Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with Health Education England’s AHP team and the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust to launch a new supporting allied health professionals (AHP) student elearning programme.
The aim of this course is to provide non-registered AHP assistants and support staff with training to develop their understanding of student education and to develop their skills in supporting students and educators within their teams. During this course, users will learn about the student journey, from the beginning of their studies to qualification and how practice placements form part of their learning. The resource will also offer an understanding of what is expected from students during placement, how to give feedback to students and educators and how to recognise and support a student who may be struggling. By developing these skills, non-registered staff will be able to contribute to the delivery of practice placement education, improving the quality and capacity of placements.
The following sessions are now available:
- Health and Wellbeing Part 1: Resilience
- Health and Wellbeing Part 2: Why Might a Student Struggle on Placement?
For more information about the elearning, including how to access it, please visit the HEE elfh Supporting AHP Students programme page.