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Archive for the ‘elearning programmes’ Category

Successful 2021 for End-of-life care for all (e-ELCA) elearning programme

Posted on: December 29th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

The End-of-life care for all (e-ELCA) programme has reached a significant milestone during in 2021.

e-ELCA was the third most accessed elearning programme on the elfh Hub since January 2020 and has now reached more than 1.1 million session launches.

Over the past 12 months 9 new sessions and 14 new learning paths have also been launched.

The elearning programme has been fully reviewed and updated and in response to user feedback the programme has also been restructured to ease navigation. A new programme catalogue is now available to download and new sessions have been added to the public access programme.

Programme evaluation surveys, for the e-ELCA programme and the e-ELCA (public access) programme, have now been launched to gain feedback from the programme restructure.

Next year further sessions will be added to the elearning. These will include:

  • Time critical telephone conversations in the acute setting
  • Engaging effectively about ACP with people from ethnically diverse backgrounds
  • Palliative care for people with mental ill health
  • Palliative and end-of-life care for transgender people
  • Palliative care in advanced liver disease
  • Deprescribing
  • Recognising a patent with palliative care needs

New collaborative learning paths will also be announced in 2022 and the programme will continue to be reviewed and updated.

SCRIPT: supporting safer prescribing practices in hospitals

Posted on: December 23rd, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The Medicine and Surgery SCRIPT elearning programme aims to improve knowledge of prescribing and medicines safety in the hospital setting. Originally developed for Foundation trainee doctors, it is now freely available to anyone with an NHS.uk or NHS.net email address.

Medicine and Surgery SCRIPT comprises 50 modules in 7 categories. Module categories include:

  • Principles of Prescribing
  • Prescribing in Medical Emergencies
  • Managing the Risks of Prescribing
  • Prescribing in Special Circumstances
  • Therapeutic Groups
  • Clinical Governance
  • Advanced Prescribing

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

Benefits from using SCRIPT elearning modules

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances prescribing and therapeutics knowledge among prescribers, therefore improving patient safety
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time.
  • Free to learners with a NHS.uk or NHS.net address.

How do I access the elearning programme?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website.

Paramedics supported with free elearning modules

Posted on: December 23rd, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England and the College of Paramedics provide a free elearning programme for newly qualified and experienced paramedics. There are 13 modules available, which cover a range of scenarios the paramedic may encounter and aim to support those who are new to practice or those wishing to refresh their knowledge in certain areas.

Authored and curated by leading paramedics in England, the bitesize elearning sessions can be accessed on mobile devices, laptops and PCs.  They are a great way for busy paramedics to engage in Continuing Professional Development in bite sized chunks.  For more information and to register for the elearning  programme, please visit the Paramedics programme page.

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 49

Posted on: December 21st, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Key Messages and links to 9 December 2021

Welcome to Health Education England’s regular stakeholder bulletin. In this bulletin we will provide:

  • Chief Executive updates
  • COVID-19 latest updates
  • Overview of HEE education and training news

Chief Executive updates

We have an important job to do
This week HEE’s Chief Nurse, Mark Radford, takes over Navina’s blog. It has certainly been a busy time with last week’s announcement that HEE will merge with NHS England and NHS Improvement to create a stronger organisation that aligns workforce, financial and service planning with education and training, COVID-19 recovery, the People Plan, and a robust workforce reform programme for the benefit of patients and the public. A joint statement from Dr Navina Evans and Amanda Pritchard can be found here.

In the meantime, we have an important job to do, and our focus remains on ‘business as usual’, fulfilling HEE’s unique role in the system, particularly through our part in long-term workforce planning, and through medical and clinical education and training reform. Read more on the HEE website.

HEE COVID-19 latest updates

We have created a COVID-19 update webpage that provides guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 surge guidance.

To keep up to date with plans for medical training recovery, visit HEE COVID-19 webpages.

NHS encourages healthcare students to join expanded vaccination programme

Healthcare students across England are being asked to consider taking up bank roles to support the expansion of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

A rapid expansion of vaccination teams nationwide to support delivery as all adults will now be offered a booster dose of the vaccine by the end of January with children aged 12 – 15 being offered a second dose, following the identification of the Omicron variant. Find out more about supporting the vaccine programme 

HEE’s TEL team scoop award for COVID-19 vaccination work

Health Education England’s e-learning for healthcare (elfh) team won the Digital Transformation award at last week’s GovNews Direct Smarter Working Live Awards for their work on the COVID-19 vaccination e-learning programme.

The team, in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) and NHS England and NHS Improvement developed the core digital theory training for all COVID-19 vaccinators in England.

Every vaccinator in England has completed the elfh COVID-19 vaccination e-learning programme meaning the resource has played a fundamental role in the success of the roll out of the vaccination programme.  To date there have been more than 2.7million session launches of the e-learning programme.

For more information about elfh visit www.e-lfh.org.uk.

Multi-Disciplinary Updates

Addressing health inequalities through alternative workforce models

Our duty to patients, taxpayers and our NHS people is to ensure education and training funds are used effectively and distributed fairly in relation to patient need. Across the NHS, this means we must have open and honest conversations, based on evidence about effectiveness, outcomes, and value for money, about how this money is currently spent and whether it can be spent better.

An example of this is the funding of postgraduate medical training posts, which have so far been distributed across England, based on historical arrangements. These posts are sometimes not well aligned with patient needs and this means they don’t provide the level of some of the services required by local populations. The distribution also does not reflect the availability of clinical opportunities for training. Read the full clinical stakeholder briefing on the HEE website.


Record numbers accept a place to study nursing and midwifery

HEE is delighted to see that this year we have more than 30,000 individuals accepting places to study nursing.

Figures released today by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) show 30,185 nursing applicants secured places at English universities in 2021 – which is a 35 per cent increase since 2018. This followed an unprecedented 25.9 per cent increase from 23,630 in 2019 to 29,740 in 2020. That growth has been sustained and this year, the total rose by 1.5 per cent. The number of 18-year-old school leavers taking up places to study nursing went up by 10 per cent in the last year. Read more on the HEE website.

Popular Genomics webinars now available to watch on demand

A dedicated webinar series developed to support nurses, midwives and health visitors learn about genomics is now available to watch on demand.

Suitable for those with little or no existing knowledge of genomics, each webinar in the three-part series explores a different theme: what genomics is; how it is changing healthcare for the benefit of patients; and how health and social care staff can learn more about it.

The webinars, which ran in summer 2021, were produced and delivered through a partnership between NHS England and NHS Improvement’s Genomics Unit, HEE’s Genomics Education Programme and the RCNi.


New video resources for foundation trainees, schools and trusts

A new video has been launched targeting all foundation trainees, foundation schools and trusts, helping them to understand more about the Foundation Programme Charter. Mike Masding, Lead Foundation School Director, talks about good practice guidance and benchmarking, The Foundation Charter. This latest video is part of a series of video resources, including some do’s and don’ts for self-development time and advice on near peer support, both of which were recommendations from the Foundation Programme Review.


E-portfolio orientation workshops

Don’t miss our last December online orientation workshops for trainee foundation pharmacists, designated supervisors, and educational leads. There is no sign-up process. Check the information on our website and click the link to join.

Trainee wellbeing

As part of our support for trainee foundation pharmacists, we have curated a range of resources on our website to support foundation learning and development throughout the year. Please encourage trainee foundation pharmacists to visit the Personal Wellbeing section of our personal development and progression resources webpage. The team welcomes feedback at traineepharmacist@hee.nhs.uk.

Discover pharmacy as a career

Aligned with the 2022 UCAS application cycle, our Health Careers workstream produced some great resources to promote pharmacy as a degree choice and as a career. These resources are also available on the NHS Health Careers Pharmacy webpage, which serves as a central repository for all HEE Pharmacy careers content. Please contact pharmacyteam@hee.nhs.uk with any feedback.

Mental health

Primary care severe mental illness (SMI) physical health checks learning catalogue now available

HEE has worked with NHS England and NHS Improvement to develop a catalogue of learning resources on the NHS Learning Hub for primary care professionals to deliver annual checks for people with severe mental illness (SMI). These resources include a free 15-minute e-learning module that explores good practice and the morbidity and mortality issues associated with SMI.

Improving access to physical health checks is highlighted in the NHS Long Term Plan. The aim is to carry out 390,000 checks for people with SMI by 2023/24. For 2021/22, the target is for 302,000 people with SMI to receive a physical health check.

Workforce and education initiatives

New workforce redesign tools to support ICSs

HEE has launched two new resources to support systems with their workforce redesign efforts: the Roles Explorer, a collection of resources for use when introducing new roles to inspire design of optimum skill mix, and the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) toolkit to support building and developing teams across professional groups and system structures.

HEE Quality Strategy and Framework Refresh

HEE has recently published updated versions of its Quality Strategy and Framework following a comprehensive review. As part of our statutory duties, HEE is responsible for securing continuous improvement in the quality of education and training provided for healthcare workers.

The 2021 HEE Quality Strategy draws on the learning and significant work already undertaken by education and placement providers to deliver excellent education and training and will support and promote safe, supportive and inclusive learning environments.

The 2021 HEE Quality Framework sets out the standards we expect placement providers to meet when delivering healthcare practice placements and training posts.  Both the strategy and the framework describe how we will monitor and assess quality, respond to quality concerns and capitalise on good practice, innovation and technology.

The review of the strategy and framework has drawn on the knowledge, experience and expertise of our partners and stakeholders through an extensive process of engagement and co-production. This included bringing together comments and feedback from around four hundred individuals representing a range of key partners. For more information visit the HEE website.

HEE and World Health Organisation – Global Workforce Planning Seminars

In partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO), we are hosting a series of seminars which will bring together health and care workforce planners from across the world. The seminars will focus on the importance of strengthening the health workforce internationally in support of the WHO Year of the Health and Care Workers (YHCW) programme.

The first of the seminars – An introduction to systemic workforce planning, will be held on Monday 13 December 2021, 09:30 – 10:30 GMT. Attendance is limited to 500 so to be assured of a place, register to join by visiting the HEE website. Three subsequent seminars will be held across 2022.

UK Global Better Health Programme: Case Study for Prosperity Programme

In partnership with colleagues from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and the Department for International Trade, HEE and other NHS arm’s length bodies have been working with health system leaders abroad to improve population level health outcomes, particularly those related to non-communicable diseases.
The overall aim of the Better Health Programme is to strengthen local health system structures and improve the quality of care, which in turn will contribute to healthier populations and sector-wide economic growth. UK Global Better Health Programme: Case Study for Prosperity Programme provides examples of how NHS organisations have engaged and collaborated with partner nations to reach shared national and global health goals. Read the full case study here.

New academy to boost knowledge specialists’ learning

HEE is delighted to announce the creation of the new Knowledge for Healthcare Learning Academy. The Academy offers a range of bespoke learning opportunities tailored to the needs of the specialist healthcare knowledge and library workforce in England.

Giving NHS library teams opportunities for enhanced professional development, the Academy will bring together elements of HEE’s current NHS Knowledge and Library Services workforce development offer under a single umbrella.  By improving their skills participants will not only be developing themselves but enhancing the already highly valued services provided by knowledge and library professionals to NHS.

The Centre for Advancing Practice Supported ePortfolio Route

The Centre for Advancing Practice Supported ePortfolio Route is designed to enable Practitioners to evidence that they meet the advance practitioner requirements described in the Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England (MPF).
The online application form for this route will be available via the Advanced Practice website from 13 December 2021 and will remain open until late January 2022.

To support, we have developed a guidance document, and we will also be holding a webinar – join us Monday 6 December at 10am. FAQs will also be added to the website shortly. For further details please visit the HEE website.

Centre for Advancing Practice Conference 2021

The Extraordinary People, Extraordinary Care conference took place last month and was the most successful to date. With over 2000 delegates and 90 speakers from a wide variety of professions. For those who were unable to attend, you can visit the Advanced Practice Conference 2021 page where you will find links to the conference main stage and keynote speeches alongside the workshops from both days of the conference. You can also visit our Youtube channel where you will find all the talks from both days.

eLearning for Healthcare

Keep up to date with all the latest additions to the elfh platform here.


By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

New Community Diagnostic Learning Resource elearning programme

Posted on: December 20th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in collaboration with NHS England and NHS Improvement to develop a new elearning programme which aims to support the multi-disciplinary workforce in Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) across England.

The creation of CDCs was recommended following Professor Sir Mike Richards’ Review of NHS diagnostics capacity.  The recommendation was that NHS organisations across England move to providing diagnostic services in CDCs and all health systems are expected to include a network of CDCs as part of their health services offer.

The CDCs will allow patients to access planned diagnostic care nearer to home without the need to attend acute hospital sites. These services would be separate to urgent diagnostic scan facilities, which means shorter waiting times and a reduced risk of cancellation which can happen when more urgent cases take priority.

CDCs will improve population health outcomes by reaching earlier, faster, and more accurate diagnoses of health conditions.

Learning within the Community Diagnostic Learning Resource programme has been organised under the following categories:

  • Breast Imaging
  • Cancer
  • Clinical Imaging
  • COVID-19
  • Echo Cardiography
  • Lung Function
  • Phlebotomy
  • Teamwork
  • Well-being

More information, including access details, is available on the Community Diagnostic Learning Resource programme page.

New programme to support children and young people with respiratory conditions now available

Posted on: December 16th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT), The University of Bradford and The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership to develop a new integrated learning programme to support enhanced nursing care for children and young people (CYP) with specific respiratory conditions.

Enhanced Paediatric Nursing Skills for Surge (EPNS4Surge) will provide nursing staff with the knowledge and skills to enhance the delivery of care for CYP with bronchiolitis, croup, asthma and viral induced wheeze. There is also an emphasis on how sepsis may mimic or present alongside these common conditions.

This programme provides specific training to ensure CYP are cared for safely through the development of new workflows, including enhanced nurse triage, nurse-led discharge and hospital at home care.

During winter months, hospitals often experience a ‘surge’ in the number of respiratory admissions to paediatrics causing pressures on the finite number of inpatient beds. This training can be an integral part of ‘surge planning’ in combination with staff support and team development to release capacity.

The programme is freely available to all NHS staff and can be accessed by visiting the EPNS4Surge programme page.

New elearning programme to support newly qualified AHPs

Posted on: December 14th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent and Medway AHP Faculty and HEE to develop a new elearning programme to support newly qualified Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) transition to the workplace.

Step to Work aims to support AHPs – before they begin their transition from education to employment in health and social care settings – with guidance, support and practical tools to help them reflect on the knowledge they have already gained and how their experiences will help them in future roles.

Preceptorship programmes are provided by the NHS and other employers to help newly registered staff make sense of their new status but usually after they have begun work.

The programme consists of 8 sessions:

  • Positive appraisal of learning
  • Personal wellbeing at work
  • Characteristics of everyday work as an Allied Health Professional
  • Understanding the different systems that shape everyday work
  • Ethics, accountability and decision making
  • Developing and working in an inclusive environment
  • Building positive relationships with patients
  • Sustaining change and responsiveness

More information, including access details, is available on the Step to Work programme page.

New end of life care elearning pathway for nurses working in care homes

Posted on: December 13th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

A new learning path designed for nurses working in care homes has been added to the End of Life Care for All (e-ELCA) elearning programme.

It has been collated by Skills for Care, in collaboration with the Royal College of Nursing, and comprises introductory, core and additional elearning sessions which aim to support nurses working in social care with assessment, planning, implementation and review to support the person receiving care to live well until they die.

The e-ELCA elearning programme was developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and the Association for Palliative Medicine (APM) to enhance the training and education of the health and social care workforce.

The programme provides further sessions of interest to support additional continuing professional development (CPD) for nurses working in social care. A document signposting to these resources is available to download at the end of this learning path.

If you have any queries regarding registration or access, or if you are in need technical assistance, please contact the support team.

The Skills for care learning path: Nurses working in care homes learning path is available on the elfh Hub.

Foundation elearning programme update December 2021

Posted on: December 8th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Most doctors feel stress at some time in their working lives. How do you recognise it in yourself and/or in your colleagues? What are your options to deal with it?

Available in elearning for healthcare’s Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) – these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care, FPC 6: Sharing the Vision, FPC 7: Fitness to Practise, FPC 8: Upholding Values and FPC 11: Ethics and Law:

You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.

Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

SCRIPT elearning for Foundation schools

The SCRIPT elearning programme was developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media and commissioned by Health Education England. The elearning programme has been designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and optimal medicines management among healthcare professionals.

The resources for Foundation doctors are delivered through a dedicated learning platform, specifically designed to help improve the prescribing competency and safety of trainees.

A module usually takes approximately one hour to complete but does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

You can read more about the SCRIPT elearning programmes on the safe prescriber website.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies