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Paramedics are supported by a clinical decision making elearning resource

Posted on: July 28th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England worked in partnership with the College of Paramedics to develop a Clinical Decision Making for Paramedics module. The module helps paramedics to consider how they make decisions in different circumstances and discusses different theories associated with clinical decision making.

Sessions include:

  • Introduction to Clinical Decision Making
  • Metacognition
  • Novice to Expert
  • Dual Process Theory
  • Heuristics and Bias
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Hypothetico-Deductive Decision Making
  • Importance of Red Flags
  • Human Factors

This CPD module will be useful for experienced paramedics, students or assistant practitioners. The interactive, online sessions can be accessed on a variety of mobile devices and take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

To register for this elearning module, or for more information, please visit the Paramedics programme page.

Patient and Family Critical Care 360 Tour now available

Posted on: July 28th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

The London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) has developed a resource to explain what it is like inside an intensive care unit (ICU) to help patients and their families.

ICU survivors and their families have created the Patient and Family Critical Care 360 Tour, together with LTLC and charity ICU Steps, by contributing to content and guiding the look and feel of the virtual environment.

The tour aims to help patients and families understand what happens within ICU and how unwell patients are cared for. It features different components including a guide to the types of staff who may be working within the ICU and views and sounds patients may experience from their hospital bed.

Tubes, wires and equipment that may feature are explained along with resources to assist survivors in making sense of their memories.

A similar resource for staff, Staff 360, is already available. The London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) Critical Care programme page includes resources for healthcare professionals whose roles may have changed as part of the Coronavirus response.

LTLC has worked in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) to develop these resources to support staff. To contact the team, email ltlc@hee.nhs.uk.

The charity ICU Steps can also be contacted for further advice and support.

Review and updates to the Dentistry (e-Den) elearning programme

Posted on: July 22nd, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) have been working with The Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England to complete a full review of the Dentistry (e-Den) elearning programme.

The original e-Den programme was created in late 2009 with the objective to deliver a high quality, interactive, online learning solution for new dental graduates, which they can utilise throughout their 2 year Foundation programme and also use as a point of reference throughout their dental careers.

The elearning programme has 13 modules with 320 sessions that are currently undergoing a full review to ensure that the sessions remain valid and in line with current best practice guidance. To date, 68 sessions have now been successfully reviewed and updated with 252 sessions remaining to assess

The sessions reviewed to date include:

    • e-Den Module 3 – Anxiety and Pain Control in Dentistry
      • All 33 sessions
    • e-Den Module 9 – Removal of Teeth
      • All 29 sessions
    • e-Den Module 10 – Communication
      • 10_01 Communication and Treatment Planning
      • 10_07 Communicating with Professional Colleagues
    • e-Den Module 11 – Professionalism
      • 11_01 The GDC and Professional Conduct
      • 11_02 The GDC and Personal Conduct
      • 11_03 Complaints
      • 11_12 Teamworking in a Multidisciplinary Team

The review will continue to take place throughout 2021 and aims to be completed by the end of September 2022.

For more information about the elearning and to access the full list of available content, please visit the HEE elfh eDen programme page.

New session added to Suicide and Self-harm Prevention module

Posted on: July 22nd, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has added a new elearning session to its adult Suicide and Self-harm Prevention module within the MindEd programme.

The new session – Formulation and Working Across Agencies in Self-harm – helps learners understand the ways in which different mental health services can work together to support people with suicidal ideas.

The resource discusses the case of a young adult who presents to services with suicidal ideation and self-harm. The resource reviews the ways services may work together to manage risk and provide support.

Learners can work through this video-rich case study session on their own or in a face to face group setting. Additional materials are provided as downloadable PDFs to complement the resource. This includes learning points at key moments in the videos.

By the end of this session, which takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, learners will gain an understanding of features which may promote or hinder continuity of care between services, such as effective collaboration and sharing key information, and how this will impact positively or negatively on delivery of care.

The session is aimed at health and care professionals who, within their daily work, may encounter people feeling suicidal and/or self-harming, such as GPs, paramedics, emergency department colleagues, university mental health support staff, community mental health teams and social workers.

The latest session is the 6th and final session within the Suicide and Self-harm Prevention module, which is free to access.

For more information and to access the resource, visit the Formulation and Working Across Agencies in Self-harm session.

MindEd is a free educational and training resource for mental health support. The variety of free resources aims to provide adults, across professions and organisations and including parents and carers, with the knowledge to support wellbeing, the understanding to identify young and older people at risk of a mental health condition and the confidence to act on their concern and, if needed, signpost to services that can help.
For more information about MindEd visit: https://www.minded.org.uk/.

New Introduction to Integrated Care Systems for Early Career Pharmacy Professionals elearning programme now available

Posted on: July 22nd, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme (IFPP) team to develop a new programme that introduces Integrated Care Systems (ICS) to trainee pharmacists, early career pharmacists and other pharmacy team members.

All areas in England were mandated to be part of an ICS by April 2021. 42 ICSs have now been established, bringing together various NHS organisations, local authority, and strategic partner organisations in collaboration to plan and deliver better and more integrated care for their local population.

Pharmacy teams provide services across health and care settings, working with other healthcare professionals and teams. Pharmacy leaders are also members of strategic and operational teams that are responsible and accountable for the planning and delivery of services within ICSs. It is essential for members of the pharmacy team to understand how they contribute to achieve the priorities of their local ICS.

The elearning programme aims to introduce early career pharmacy professionals to the principles underpinning ICS based on the NHS Long Term Plan and how the pharmacy team fits into ICS structures. The following topics are covered within the programme:

  • Principles of Integrated Care Systems (ICS)
  • Structures, organisations and partners within an ICS
  • Patient interactions within an ICS
  • Pharmacy teams’ contributions to planning and implementation of services within an ICS

Interactive case studies illustrating how various teams and systems integrate to provide joined up care for individuals are provided.

For more information and to access the session, please visit the Introduction to Integrated Care Systems (ICS) for Early Career Pharmacy Professionals programme page.

New elearning programme for drug treatment and recovery professionals

Posted on: July 22nd, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with Public Health England (PHE), Collective Voice and NHS Addictions Provider Alliance has developed the Best practice in Optimising Opioid Substitution Treatment (BOOST) elearning programme.

The BOOST elearning programme aims to provide workers with the information they need to deliver good quality opioid substitution treatment (OST) to service users. The programme is recommended by Public Health England (PHE) as mandatory training for all drug treatment and recovery workers, whether working in the NHS, voluntary or private sectors.

It is also recommended that team leaders, managers and other professionals working in drug treatment and recovery services complete the programme, so they can support learning and service improvements.

About the elearning

This elearning programme will help you have more effective conversations about OST with service users and your multidisciplinary team, including prescribers. To help you use what you have learned in practice, there are short films featuring conversations between service users who are on OST and their drug treatment and recovery workers. These videos have been developed to demonstrate typical clinical scenarios.

The BOOST elearning programme includes 6 sessions.

1 An introduction to opioid substitution treatment (OST).

2 How do I support service users to start OST?

3 Optimising OST including continued use on top.

4 How do I support someone to get the most out of OST?

5 How do I support service users to reduce and stop OST?

Each session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and includes further learning activities, links to further reading and resources and a self-assessment.

A certificate can be downloaded after completion of all 6 sessions. To download the certificate, learners must pass the final self-assessment.

Accessing the elearning

For more information, visit the Best practice in Optimising Opioid Substitution Treatment (BOOST) programme page.

The elearning is also available via AICC and ESR.

Your feedback

Your feedback is important to us. To leave your thoughts about the programme, please visit the evaluation survey.

Advanced therapies elearning programme now available

Posted on: July 19th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with a range of health organisations including the Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre Network and London Advanced Therapies to develop a new elearning programme for healthcare professionals on advanced therapies.

Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are medicines for human use which use genes, tissues or cells to offer ground-breaking new opportunities for the treatment of disease and injury. They can offer the promise of treating and altering the course of diseases which cannot be addressed adequately by existing pharmaceuticals, offering a lifeline to some patients who may have exhausted all other treatment options.

This programme of elearning sessions is designed give the learner a core understanding of cell and gene therapies, the biology involved in these treatments and how they work. The modules take the learner from the basics of cell and gene therapy and different modalities of treatment, to an in-depth look at treatments currently being delivered through commissioned treatment and clinical trials.

Learners will also be introduced to the unique challenges of bringing these pioneering advanced therapy treatments to patients, including logistical and handling requirements.

The sessions, which each last approximately 30 minutes, cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to advanced therapy medicinal products
  • In vivo gene therapies
  • Immune effector cell therapy
  • Focus on CAR-T cell therapy
  • The logistics of ATMPs in hospitals
  • Safe use of low temperature transport vessels

For more information and to access the sessions, visit the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products programme page.

Communicating with Empathy programme updated

Posted on: July 15th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

The Communicating with Empathy elearning programme, which aims to promote sensitive and effective communication in end-of-life care, has been updated.

It has been redesigned by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) as part of the End of Life Care for All (e-ELCA) programme and is based on previous content which was created and donated by PALLE8.

Communicating with Empathy consists of 6 sessions:

  1. Introduction to communication skills and how these are applied in end of life care
  2. Making the most of listening
  3. What do we mean by body language?
  4. Responding to challenges in end of life care
  5. Assessing and responding to communication needs
  6. Examples of communication challenges: distractions in the workplace and communicating when there are language barriers

Each session offers valuable, interesting and accessible learning that will be useful for informal carers, agency and care home staff, healthcare assistants and other colleagues providing end of life care.

More information, including access details, is available on the Communicating with Empathy programme page.

Care Certificate elearning programme launches hit 2 million

Posted on: July 15th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

The Care Certificate elearning programme has passed the milestone of 2 million session launches.

Developed by Health Education England (HEE), Skills for Care and Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), the Care Certificate elearning programme continues to be an essential resource for the health and care workforce in developing the knowledge needed to successfully pass the Care Certificate.

The Care Certificate is a set of 15 standards developed for the health and social care support workforce, to provide a framework to ensure that all support workers have the same introductory skills, knowledge and behaviours to prepare them to deliver care in their workplace setting. Those expected to complete the Care Certificate may include employees new to care, adult social care workers, carers in a residential or nursing home, a hospice or home care worker. It is also available to those working in non caring roles such as in the kitchen and maintenance teams.

This programme of elearning has been developed to support the theoretical component of each standard of the Care Certificate. The resources also include a Student Toolkit and an Assessor Toolkit, providing support on how to use the elearning programme to achieve the Care Certificate. It is freely available to access for staff in the health and care sectors.

Visit the Care Certificate programme page to find out more about the elearning programme and for details of how to access.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies