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Archive for the ‘Latest news articles’ Category

New elearning session in the Public Health for Paramedics module

Posted on: June 24th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England worked in partnership with the College of Paramedics to develop new sessions in the Public Health for Paramedics module. The module itself provides an introduction to the principles and practice of Public Health, designed to equip paramedics with the knowledge and understanding which will enable them to contribute more effectively to the Public Health agenda.

The new sessions focuses on Health Protection – Toxidrome and Infectious Disease.

Existing sessions include:

  • Introduction to Public Health
  • Health Protection
  • Health Promotion
  • Wider Determinants of Health
  • Healthcare Public Health
  • Social Prescribing

This CPD module will be useful for experienced paramedics, students or assistant practitioners. The interactive, online sessions can be accessed on a variety of mobile devices and take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

To register for this elearning module, or for more information, please visit the Paramedics programme page.

New Autism Awareness elearning programme

Posted on: June 23rd, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has launched a new Autism Awareness elearning programme. The sessions were developed by an organisation led by autistic people.

The programme aims to train people about autism and provide information about the challenges that autistic people can experience. It has been authored by autistic people and includes real life video diaries. The resource aims to provide insight and guidance on what health and care colleagues can do to make their services more accessible to autistic people by describing how straightforward reasonable adjustments can be made to services and ways of working.

Modules within the elearning explore what it is like to experience autism, how to make services accessible for autistic people and how to adapt behaviour to communicate effectively and respectfully to improve the experience of people who access your services.

Programme partners, experts and contributors included Opening Minds Training & Consultancy, National Autistic Taskforce, DOQEX, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust. More information, including access details, is available on the Autism Awareness programme page.

This material is not part of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability and Autism trials.

Stroke elearning programme available

Posted on: June 23rd, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with Health Education England, Stroke-Specific Education Framework, and the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) are delighted to launch their new Stroke programme. The programme is relevant for health and social care professionals involved in multidisciplinary stroke care.

About the elearning programme

The Stroke programme has been designed to provide all health and social care professionals and multidisciplinary teams with a factual level of knowledge they need to deliver effective stroke prevention and care to people with stroke, and at risk of stroke.

The programme has been designed to deliver a Stroke-Specific Education Framework (SSEF) Level 2 of knowledge. It aims to inform the delivery of safe and effective care for those with, or at risk of, stroke.

Learners will experience 2 elearning sessions and have access to an online toolkit of additional stroke educational resources. The elearning is free to access with any email address. Those with an NHS email address may wish to log in to record their learning activity.

More information

To read more about stroke, access the Health Education England website.

To find out more about the Stroke-Specific Education Framework and the level of training in the programme, please access the Stroke-Specific Education Framework website.

Accessing the elearning

To learn more about the programme, please access the Stroke programme page.

As this elearning programme is open access, you can access it with a non-NHS email address. The Stroke elearning programme is also available to the health and care workforce via AICC and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).

Staff Recovery Resources for critical care and the wider health workforce recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic

Posted on: June 17th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

The London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) have curated a series of resources to offer emotional and psychological support to NHS staff who had a role in the Coronavirus response.

The Staff Recovery Resources aim to help health and care staff explore how they feel and how they might respond to those around them. They also address how colleagues may approach wellbeing in different ways by covering a variety of approaches including wellbeing conversations, creative story telling workshops and a mini-series of filmed conversations.

The LTLC Staff Recovery Resources include:

To support staff being redeployed into critical care during the pandemic, the London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) has worked in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) to develop a range of resources to support staff. To contact the team, email

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 36

Posted on: June 12th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Key Messages and links to 11th June 2021

Welcome to Health Education England’s regular stakeholder bulletin.

In this bulletin we will provide:

  • COVID-19 latest updates
  • Overview of HEE education and training news

HEE COVID-19 latest updates

We have created a COVID-19 update webpage from October 2020 onwards. It will provide guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 surge guidance.

HEE training recovery animations released

HEE recently published a series of short animations to help keep doctors in training up to date with training recovery and explain how we are getting training back on track, flexible training opportunities available, and wellbeing resources. To keep up to date with plans for medical training recovery, visit HEE COVID-19 webpages.

The second impact of COVID-19 survey is now live – please share with nursing, midwifery, and allied health professional (AHP) students

The second student impact of COVID-19 survey is now live and closes on Friday 18 June. This short survey has been designed to gather nursing, midwifery, and AHP student’s experience during the period November 2020– April 2021.

It builds on the first Impact of COVID-19 survey that took place in June 2020. The findings from this survey will be compared with those from 2020 and will help us to further understand the impact of COVID-19 on academic study and clinical learning outcomes. The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients:


Funding boost to medical training

Doctors currently in training will be supported with funding from the government to help address the impact of the pandemic and ensure the NHS has access to the skills it needs to help tackle the training backlog.

We are working closely with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, the General Medical Council, NHSE/I, NHS Employers and individual college leads to get training back on track. To find out more, read the medical funding boost news story.

New UK Foundation programme curriculum 2021

The Foundation Programme curriculum, which underpins the training and professional development of newly graduated doctors, relaunches for the first time in five years this summer.

The UKFPO put together a series of resources that will help trainees, trainers and foundation schools to understand what the new curriculum means for them. To access these resources and for information on how to keep up with the UKFPO, please visit the UKFPO website.


HEE and NHSE/I learning disability nursing celebration online event

Join us on Wednesday 21 July 10:00-16:00, to celebrate the contribution of students, newly registered learning disability nurses and nursing associates. To attend, complete the webinar registration form.

Nursing associate opportunities within Learning Disability webinar

Our upcoming webinar on 16 June, 12:30-14:00 will explore the role of the nursing associate within the learning disability sector. It will provide insights both from an employer and nursing associates perspective. To attend, complete the webinar registration form.

Retention masterclass – supporting our newly qualified nurses

On 5 July, 16:00-17:00 join the MS Teams Live masterclass session to learn how we can better retain our newly qualified nurses. To join the session, register for a place on the retention master class booking form.

New nursing associates case studies

We have published additional nursing associate case studies which highlight the experiences of registered and trainee roles in older adults community mental health, primary care, and a nursing home for adults with physical disabilities.

New qualification to boost critical care workforce on track for roll out from September

We recently published an update on the progress with the recently announced new qualification for staff working in critical care.  The qualification for nurses announced in March has been released for tender with education providers and system providers invited to bid to run a standardised critical care training programme from as early as September 2021.


Student midwife Expansion workshop

On Tuesday 6 July 9:00-12.00, we are holding a workshop to collaborate, share good practices, and develop ways to expand the number of student midwives across the region.

There will also be an opportunity to discuss Future Midwife NMC standards with Dr Jacqui Williams and HEE Lead Midwife Sally Ashton May. Other topics for the session include RePAIR, Return to Practice, and Apprenticeships. You can attend the workshop on the day by using this link.

HEE launches maternity support worker level 3 curriculum

We have launched the maternity support worker (MSW) Competency, Education and Career Development Framework in 2019 as part of a project to develop the role of support workers. Access the full maternity support worker level 3 curriculum.

Maternity high impact areas webinar series – supporting health weight before, during and between pregnancies

We would like to invite you to the PHE Supporting healthy weight before, during and between pregnancies webinar, taking place online via Microsoft Teams Live Events on Tuesday 29 June 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30. To see full details about the programme and register to attend, please visit the webinar website. 

Perinatal mental health survey on transforming training and educational resources available to staff

We are running a perinatal mental health survey to better understand how we need to help health and care professionals develop their skills to provide perinatal mental health services in line with the aspirations in the NHS Long Term Plan.


New resources launched to support pharmacy careers

We have launched a new set of online resources to advise people who are considering a career in pharmacy. A Health Careers animation and interactive PDF can be found on the HEE website and include a range of useful information for anyone considering a pharmacy career.

Call for community pharmacies to take part in workforce survey

We encourage all community pharmacies to take part in a survey to help plan our future investment in education and training. The community pharmacies workforce survey launched earlier this month and is being carried out by the University of Manchester. It will help HEE and partners better understand the make-up of the community pharmacy workforce and inform future planning and system investment decisions.


Student physiotherapy placement innovations showcased in new films

film series launched by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy showcases innovative approaches to practice placements in ways that benefit both educators and learners.

Guide to practice based learning for AHP Students in Leadership

This guide details the possibilities and benefits of offering practice based learning (PBL) in leadership for AHP students. It includes key examples that we hope will help enable you to host leadership PBL for AHP students, to achieve their learning outcomes and enhance their professional skills and employability.

Dietetic roadmap consultation – Please share with networks

A First Contact Practitioner (FCP) is a diagnostic clinician working in Primary Care at the top of their clinical scope of practice. We are currently working with the British Dietetic Association to develop the First Contact Practitioner to Advanced Practitioner in Primary Care dietetic roadmap and looking for feedback by 20 June 2021.

HCPC Return to Practice – myth busting

The Return to Practice team for AHPs, healthcare scientists, and practising psychologists have selected the top questions they receive and answered in this campaign to bust the top myths around the programme, while proving useful answers aimed specifically at those thinking about returning to practice.

Developing the role of AHP Support Workers

We recently established an AHP support workforce programme to provide national leadership and support for recognising, developing and expanding the non-registered AHP workforce.

A draft AHP Support Worker Competency, Education and Career Development Framework is now being consulted until Friday 2 July 2021. We’re encouraging and inviting organisations, rather than individuals to respond via the online survey. You can find out more about the AHP Support Worker programme by visiting the  HEE website.

Chief Allied Health Professions Officer’s Awards are now open

Applications for the 2021 Chief AHPs Officer’s Awards are now open. The Chief AHPs Officers Awards highlight and celebrate the outstanding contribution made by AHP to improving health, care, and wellbeing for citizens and communities.  The application closes at midnight on Friday 31 July 2021. Please contact for any queries.

Workforce and education initiatives

Offering trainees full grants for clinical endoscopist training

We are offering students and endoscopy services a flexible way to train healthcare professionals to perform safe endoscopic procedures. These fully funded 30 and 40-week blended learning programmes are run jointly with a trust. They provide clinical supervision, and all academic content is delivered online.

New national wound care core capabilities framework

We have published a new England-wide multi-professional framework that sets out the knowledge and skills needed by all levels of the health and social care workforce to deliver high quality, consistent wound care across all settings, improving healing rates and patient outcomes.

Study into the impact of emerging technology on the information profession

NHS Knowledge and Library Services in England has welcomed the publication of an independent report outlining ‘The impact of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, automation and robotics on the information professions.’ To find out more, read the emerging technology news story.

Co-designing an Artificial Intelligence capability framework for health and care

A number of high-profile organisations are collaborating with Health Education England and the University of Manchester to help shape the future of education and training in Artificial Intelligence.

Attendees including Babylon HealthBarclaysGoogle Health and Bupa recently came together to take part in a virtual workshop to help shape an AI capability framework, which will outline the knowledge, skills, behaviours and professional attributes that are needed by clinical professionals working in health and care.

Read more about the workshop and HEE’s Digital, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Technologies in Education (DART-Ed) programme, which is delivered with key partners, including NHSX.

Graduates into Health programme looking for NHS managers to help mentor future leaders in digital, data and technology

The Health Innovation Network’s Graduates into Health team has recruited over 70 graduates into 27 NHS organisations nationally through its NHS Graduate Digital, Data & Technology (DDaT) scheme and will be recruiting hundreds more in the next couple of years.

As part of the two-year scheme, commissioned by Health Education England and supported by NHSX, each graduate receives a mentor to help shape their development. The team is seeking NHS managers from a wide range of backgrounds (e.g., informatics, clinical, operational management) – to get involved contact

There’s still chance to apply for forward thinking digital futures programme

HEE working in partnership with Yale University, USA are looking for the digital leaders of tomorrow who want to explore health and social care on an international scale to enable them to collaborate more effectively to deliver better outcomes for the populations they serve.

The programme is aimed at groups of senior leaders and each team should include a Local Authority lead, a senior educationalist and a senior clinician or manager from within a local health and social care system.

Apply today for this unique international digital leadership programme.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disabilities and Autism

The training is named after Oliver McGowan, whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have better training.

The training will ensure staff working in health and social care receive learning disability and autism training, at the right level for their role. They will have a better understanding of people’s needs, resulting in better services and improved health and wellbeing outcomes.

Health Education England is marking Care Month and Learning Disability Awareness week 14-20th June to highlight the training and to also share information from the webpages.

Please take a look at the video of Oliver’s story and if you would like to find out more, you can register for the next public stakeholder event on Zoom on 6th July registration is now open.  This event is open for everyone, including carers and their families.

Updates from elearning for healthcare (elfh)  

Recent updates on the elfh platform include:



By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

New e-learning programme on personalised care for people with cancer now available

Posted on: June 7th, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support to develop a new programme to enhance colleagues’ knowledge and understanding of prehabilitation and rehabilitation in people with cancer.

According to Macmillan, the number of people living with cancer is set to rise to 5.3 million by 2040.  Around 70 per cent of people with cancer have other long term conditions to manage alongside cancer and this may impact on their care and support needs.

A personalised approach to care and support ensures that people’s needs can be fully identified, and the appropriate support planned. It is vital that care and support is planned and arranged around what matters to people, their individual needs and abilities.

The Prehabilitation, Rehabilitation and Personalised Care (PRosPer) elearning programme aims to support healthcare colleagues who work with and care for people with cancer, as well as physical activity instructors and those in the leisure industry, in developing their skills on providing personalised care via elearning and face to face sessions.

A range of topics are included in the programme including:

  • Personalised care and support
  • Cancer prehabilitation
  • Cancer rehabilitation and symptom management
  • Service redesign and workforce development

This first module provides colleagues with an introduction to prehabilitation, rehabilitation and personalised care and support. Further modules about cancer prehabilitation, rehabilitation and service redesign and workforce development will be available later this year.

For more information and to access the module, please select the PRosPer programme page.

New simulation and immersive technologies resources now available

Posted on: June 3rd, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England’s (HEE) Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team has published 2 new resources to support colleagues working in simulation and immersive technologies.

How to Develop a Virtual Reality (VR) 360 Degree Film – Part One has been written by Nick Peres, Immersive Technologies Advisor, and gives detailed instructions to learners focusing on technique, camera positioning, sound and directing a scene.

The second part of this simulation toolkit, which focuses on post-production, will be available soon.

The Faculty Development Guidance is part of HEE TEL’s national toolkit to support the use of simulation in health and care. The comprehensive guide, which was developed with support from Simulation Reference Task and Finish group members, offers recommendations for organisations to run an effective and credible simulation faculty to ensure faculty members are trained and supported to deliver high quality simulation-based education.

The document includes a range of case studies and highlights examples of good practice with advice on:

  • providing educational rigour
  • providing appropriate support and training to enable continuous faculty development
  • enabling a supportive and sustainable environment
  • collaborating and sharing best practice

For more information about simulation and immersive technologies within HEE TEL please visit:

New Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation elearning programme

Posted on: June 2nd, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for Healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with HEE, Public Health England and the Campaign to End Loneliness to develop a new elearning programme that highlights the impact of chronic loneliness as a serious health concern.

The Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation programme also aims to show how health and social care staff and the wider public health workforce can recognise risk factors, risk groups and apply simple interventions that can make a positive impact.

The programme supports the call to action from the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness to “equip people with information about the potential triggers for loneliness and ensure they know where to go for support.”

Programme sessions will enable learners to understand the potential negative health outcomes of loneliness and social isolation, have conversations with people to detect if they are at risk and know how to refer or signpost those identified as at risk.

More information about the programme, including access details is available on the Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation programme page.

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 35

Posted on: June 1st, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Key Messages and links to 27 May 2021

Welcome to Health Education England’s regular stakeholder bulletin.

In this bulletin we will provide:

  • COVID-19 latest updates
  • Overview of HEE education and training news


We have created a COVID-19 update webpage. It provides guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 Surge Guidance.


Post-graduate medical education training recovery
HEE has produced a short video by Prof. Sheona MacLeod, to help keep doctors in training up to date for training recovery, along with three short animations to explain how we are getting training back on track, flexible training opportunities available and wellbeing resources for trainees. Find out more on our website.


We are ensuring core HEE work to support our NHS colleagues continues:

New curriculum for foundation doctors launches this summer

The Foundation Programme (FP) curriculum, which underpins the training and professional development of newly graduated doctors, relaunches for the first time in five years this summer.

The curriculum sets out a holistic approach to care including physical health, mental health and social health and the skills required to manage this in both acute and community settings and for patients with chronic conditions.

Foundation doctors must demonstrate that they are competent in the traditional elements of medical training but also in areas such as communication and consultation skills, patient safety and teamwork. The curriculum provides a framework for educational progression that will help them achieve these skills and supports them through the first two years of professional development after graduation from medical school.

High standards of support and the importance of direct observation in the workplace feature strongly in the 2021 curriculum. It has a reduced number of higher-level outcomes and professional capabilities which means it is easier to follow and provides a more streamlined approach. There are also changes for clinical and educational supervisors, who are required to have a better understanding of equality and diversity issues and have up to date CPD in foundation training.

HEE supports study into impact of emerging technology on the information profession

HEE has welcomed publication of an independent report outlining ‘The impact of AI, machine learning, automation and robotics on the information professions.’

The independent research study was published this week and was undertaken by Dr. Andrew Cox from Sheffield University to understand how AI, machine learning, process automation and robotics impact on the work of information professionals. The full research report is published by CILIP, the library and information association with the support of HEE. It sets out a detailed and methodical analysis of the challenges and opportunities presented by this new generation of technologies.


We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients by:

HEE call for Community Pharmacies to take part in national workforce survey

Pharmacies across the country are today being urged to take part in HEE’s national survey which looks at the size and shape of the community pharmacy sector workforce.

The Community Pharmacies workforce survey which was launched earlier this month will help HEE and partners to better understand the make-up of the community pharmacy workforce and inform its future planning and system investment decisions.

The survey collects information on staff numbers, recruitment experiences and working patterns of staff employed in each community pharmacy premises. It has been sent to pharmacies across the country – from independent community pharmacies to multiple chains such as Asda, Boots, Lloyds, Morrison’s, Rowlands, Superdrug, Tesco and Well. This is the second time the survey has been conducted across England and HEE is working towards making this an annual survey from 2022.  The closing date for responses is Friday 18 June 2021.

For more information on the survey please read our FAQs.


We are making sure all professions have the training they need to make a difference:

New qualification to boost critical care workforce on track for roll out from September

HEE has provided an update on progress with the recently announced new qualification for staff working in critical care.

The qualification for nurses announced in March has been released for tender with Education providers and system providers invited to bid to run a standardised critical care training programme from as early as September 2021.

HEE wants to support a standardised blended learning training course which will offer participants greater flexibility of access particularly those who will have to balance commitments such as having a young family or a caring role, challenges in relation to travel and will be available 7 days a week. Training for the standardised qualification is expected to take between 6 to 12 months and will provide a nationally recognised pathway for a career in Adult Intensive Care Units (ICU) whether that is becoming a pod or shift leader, becoming a clinical educator or leading nursing research.

HEE has secured £10m funding to deliver this key training which is aimed nurses working in critical care as well as Allied Health Professionals. The funding will support as many as 10,500 nursing staff in furthering their careers in ICU.


NHS Knowledge and Library Services Awareness Week, 14 – 18 June

NHS Knowledge and Library Services Awareness Week will profile the positive impact of the work undertaken by NHS knowledge and library specialists.  These teams work closely with healthcare staff and learners to drive informed decision making and evidence-based care from board to bedside in all areas of clinical and operational healthcare.

This celebration will launch the Knowledge for Healthcare strategy, Health Education England’s ambition is for all NHS staff and learners benefit equally from high-quality knowledge services and for the NHS to optimise the expertise of knowledge and library teams.

This is an opportunity to shine a light on the benefits that NHS knowledge and library services deliver, working with colleagues in every speciality – there for every member of the NHS.

Taking the ‘heavy lifting’ out of bringing reliable, up to date evidence to healthcare, library teams free up the time of their colleagues. Knowledge specialists and librarians deliver the right information enabling multidisciplinary teams to make informed decisions at the right time, at the point of need.

Join us to celebrate and find out more and download promotional resources NHS Knowledge and Library Services Awareness Week



By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies