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New sessions added to Intensive Care Medicine elearning programme

Posted on: July 7th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine to develop 2 new sessions for the Intensive Care Medicine elearning programme.

The sessions take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and comprise the following topics:

  • Induction of Anaesthesia in the Critical Care Unit: Part 1
  • Rheumatological Emergencies

The elearning for Intensive Care Medicine (e-ICM) programme provides 9 modules of resources (elearning sessions, links to open access review articles, guidelines and multiple-choice questions) covering the syllabus for training in intensive care medicine.
The resources will benefit anyone caring for critically ill patients as well as trainees in intensive care medicine.

To access the sessions, please visit the Intensive Care Medicine programme page.
Further information about the project is also available via the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine website.

MindEd infographic highlights programme’s success during COVID-19

Posted on: July 1st, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for Healthcare (HEE elfh) has produced an infographic charting the achievements of its flagship mental health programme, MindEd, through the pandemic.
MindEd: A year in review highlights the successes of the elearning programme from April 2020 to April 2021 by featuring a record-breaking 50,265 session launches in May last year. It also shows that, on average, a session was launched every 90 seconds and 12 hours of learning was completed every hour, 365 days a year.

The infographic also offers a percentage breakdown of users based on their profession and found that 40 per cent of learners came from a health background while 15 per cent worked in education.
Positive feedback from learners, mental health statistics and details about the Coronavirus Staff Resilience Hub can also be found on the infographic.

MindEd offers more than 500 free open access elearning sessions about the mental health of children, young people, adults and older people. The resources cover a range of topics including suicide and self-harm prevention and adverse childhood experiences. Emergency services colleagues can also access tips on enhancing the physical and mental wellbeing of staff who find themselves working in difficult situations.

For more information and to access the programme’s resources, please visit the MindEd programme page.

MindEd Infographic

HEE elfh usage infographic

Posted on: July 1st, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has created this infographic to highlight the usage and breadth of content across the elfh Hub.

HEE elfh has over 400 elearning programmes in its catalogue on subjects from dementia to data security, anaesthesia to audiology and sepsis to statutory and mandatory training. It brings together a huge amount of bite sized content into 1 place providing free elearning resources for the health and care workforce, 24/7.

The new infographic, featuring data from a range of elearning programmes on the platform, shows the wealth of elearning content being used on the elfh Hub.

HEE elfh has also created a series of specific infographics with detailed data for a number of health and care professions that will be shared in the coming weeks.

To find out more about HEE elfh and for the full list of available elearning programmes visit the HEE elearning for healthcare website.

HEE elfh usage infographic

TEL News June 2021

Posted on: June 30th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

June’s edition of TEL News includes details of the recent WHO Emergency Programme webinar and details of new simulation and immersive technologies projects.

There is also information about a new elearning programme on personalised care for people with cancer and updates to the MindEd programme.

Read June’s TEL News >

Subscribe to TEL News >

SCRIPT: supporting safer prescribing practices in primary care

Posted on: June 30th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning portfolio for the primary care workforce includes 24 modules in 4 categories, developed for GPs, GP trainees and other prescribing staff in primary care settings. The modules cover a range of therapeutic topics relating to prescribing and medicines safety in primary care settings, including:

  • Principles of Prescribing
  • Therapeutic Groups
  • Prescribing in Medical Emergencies
  • Prescribing in Special Circumstances

Every module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

Benefits from using SCRIPT elearning modules

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • Free to learners with a or address.

How do I access the elearning programme?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website.

New County Lines Exploitation session added to All Our Health programme

Posted on: June 30th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning session to help health and care professionals protect vulnerable children from exploitation has been developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and Public Health England.

The UK Government defines County Lines as a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas within the UK, using dedicated mobile phone lines or other form of ‘deal line’.

Such gangs are likely to exploit children and vulnerable adults to move and store the drugs and money and they will often use coercion, intimidation, violence (including sexual violence) and weapons.

This new bite-sized resource, part of the All Our Health programme, helps health and care professionals to improve their knowledge of County Lines activity and offers advice on how they can support families and young people at risk of exploitation.
On completion of the session, learners will:

  • understand how county lines work
  • know the extent and consequences of county lines exploitation
  • recognise associated risk and protective factors for county lines exploitation
  • recognise indicators of county lines exploitation and the actions for professional practice

The session also signposts learners to other useful sources of advice and information such as the Department for Education and the Home Office.For more information and to access the free County Lines Exploitation session, visit the All Our Health programme page.

NBIA Monthly Update - June 2021

Posted on: June 29th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

In May 2020, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA), in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (elfh), launched their elearning programme for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians.  This is the eleventh update about the programme.

Some of the most popular sessions in the elearning programme include Breast Imaging Services in the UK, Image Interpretation and Mammography: Working in a Mobile Unit. Learners commented that session content was “very helpful and informative” with “good presentation and explanations”.

The full programme of elearning sessions is due to be completed in 2021 to support your training needs. If you would like to share your thoughts on the resources and input into the evaluation of the NBIA elearning programme, please visit our survey.

What’s new?

There are 107 elearning sessions available on the elfh Hub.  The latest sessions to be added include:

  • Mammographic Imaging of the Augmented Breast
  • Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy

Additional sessions will be added to the elearning catalogue as soon as they are ready.

What can I expect from the elearning sessions?

The interactive elearning sessions cover a wide range of topics on breast imaging and relevant aspects of surgery, oncology, pathology, nursing, and risk and prevention.

In addition to the recently added elearning sessions listed above, you can also access:

  • Breast Cancer Mimics
  • Imaging of Breast Implants: MRI and Mammography
  • Management of the Axilla
  • Tips for Challenging Ultrasound-guided Biopsies

What is the NBIA?

Hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) project is a collaborative, national, multidisciplinary initiative, involving training centres and NHS Trusts around the country as well as Health Education England, Public Health England, the Royal College of Radiologists, the Society and College of Radiographers, the Association of Breast Clinicians and elearning for healthcare.

For further information about the NBIA please visit:

More information, accessing the sessions and providing feedback

For more information about the programme, including access to the elearning sessions, please visit the NBIA programme page.

In addition to these monthly updates, please visit the HEE elfh news page and follow @HEE_TEL on Twitter for the latest news about the programme.

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 37

Posted on: June 28th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Key Messages and links to 24 June 2021

Welcome to Health Education England’s regular stakeholder bulletin.

In this bulletin we will provide:

  • Latest messages from our Chief Executive
  • COVID-19 latest updates
  • Overview of HEE education and training news

Weekly messages from HEE

Read recent messages from Dr Navina Evans, Chief Executive, HEE.

Reset, recovery and reform

‘Throughout history, it has often taken a crisis to drive such rapid evolution’

HEE COVID-19 latest updates

We have created a COVID-19 update webpage that provides guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 surge guidance.

HEE recently published a series of short animations to help keep doctors in training up to date with training recovery and explain how we are getting training back on track, flexible training opportunities available, and wellbeing resources. To keep up to date with plans for medical training recovery, visit HEE COVID-19 webpages.

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients:

National Education and Training Survey is now live
HEE’s 2021 National Education and Training Survey (NETS) is now live, giving students from across the country the chance to provide feedback on their clinical placement experience.

NETS collects opinions from students about their time in clinical placements to capture information on their learning experiences, what they thought worked well and what they think could be improved.  First piloted in 2018 and run twice a year, the survey is the only one of its type to cover multiple professions and the survey results provide vital feedback used to improve the quality of clinical placements across England.

The survey will run until midnight on Friday  23 July 2021. To take part in the survey go to


Medical trainees join senior leaders to discuss tackling health inequalities

HEE learners and doctors in training were given the opportunity to put questions to Chief Medical Officer for England, Dr Chris Whitty, and Director of Education and Quality and Medical Director at HEE, Professor Wendy Reid, at the National Trainee Engagement Forum (NTEF) Insight Event on 9 June, 2021.

Find out more on Dr Raees Lunat and Dr Vidushi Golash, NTEF co-chairs and clinical fellows to the Medical Director at HEE, as they reflect on the event here.


Expansion of clinical placements gets £15m boost

We have pledged £15m to fund additional clinical placements across nursing, midwifery, allied health professionals (AHPs) and healthcare science, in 2021/22.

This funding will increase the number of placements offered to nursing, midwifery AHP, and healthcare students from September 2021, and will enable HEE to deliver the future health and care workforce in sufficient numbers and with the skills the NHS needs.

Education providers are anticipating a significant growth in student numbers this year across the healthcare professions. Applications in England have risen by 34% for nursing and 27% for AHPs and the expansion of clinical placements will enable providers to meet this demand.


HEE adds new midwifery degree to blended learning programme

The introduction of a new blended learning degree in midwifery has moved a step closer as we announced four universities who will deliver the degree by March 2022.

The midwifery degree is the latest qualification to be included in HEE’s blended programme. It joins the nursing degree that was announced in July last year to help boost the nursing workforce and support the vision to open up the nursing profession to a much wider group of people. Students will emerge with a Bachelor’s degree in midwifery after 20 months to three years training depending on the chosen pathway.


Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey (CPWS)

The deadline for the CPWS has been extended to Friday 25 June to ensure that we receive the maximum number of responses possible. This survey will help us to raise visibility of the community pharmacy workforce and help us to target education and training support to where it is most needed. Direct communications have been sent to pharmacy contractors to advise them of the extended deadline and encourage them to complete the survey. Please contact our research partners on for more information.

Pharmacy Technicians – 10-year anniversary as a registered profession
Registration for pharmacy technicians with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) became mandatory in July 2011. In October 2020 there were 20,372 pharmacy technicians in England on the GPhC register (Source GPhC).

Thursday, 1 July 2021 marks 10 years of pharmacy technicians becoming a registered profession. We are working with key stakeholders to raise awareness on social media using #pharmtechreg10 and supporting the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK) with their virtual event.

The Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Year Programme

We are running joint webinars with NHS England and NHS Improvement and the General Pharmaceutical Council to explore how the Initial Education and Training reform programme will be implemented in the 2021/2022 Foundation Training Year (the new name for the pre-registration training year).

Please save the date and join on Teams:

Contact the HEE National Pharmacy Team at with any questions.


AHP student practice-based learning programme webinar

Earlier this week, the AHP student practice-based learning programme held a webinar to celebrate 12 months of innovation and launched a new animation. The animation outlines what practice-based learning is and what are the benefits to student Allied Health Professional students? It describes how Health Education England is working across the sector to support and build practice-based learning opportunities to enhance student learning.

The webinar shared gold standard innovation in TECS, simulation, non-clinical examples of practice-based learning. It was held as a celebration and to say thank you to everyone for their willingness to adapt quickly to a changing world and embrace the opportunity to lead the way with innovative projects. Visit our practice-based learning resource page for more event recordings, slides, guides and videos here and view the animations here.

Workforce and education initiatives

New NHS training aims to address loneliness and social isolation

Staff across the NHS, care and voluntary sectors will have access to a range of interventions and information about how to refer or signpost people who may be at risk of loneliness and social isolation.

A new elearning resource has been developed in collaboration with Public Health England and the Campaign to End Loneliness. It provides information to help health and care learners to recognise people who may be at risk from loneliness and social isolation and understand the potential negative outcomes this may have on their health.

A week to champion genomics in healthcare

Join HEE’s Genomics Education Programme (GEP) on Monday 28th June 2021 as they launch their #GenomicsConversation week of action campaign. Aimed at the nursing, midwifery and health visiting community, the week is an opportunity for the programme to demonstrate how relevant genomics is in practice today.

Free online activities will be available throughout the week, tailored to reflect each day’s theme. This year the GEP are pleased to launch several new podcast interviews, related resources and blogs that will be published as part of our range of curated content. In partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement the GEP is also co-hosting the first of three educational webinars. A calendar of activities will shortly be available to download. With just over a week to go. follow the GEP on social media or check out their webpage for news and updates on the week.

Partnership offers free e-leaning resource for UK NHS organisations

HEE has boosted its elearning portfolio for the health and care workforce, by partnering with to provide short courses to the NHS for free.

The partnership means fees are waived for all NHS-authored courses on FutureLearn. HEE is the lead partner, though all NHS organisations in the UK have the option to create courses and then make these available via the FutureLearn platform.The new partnership consolidates several existing partnerships between different NHS organisations and FutureLearn, to provide a unified experience for learners and making it easier for health and care organisations to create courses.

The courses which are currently eligible as part of the partnership are available on the Learning Hub:

An introduction to the HEE Star: accelerating workforce redesign

Do you have a role or interest in health and care workforce redesign, transformation or planning? Have you heard about the HEE Star and want to know more?

We are hosting short, one-hour webinars to raise awareness and enhance understanding about the HEE Star – a proven methodology designed to tackle a broad range of health and care workforce challenges.

Whether you’re part of an ICS/STP or primary care network, in a CCG, CSU or Trust or an arms-length body, the HEE Star is applicable. The webinar will give you a general overview and understanding of the HEE Star methodology demonstrating how and where it can be effectively used, and highlighting the benefits to your organisation and workforce.

There are two dates available:

  • 10-11am Tuesday 13 July 2021
  • 10-11am Wednesday 22 September 2021

To book your place please complete this short registration form

Stroke training offers health professionals the support they need

HEE has launched its first multi-professional Stroke Training Guide in a bid to improve health and social care workers’ understanding and response to the condition.

A digitised version of the guide, the Stroke Toolkit, is now available. It offers consistent, credible, and helpful resources relating to stroke. This is underpinned by the Fundamentals of Acute Care and Treatment in Stroke (FACTS) elearning modules, which are linked to the Stroke Specific Education Framework (SSEF).

This has been launched alongside six rehabilitation videos, which cover possible cognitive and communication problems, functional independence, how a person’s mood may be affected, swallowing and appropriate positioning after stroke. Find out more on our Long Term Conditions programme page. 



By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

New session on antimicrobial prescribing for urinary tract infections now available

Posted on: June 25th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), in partnership with Public Health England, NHS England and NHS Improvement, Care Quality Commission and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, has added a new session to the Antimicrobial Resistance and Infections elearning programme.
Antimicrobial Prescribing for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) provides a quick overview on the key points for clinicians to consider when prescribing antibiotics for UTIs, as outlined in the NICE guidance on managing common infections.
The bite-sized session also covers:

  • why the management of specific infections matter
  • what you need to know as a clinician
  • what you can do in your clinical practice
  • where can you find more information

This bite-sized session is accompanied by an assessment and learners have the flexibility of assessing their knowledge before and/or after engaging with the session.
Antibiotic (antimicrobial) resistance poses a major threat to everyday life where lives could be lost as a result of antibiotics not working as they should. All health and care staff have an important role in preserving the power of antibiotics and in controlling and preventing the spread of infections. The Antimicrobial Resistance and Infections programme supports both clinical and non-clinical staff to understand these threats and tackle them with adequate infection prevention and control practices, good antimicrobial stewardship and the use of diagnostics.

For more information and to access the session, please visit the Antimicrobial Resistance and Infections programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies