The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub is a ‘one-stop’ national gateway which, for the first time nationally, connects staff and learners seamlessly to a wide range of knowledge and evidence resources, services and databases – bought on their behalf by the NHS. Visit the HEE website for more information.
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability and Autism
On 1 December Gillian Keegan the Minister of State for Care and Mental Health opened our
fourth stakeholder event for the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability
and Autism.
We were delighted that nearly 600 people were able to attend the event. Our delivery partners Bild, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHSFT, and Mencap, shared their updates and we explored the evaluators interim report.
You can read the report here and the Easy Read version here.
In the spring we will receive a final report from the independent evaluator (NDTi) that will inform the rollout plans for Oliver’s training to the health and social care workforce.
More information can be found on the Health Education England website
Work Experience Toolkits
Following the publication of The Future of Healthcare Work Experience Discovery Report in August 2021, HEE has revised and relaunched its four existing work experience toolkits, for use by those working in general practice settings, dental practices, secondary care and for teachers and careers advisors. HEE has also made available an additional toolkit to assist those putting in place online work-related learning programmes.
The toolkits include forms and templates that can be used for your work experience programme – as well as links to the latest work experience resources and up-to-date opportunities. The toolkits can be found here.
For more information about work experience and pre-employment activity click here.
Shared commitment to maximise digital knowledge resources for the NHS
An important concordat has been agreed by all the six leading health and care Arm’s Length Bodies in England this month.
In signing the concordat, all the organisations have committed to ensure healthcare and public health are underpinned by evidence from research, and that investment in digital resources on behalf of the NHS is coordinated to maximise the benefits for the workforce, patients and taxpayers.
Orchestrated by Health Education England, the new concordat complements the partnership agreements which already exists between our organisations. Signed by Health Education England, NHS England and NHS Improvement, NHS Digital, Care Quality Commission, and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the UK Health Security Agency and endorsed by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) this is an important step forward.
For more information, please email
elearning for healthcare
Keep up to date with the latest additions to the elfh hub by visiting the news page.
By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.
Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.