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New Telephone Assessment for Colorectal STT e-learning

Posted on: December 16th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

New Telephone Assessment for Colorectal STT elearning now available

New Telephone Assessment for Colorectal STT elearning now available
Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has developed a new elearning programme on the Telephone Assessment for Colorectal Straight-to-test pathway (STT).
The NHS England Rapid cancer diagnostic and assessment pathways guidance features nurse-led assessment as a core element of the colorectal cancer STT pathway. This assessment can be carried out via a telephone consultation and the elearning prepares nurses to undertake this role.
The training is suitable for experienced colorectal nurses or endoscopists who will be undertaking telephone assessment for colorectal cancer STT pathways as part of their clinical role.
The elearning programme consists of six modules:

  • Introduction to telephone assessment and the STT pathway
  • Assessment: symptoms
  • Assessment: co-morbidities and functional status
  •  Consent
  • Undertaking the telephone assessment
  • Wrap up: what happens next for patient and for trainee

To complete the course, learners need to complete both the above modules and undertake observed triaged phone calls which will be approved by a supervisor from their own department. This elearning course includes downloadable guidance for learners and departments as well as documentation for learners to record their progress.

More information, including access details, is available on the programme page.

NBIA Monthly Update – December 2020

Posted on: December 16th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

New elearning for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians available

In May 2020, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA), in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (elfh), launched their elearning programme for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians.  This is the eighth monthly update about the programme.

The full programme of elearning sessions is due to be completed in early 2021 to support your training needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you would like to share your thoughts on the resources and input into the evaluation of the NBIA elearning programme, please visit our survey.

What’s new?

There are 87 elearning sessions available on the elfh Hub.  The latest sessions to be added include:

  • Interpreting Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
  • Medicolegal Considerations in Breast Imaging

Additional sessions will be added to the elearning catalogue as soon as they are ready.

What can I expect from the elearning sessions?

The interactive elearning sessions cover a wide range of topics on breast imaging and relevant aspects of surgery, oncology, pathology, nursing, and risk and prevention.

In addition to the recently added elearning sessions listed above, you can also access:

  • Day in the Life of a Breast Radiologist
  • Day in the Life of a Mammographer
  • Incidental Findings in the Breast on CT
  • Normal Breast and Axilla on Ultrasound
  • MRI The Written Report
  • The Normal Breast

What is the NBIA?

Hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) project is a collaborative, national, multidisciplinary initiative, involving training centres and NHS Trusts around the country as well as Health Education England, Public Health England, the Royal College of Radiologists, the Society and College of Radiographers, the Association of Breast Clinicians and elearning for healthcare.

For further information about the NBIA please visit: www.nationalbreastimagingacademy.org.

More information, accessing the sessions and providing feedback

For more information about the programme, including access to the elearning sessions, please visit the NBIA programme page.

In addition to these monthly updates, please visit the HEE elfh news page and follow @HEE_TEL on Twitter for the latest news about the programme.

New HCSW2020 Accelerated Care Certificate e-Learning programme now available

Posted on: December 15th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement, Indeed and Skills for Care to develop the HCSW2020 Accelerated Care Certificate elearning programme.

To meet the needs of staff as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the HCSW2020 (Health Care Support Worker) recruitment programme has been established. This aims to accelerate HCSW supply and reduce vacancies across mental health, acute care, community, primary care, midwifery, learning disabilities, and children and young people services.

This elearning will support the induction of HCSWs and uses a mix of existing elfh resources and practical competency-based learning. Due to the demands of the pandemic, the Care Certificate will be accelerated to deliver an induction programme and training for colleagues. This model of delivery will not affect the high quality of the Care Certificate.

The Care Certificate is a set of 15 standards and competencies delivered through theory and practice to support the induction for healthcare support colleagues who are new to health and care and to ensure they have the necessary skills to deliver high quality care. The Care Certificate covers the required skills needed to be caring, giving health and care professionals, providing a good basis to further develop knowledge and skills.

For more information about the elearning programme and to access the sessions, please visit the HCSW2020 Accelerated Care Certificate elearning programme page.

New and refreshed sessions are available for professional development teams

Posted on: December 14th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked with the Professional Development Team at HEE London and South East (LaSE) to review existing elearning sessions, aimed at educators and supervisors of doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, allied health professionals and healthcare scientists.

What can I expect from the elearning sessions?

All 20 sessions have been revised and reflect current policy updates and procedures.  These modules are linked to the Professional Development Framework for Educators.

The refreshed elearning sessions include:

Using simulation in health professions education Workplace and practice

based assessment

Assuring and maintaining quality in health professions education Appraisal


Diversity, equal opportunities and human rights Assessing educational needs


Involving patients in health professions education Setting learning objectives


Facilitating learning in the workplace Supervision
Interprofessional education Supporting learners
Small group teaching elearning in clinical teaching
Teaching clinical skills Improve your lecturing
Effective feedback Introduction to educational research
Structured assessments of clinical competence Supervision of less than full time trainees

Each elearning session takes from 30 to 60 minutes to complete. A certificate is generated on completing all of the courses within the programme.

More about the Educator Training Resources Programme

Launched in March 2017, the Educator Training Resources is a multi-professional resource, aimed at educators across the healthcare professions. The resource contains content from the Multiprofessional Faculty Development Team and HEE Kent, Surrey and Sussex’s e-training for trainers (etft) modules. Complementary content from other regions is also included.

Accessing the elearning

The Professional Development Team (LaSE) elearning sessions are part of the Educator Training Resource Programme, accessible via the Educator Hub.

If you would like to know more, please access the programme page.

The Professional development team elearning programme is also available to the health and care workforce via AICC and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).


New Genomics in the NHS programme

Posted on: December 10th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with the HEE Genomics Education Programme (GEP) are delighted to launch their new Genomics in the NHS programme; a collection of elearning sessions designed for all healthcare professionals looking to learn more about genomics.

With the launch of the NHS Genomics Medicine Service in England, more healthcare professionals than ever before are likely to encounter genomics in their daily role. As it increasingly becomes part of routine care, all healthcare professionals, not just those within specialist departments, will need some level of understanding of the impact genomics will have on the diagnosis, treatment and management of a wide variety of conditions.

This new programme seeks to meet this educational need in an open, collaborative way, by inviting genomics educators from across the NHS to contribute their educational resources and courses.

About the Genomics in the NHS programme

The Genomics in the NHS programme is a collection of new and refreshed elearning sessions developed by NHS educational teams to support and educate all healthcare professionals about genomic medicine and the benefits it is bringing to patient care.

The programme was developed to incorporate elearning resources from Health Education England’s Genomics Education Programme (GEP) along with other contributors. The programme launches with elearning from the GEP and Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust.

New and refreshed elearning sessions

The GEP’s content features a range of foundation and specialist courses on a wide range of topics related to genomics. Learners with no or limited exposure to genomics can build up their knowledge with the Genomics 101 collection, comprising nine short introductory courses covering the basic of DNA, genetic inheritance, genetic testing and communicating with patients about genomics.

Meanwhile, healthcare professionals who are already familiar with genomics can access more tailored sessions, designed for those who support patients through genomic testing, including whole genome sequencing.

The Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust has contributed its first elearning resources to the Genomics in the NHS programme. The sessions have been designed to assist healthcare professionals working with patients with rare diseases, looking to understand and integrate genomics into their clinical practice.

Learners will be provided with an overview of basic, general genomics knowledge, which will then be assessed. They will examine genomic knowledge specific to their area of practice, by identifying common genetic conditions. They will also examine local pathways and support systems for the patients and are encouraged to support their learning and case-based discussions with the help of a local facilitator.

Further information and guidance

To find out more about the work of the GEP and its courses, resources and tools available for the NHS workforce, visit the GEP website at www.genomicseducation.hee.nhs.uk

Learners completing the modules by Liverpool Women’s Trust may be interested in further guidance and reading, which is linked to module and written for patients. You can access the guidance by selecting: https://www.liverpoolwomens.nhs.uk/our-services/liverpool-centre-for-genomic-medicine-lcgm/

Accessing the elearning

For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the Genomics in the NHS programme page.

You can work through the elearning programme at your own pace and revisit content at any time.


Newborn Hearing Screening Programme updated

Posted on: December 9th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare has worked with Public Health England to update the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP).

The newborn hearing screening test helps to identify babies who have permanent hearing loss as early as possible. This means that parents can get the advice and support they need as soon as possible after birth.

The new screening sessions within the elearning are:

Unit 1 – Introduction to the NHSP and informed choice
Unit 2 – The ear and hearing
Unit 3 – The NHSP care pathway and quality assurance
Unit 4 – The screening tests
Unit 5 – Screening outcomes
Unit 6 – The NHSP national IT system (S4H) and screening equipment
Unit 7 – NHSP knowledge update

For more information about the elearning programme and to access the sessions, please visit the NHS screening programme page.

New Delivering sensory health services e-learning

Posted on: December 7th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Delivering sensory health services elearning programme now live

Health Education England has worked in partnership with NHS England and Improvement (NHSE/I) to create an interactive elearning resource to help healthcare professionals deliver sensory health checks to children and young people with learning disabilities and autism.

The Delivering sensory health services elearning programme is designed to support dentists and their teams, eye care specialists (including opticians and optometrists, and supporting staff) and audiologists who carry out these sensory health checks.

Some children and young people with learning disabilities and autism can have difficulties understanding, receiving, and responding to information and may experience sensory processing difficulties. People with these issues may have an adverse reaction to anything that under or overstimulates their senses, such as light, sound, touch, taste, or smell. This can affect their behaviour and ability to interact with other people making it more difficult for them to access health checks.

The programme outlines:

  • What to consider when communicating with children and young people and their families in these schools or colleges
  • How to work with other professionals to help support whilst in situ and provide this support
  • To help prepare beforehand in order to understand how a particular school or college works.
  • Specific topics on autism and behaviours that can be a challenge and what sensory impairment means to the patient.
  • How to reduce/avoid this sensory overload whilst caring for the individual.

The resource may also be useful for other health and care professionals working in these settings for the first time.

Other organisations who supported the development of the resource include: The National Association of Special Schools, Challenging Behaviour Foundation, Seeability, University College London and University College Hospital.

Access the Delivering sensory health services programme.

e-Learning sessions support paramedics caring for mother and baby

Posted on: December 7th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked with the College of Paramedics to develop ten bite-sized sessions to develop paramedics’ knowledge of childbirth, maternal emergencies and care of newborn babies.

Written and edited by paramedic-midwife, Aimee Yarrington, each session in the maternity and newborn care for paramedics’ module was designed to build confidence and competence in experienced paramedics, students and assistant practitioners when caring for mother and baby in a wide range of scenarios such as normal birth, breech birth, peripartum haemorrhage and newborn life support.

The module covers the following topics:

  • Ante-partum haemorrhage
  • Birth
  • Breech birth
  • Care of the newborn
  • Cord prolapse
  • Maternal resuscitation
  • Newborn life support
  • Post-partum haemorrhage
  • Pregnancy induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia
  • Shoulder dystocia

Each interactive session can be accessed on a variety of mobile devices and lasts approximately 20 minutes.

To register for this elearning module or for more information, please visit the elfh website.

New Recognising and Managing Deterioration e-learning programme launched

Posted on: December 4th, 2020 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with London South Bank University and Bournemouth University, to develop a new, free elearning programme to support health and social care professionals working in clinical environments where patients could physically deteriorate.

The Recognising and Managing Deterioration programme is an elearning resource offered at two levels, universal and advanced, to reflect the participant’s experience and clinical setting. This resource is structured around the ABCDE assessment tool and allows participants to revise their anatomy and physiology, develop their skills and knowledge in the assessment process to recognise deterioration and manage the findings within the scope of their clinical role.

Changes to vital signs, behaviour and mental state often occur before a serious event, such as cardiac arrest. Being able to recognise and act on these changes are essential skills to improving patient safety and outcomes. A range of resources are available in this elearning programme to support the workforce and organisations in ensuring staff have the necessary knowledge and skills to recognise and manage deterioration in adult patients.

How to access the elearning
The Recognising and Managing Deterioration elearning programme is available to the health and care workforce via the elearning for healthcare Hub.

You can learn more about the elearning resources on the Recognising and Managing Deterioration programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies