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Paramedic elearning

Posted on: January 21st, 2025 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

Paramedics are often quickly required to form a team in a high-stake situation such as response to a cardiac arrest. The College of Paramedics, in collaboration with NHS England TEL elearning for healthcare and Dynamic Business services, has created a unique elearning session which allows you to immerse yourself in the dynamics of a team coming together to manage a sudden cardiac arrest, overcoming differences and distractions to work together effectively. Human factors: Management of a sudden cardiac arrest session can be worked through on any computer or mobile device, or as a fully immersive experience using a virtual reality headset.

Once you have completed this course NHS England e-Learning for Healthcare, and the College of Paramedics, would like your feedback on the Human Factors Cardiac Arrest e-learning course. Using 360-degree and virtual reality technology on this course we are aiming to enhance your learning experience. Your input is invaluable as we shape the future of our e-learning  – so we would love to hear your thoughts on this course by completing  the survey. The survey will remain open until 31st March.

Cardiac care and ECGs for paramedics covers the identification and pre-hospital care of patients with common cardiac conditions. It includes pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, assessment, evidence-based treatment and pathways for the optimal care of these conditions often seen patients.

Revised and updated in 2024, End of life and palliative care as associated with paramedic practice contains eight sessions reviewing the skills and knowledge paramedics need to manage patients nearing the end of their life, in accordance with their wishes and best interests.

Foundation Programme Update January - The Mental Capacity Act

Posted on: January 14th, 2025 by Charlotte Murray 1 Comment

The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty (DoLs) are central to inpatient care. The MCA protects the rights of vulnerable people and this group of sessions cover topics such as assessing capacity, consent, patient autonomy and safeguarding.

Available in the elearning for healthcare Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) – these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care, FPC 6: Sharing the Vision and FPC 11: Ethics and Law:

Check the programme to see other sessions that might help you…

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme

Posted on: January 10th, 2025 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

Are you ready to deepen your clinical knowledge and improve the care you provide for patients with Sickle Cell Disorder (SCD)? This new education programme is designed to give healthcare professionals the tools and insights to manage the complex needs of SCD patients, ensuring the best possible outcomes and experiences.

There are two course option on offer. The first, produced by The Red Cell Network, provides a full introduction to SCD to give learners a solid understanding of SCD as a genetically inherited blood condition. This is followed by information about common complications and treatment options, as well as pain presentation and pain management. The course also includes a session led by a patient with lived experience. SCD patients are experts in their own condition, and it is vital to work with them to deliver the best possible care. This also helps learners to build empathy with patients with SCD.

The second course, produced by King’s Health Partners, takes a more detailed look at acute pain presentation and other complications such as acute chest syndrome. The course provides learners with knowledge of how best to treat these symptoms. Both courses are available on the website.

As well as clinical knowledge, this programme addresses the role of racism and health-related stigma in patient care, teaching learners how to recognise and prevent such behaviours.

TEL News December

Posted on: December 19th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

The final edition of TEL News for 2024 is now available and includes an update on the Simulation and Immersive Technologies team work with the Return to Practice (RTP) Nursing team and colleagues in Blended Learning to design and deliver a new RTP Nursing programme, recording links for two new TEL Network CPD sessions and details of the latest elearning for healthcare sessions.

Congratulations also go to the team behind the new Radiation Safety elearning modules, who have been nominated for a Healthcare Science Award for their work. Best of luck for the final in March.

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Join our AI in Healthcare Education Research

Posted on: December 10th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

The Virtual Hybrid Learning Faculty, AI in Healthcare Education Special Interest Group, and Supporting TEL are looking for people to take part in their research into AI in healthcare education.

This research will consider rates of AI adoption, attitudes, capability, and capacity in the medical education context. The team are interested in hearing the thoughts of medical educators, learners, and developers on the use of AI in assessment, simulation, and learning.

They are looking for opinions and perspectives from those with any level of experience or exposure to the technology. Evidence gathered will be used to support ongoing work across the Virtual Hybrid Learning Faculty, AI in Healthcare Education Steering Group, and Supporting TEL.

If you are interested in contributing to the understanding of, and debate around, the adoption of AI into healthcare education delivery, then please complete the survey before 10 January 2025.

Dental exemptions for dental hygienists and dental therapists

Posted on: November 28th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

A new learning programme is available for dental hygienists and dental therapists to help navigate the changes under law, to supply and administer medicines within the Exemption framework (Human Medicines Regulations 2012), supporting the care of patients.

The elearning, developed in partnership with NHSE WT&E, comprises of six sections which include case studies and peer discussion as part of the learning and will take learners approximately 2 hours to complete. Although this programme was designed for dental hygienists and dental therapists, other members of the dental team may also find this learning useful.

The programme supports dental hygienists and dental therapists to apply these regulatory changes in practice. The elearning will link to activities dental professionals already undertake under Patient Group Directions (PGD), or as part of normal working using Patient Specific Directions (PSD) and will ask learners to extend this knowledge to working under exemptions.

You can access this new programme via the NHS Learning Hub.

The training launch follows on from the publication of the guidance on the supply and administration of medicines by dental hygienists and dental therapists, and the recently held webinar for contractors, dental hygienists and therapists.

Radiation safety the focus of new elearning

Posted on: November 26th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

NHS staff working near sources of ionising and non-ionising radiation can access new elearning to highlight safe working practices and protect them from harm. 

The interactive programme supports staff who may be exposed to low levels of radiation due to working on wards or departments or accompanying people to departments where radiation is used. It provides an overview of identifying hazards and risks, safety signage and the types on controlled areas which may be found in a hospital.  

It also explores the legislation and risk assessment to minimise exposure, procedures to ensure staff safety and the use and care of personal protective equipment (PPE). 

Topics covered include: 

  • Ancillary worker protection 
  • Radiation protection for sentinel node lymph biopsy theatre staff 
  • Basic MRI safety for new referrers 

The training is available on the Learning hub. For more information visit the programme page 

Congratulations to the programme team, who have been nominated for a Healthcare Science Award for their work. Best of luck for the final.

TEL News November

Posted on: November 26th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

TEL News November is now available and includes updates on new resources for the Nursing in Adult Prison Healthcare Settings programme,  the next Tea and TEL and TEL network CPD sessions in December and we celebrate the VHLF’s third anniversary.

Read November’s TEL News

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Transnasal Endoscopy

Posted on: November 21st, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

The Transnasal Endoscopy (TNE) elearning is now live and is essential training for endoscopy nurses, as well as medical, surgical and clinical endoscopists. The elearning consists of 6 sessions that are focused on how to deliver effective TNE within the diagnostic pathway.

The NHS is focused on reducing the 6 week waiting times and backlog for upper GI endoscopies, as well as improving the diagnostic patient experience. To deliver this a TNE service has been created through a £2.5 million capital fund. It is anticipated that through this investment upper GI cancer diagnosis times will be improved. The Transnasal Endoscopy elearning will support this important work and the roll out of TNE roll out nationally.

Full details about the elearning and session details can be found on the Learning Hub.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies