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Recognising and Managing Deterioration elearning, a free programme for all health and social care professionals

Posted on: September 24th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked in partnership with London South Bank University, Bournemouth University and Health Education England, to develop this free elearning programme to support health and social care professionals working in clinical environments where patients could physically deteriorate.

The Recognising and Managing Deterioration programme is an elearning resource offered at 2 levels, universal and advanced, to reflect the participant’s experience and clinical setting. This resource builds upon the use of the NEWS2 tool assisting learners to take the next steps in the assessment process through using the ABCDE assessment tool. This resource follows each step of the tool allowing participants to revise their anatomy and physiology, develop their skills and knowledge in the assessment process to recognise deterioration and manage the findings within the scope of their clinical role.

NEWS2 is at the forefront of recognising deterioration and essential for detecting changes to vital signs.  Being able to recognise and act on other changes such as behaviour and mental state before a serious event are essential skills to improving patient safety and outcomes. The range of resources available in this elearning programme aim to support the workforce and organisations in ensuring staff have the necessary knowledge and skills to both recognise and manage deterioration in adult patients.

The Recognising and Managing Deterioration elearning content is suitable for wide range of roles ranging from nursing teams, AHPs and paramedics, through to students, healthcare support workers, and theatre assistants to name a few.

How to access the elearning

The Recognising and Managing Deterioration elearning programme is available to the health and care workforce via the elearning for healthcare hub.

You can learn more about the free, open access, resources on the Recognising and Managing Deterioration programme page.

New All Our Health Champions social learning course now available

Posted on: September 17th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and Public Health England have launched a new social learning course to invite professionals working in health and care, emergency services and local government to become All Our Health champions.

Developed in partnership with Carrot Learning, the All Our Health Champions course allows learners to earn special recognition for completing sessions across a broad range of public health issues including immunisation, early adolescence, air pollution and dementia.

The course is available to colleagues with a Twitter account and by completing resources, learners will gain the following benefits:

  • 30 minutes of continuing professional development (CPD)
  • the opportunity to start their All Our Health Champion journey with virtual awards
  • the opportunity to become part of a passionate, visible and vocal All Our Health Twitter community

As part of social learning (learning via social media interaction and sharing) learners will then be encouraged to share the All Our Health content, discuss its relevance to their role and consider the merits of taking a place based approach to tackling our critical public health issues as we start to build back better and fairer following the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information and to access the course, please visit the All Our Health Champions programme page.

End-of-life care for all (e-ELCA) elearning programme launches hit 1 million

Posted on: September 16th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

The end-of-life care for all (e-ELCA) elearning programme has now been launched more than 1 million times.

e-ELCA sessions have been highlighted as a resource to help with implementation of the NICE Guidelines on improving care for people who are in their last days of life.

The programme aims to enhance the training and education of the health and care workforce so that well informed, high quality care can be delivered by confident and competent staff and volunteers to support people in all settings.

It is developed by HEE elearning for healthcare, in partnership with the Association for Palliative Medicine, and the 1 million milestone was passed earlier this month.

The programme and associated webpages have recently been completely restructured in response to user feedback. Changes have been implemented to aid navigation, highlight learning paths and comply with new HEE standards.

There are more than 170 interactive sessions which are grouped into 9 modules:

The programme also offers a number of learning paths which provide targeted learning for specific staff groups, defined curricula, and condition-specific end-of-life care.

Visit the end-of-life care programme page to find out more about the elearning programme and for details of how to access.

New learning path for foundation supervisors

Posted on: September 14th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England (HEE) has developed a new resource for clinical and educational supervisors of foundation doctors.

Many individuals are involved in the development of a foundation doctor, including educational and clinical supervisors who play a key role in terms of guidance and support. It is important to ensure that they are trained to identify and meet the needs of those going through this level of medical training.

Training for the foundation supervisor supports the professional development of educators and includes video-based practical modules on topics such as supervision, feedback, workplace based assessments, dealing with doctors in difficulty and Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP).

Sessions may also be relevant to supervisors of speciality and GP trainees.

HEE has worked with elearning for healthcare (elfh) to review and update existing supervisor modules and create a new learning pathway which is available on the elfh Hub.

New elearning programme explains the dm+d (dictionary of medicines + devices)

Posted on: September 9th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked in partnership with the Academic Health Science Networks (AHSN), NHSX, NHS Digital and NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA) to create a new elearning programme.

The elearning resource explains what the dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) standard is, the benefits of using it, and how dm+d can be implemented in secondary care, including hospitals, clinics and community care settings across England.

The animated elearning sessions aim to unlock safer care by covering key areas related to the dm+d standards.

  1. What is dm+d: introduces the dm+d standard in non-technical terms and outlines what is provided, its purpose, and benefits for patient safety. This session is for clinical and non-clinical staff.
  2. Why you should adopt the dm+d standard: outlines the benefits of implementing dm+d and explains who needs to be involved. This session is for clinical staff.
  3. How to adopt the dm+d standard: provides relevant information, including NHS Blueprinting and requirements to embed dm+d. This session is for organisations who are about to implement dm+d and those who want to further their understanding for what it means to be compliant with the dm+d standard.

Each of the sessions takes approximately 25 minutes to complete and contributes to your continuing professional development. A certificate can be downloaded on completion of each session.

Accessing the elearning

To read more about the background to this elearning programme, please visit the programme page.

This programme will become available via ESR.

Your feedback

Your comments are valuable to us, please complete the evaluation survey to let us know what you think about the elearning programme.

Having Confident Appraisal Conversations elearning module now available

Posted on: September 8th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning resource for line managers undertaking appraisals and other performance conversations has been developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and NHS Employers.

The module has been designed to help line managers working across the NHS in England to have positive and effective conversations with staff. It highlights good and bad practice for line managers regarding conversations on annual appraisals, pay step conversations and general supervisory meetings.

The resource also includes videos, produced by NHS Employers, which highlight good experiences of appraisals and tips on having effective discussions. Topics within the module include:

  • why appraisals matter
  • requirements in relation to pay progression and the pay step process
  • how to have a good conversation
  • preparing for appraisals and giving constructive feedback

By the end of the session, which takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, learners will be able to:

  • discuss requirements under the NHS terms and conditions of service
  • deliver the pay step process for employees
  • prepare and undertake effective and supportive appraisal discussions
  • explain why the appraisal process is important
  • effectively manage difficult conversations

The workforce pay steps are linked to appraisals and will be an essential part of line managers’ personal development plans for colleagues who are covered by the NHS terms and conditions of service.

For more information and to access the session, please select the Having Confident Appraisal Conversations programme page.

Latest updates to the Dentistry (e-Den) elearning programme

Posted on: September 8th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) have been working with the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England to complete a full review of the Dentistry (e-Den) elearning programme.

The latest updated elearning content is Module 1 – Patient Assessment. This module is made up of 45 sessions which have been reviewed and updated to ensure that the sessions remain valid and in line with current best practice guidance. To date, 113 sessions in the e-Den elearning programme have now been successfully reviewed and updated with 207 sessions remaining to assess.

The sessions reviewed to date now include:

  • e-Den Module 1 – Patient Assessment
  • e-Den Module 3 – Anxiety and Pain Control in Dentistry
  • e-Den Module 9 – Removal of Teeth
  • e-Den Module 10 – Communication
  • 10_01 Communication and Treatment Planning
  • 10_07 Communicating with Professional Colleagues
  • e-Den Module 11 – Professionalism
  • 11_01 The GDC and Professional Conduct
  • 11_02 The GDC and Personal Conduct
  • 11_03 Complaints
  • 11_12 Teamworking in a Multidisciplinary Team

The review will continue to take place throughout 2021 and aims to be completed by the end of September 2022.

The original e-Den programme was created in late 2009 with the objective to deliver a high quality, interactive, online learning solution for new dental graduates, which they can utilise throughout their 2 year Foundation programme and also use as a point of reference throughout their dental careers.

For more information about the elearning and to access the full list of available content, please visit the HEE elfh e-Den programme page.

New elearning session highlights dermatological side effects of COVID-19

Posted on: September 6th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new session that highlights the effects of COVID-19 on skin has been added to Health Education England elearning for healthcare’s (HEE elfh) e-dermatology programme.

Dermatological Presentations of COVID-19 provides an overview of the skin symptoms associated with the virus and how to diagnose them.

The session lists these symptoms as follows:

  • Pseudo-chilblain/acral erythema
  • Papulo-vesicular eruptions
  • Urticarial lesions
  • Livedo/vasculitic lesions

The elearning session is aimed at a range of health and care professionals including GPs, nurses, specialty doctors and colleagues treating COVID-19 patients.

On completion of the session, learners will be able to describe the differential diagnoses of the skin symptoms of COVID-19, outline investigations and formulate a management plan.

The session has been developed in partnership with the British Association of Dermatologists. For more information and to access the resource, please visit the e-dermatology programme page.


MindEd resources for teachers and education staff as pupils return to the classroom

Posted on: September 6th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and MindEd are inviting teachers and education staff to access 3 useful resources to support pupils as they return to school and college this September.

Adverse Childhood Experiences is designed to deliver key knowledge and skills development for teachers and other professionals in schools to support children who have been affected by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as domestic violence, abuse or neglect.

The module covers topics including:

  • The science behind ACEs
  • Building resilience for children affected by ACEs
  • General classroom management of children affected by ACEs

Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Skills for Schools aims to help teachers, social workers, volunteers and parents to better understand how to approach children and young people in difficult situations. The session offers skills building scenarios and supporting knowledge sessions to help learners:

  • talk to a young person who they suspect of harming themselves
  • know what to say that will be helpful
  • assess their safety and co-create safety plans
  • learn more about what helps and what can make things worse
  • learn what do if a young person has experienced a death by suicide
  • understand the overlap and differences between suicidal thinking and self-harm

Coronavirus Staff Resilience Tips supports teachers and education staff with useful tips on a variety of subjects during these challenging times, including:

  • Stress and trauma – this session explores the psychology of stress and trauma and what to do about it in children and young people.
  • Loss and bereavement – this session provides learners with advice and tips to help a child or young person who has lost a loved one during the pandemic or has faced loss in other forms, such as a loss of relationships through lack of play activities and feeling isolated from friends.


MindEd is a free educational and training resource for mental health support.  The variety of free resources aims to provide adults, across professions and organisations and including parents and carers, with the knowledge to support wellbeing, the understanding to identify young and older people at risk of a mental health condition and the confidence to act on their concern and, if needed, signpost to services that can help.

For more information about MindEd visit: https://www.minded.org.uk/.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies