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Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 33

Posted on: April 1st, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Key Messages and links to 1 April 2021

Welcome to Health Education England’s stakeholder bulletin.

In this bulletin we will provide:

  • COVID-19 latest updates
  • Overview of HEE education and training news


We have created a COVID-19 update webpage. It provides guidance and information from HEE, which applies to all students and trainees. This webpage also includes HEE COVID-19 Surge Guidance.


Extra support for new generation of UK doctors

HEE has announced that medical graduates can now have an extra five days shadowing in their first year of Foundation School. This additional paid commitment is to help compensate for some disrupted learning and experiences arising from the impact of the pandemic.

This is in addition to the usual period of shadowing that is offered to trainee doctors, which enables new FY1 doctors to fully adapt to their new surroundings and colleagues and develop their confidence. The extra period of shadowing, to be organised through the UK Foundation Schools, will also be helpful to those who have graduated overseas who will be unfamiliar with the NHS. The funding has been supported by the Departments of Health in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland 

Attendance at the extra shadowing period will not be mandatory, but UK Foundation School Directors strongly recommend that new FY1 doctors take the opportunities provided, so that they get to know senior medical colleagues in their team, meet the other healthcare professionals in their new workplace, and become familiar with their new clinical environment.

For further info


We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients by:

Data Driven Healthcare in 2030: Transformation Requirements of the NHS Digital Technology and Health Informatics Workforce

This report was commissioned by HEE’s Digital Readiness programme to identify the capacity and capability challenges facing the NHS digital technology and informatics workforce (the ‘digital workforce’) in the next 10 years.

Information from the exercise was used to model projected demand, and data from the NHS Electronic Staff Record used to model projected supply, for the digital workforce for the period 2020 to 2030. Particular attention was paid to workforce demand and the job roles and skills needed in a scenario called the Data Driven Future.


We are ensuring core HEE work to support our NHS colleagues continues:

Big increase in students taking NETS survey

The National Education and Training Survey (NETS) 2020 campaign has seen an increase of 20 per cent in responses on the previous year, with almost 37,000 recorded. Find out more about the NETS survey.


We are making sure all professions have the training they need to make a difference:

Applications for cohort four of the NHS Digital Academy’s Digital Health Leadership Programme open on 1 April

The application window for Cohort 4 of the NHS Digital Academy Digital Health Leadership Programme opens on 1 April 2021, closing on Friday 30 April, with the Cohort starting in September 2021.

You will find the latest updates on the NHS Digital Academy website, including support throughout the application process, top tips, case studies and access to webinars, and by following the Digital Readiness Twitter account.


New guide to building a digital strategy

NHS Providers have launched this brand new Digital Boards guide is the third in its series, focusing on how NHS trusts can build a successful digital strategy. The guide is produced in collaboration with Public Digital and supported by Health Education England and NHSX, as part of their Digital Readiness Programme.


Digital competency framework for Allied Health Professionals

This AHP digital competency framework has been developed to support the enhancement of digital competence (knowledge and skills associated with digital technology in practice) for all allied health professions from band 3 to band 9. It is intended to be a developmental and supportive tool that can enable all staff to meet their digital potential.

The framework was developed by Chris Tack, a Topol Digital Fellow and will be developed into an interactive profession specific self-assessment tool in the future.


New opportunities to gain project support for innovation and education in anticipatory care through the National CLEAR Programme

HEE is offering support to local projects that developing local anticipatory care models. This is a chance for primary care networks and integrated care systems to accelerate local initiatives in anticipatory care, to improve patient care, population health and help to relieve pressures on primary care.

What is the National CLEAR Programme? CLEAR (Clinically-Led workforcE and Activity Redesign) is a work-based learning programme sponsored by HEE. It supports projects with innovation expertise, data analysis and service modelling; but also delivers in-depth education for local clinicians equipping them with data, tools and techniques for service and workforce transformation.

How to access this opportunity:

  • Attend a webinar on Wednesday 7 April from 1.30 – 2.00pm to gain more information about what is involved, how the programme works and the benefits for primary care networks. Register by emailing
  • Find out more about the National CLEAR Programme on the CLEAR websiteor CLEAR web pages on the HEE site.
  • Discuss your local needs in more detail by contacting


Healthcare Scientist presentations

The National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS) facilitates and supports the education, training and development of all Healthcare Scientists from apprentices to consultant grade. Once a month they invite one of our Healthcare Science trainees to give a presentation on their role in the NHS, projects they have delivered, challenges of their training and why they love their role, followed by questions from the audience. Confirmed dates are:

  • Tuesday 6 April – Genomic Counselling
  • Tuesday 11 May – Physics

Please email to find out more about the dates and receive the meeting link.


Updates to End of Life Care (e-ELCA)

A new session on the AMBER care bundle has been added to the End of Life Care for All (e-ELCA) elearning programme. This new session describes what the care bundle is, why it was developed and how to use it in clinical practice. It also explains how the resource will help colleagues to provide high quality care for patients who are facing uncertain recovery and may be approaching the end of life.



By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

Technology Enabled Care Services practice learning toolkit now available

Posted on: March 31st, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) toolkit for students, educators and universities has been developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and the University of Winchester. It offers a framework to prepare, supervise and evaluate students’ practice learning opportunities in a TECS environment.

The toolkit has been developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic with students now undertaking some placements online. It aims to support creativity and innovation while providing a structure in the way TECS placements are offered to ensure patient safety and appropriate practice learning.

An overview of 3 aspects of TECS are available within the toolkit:

  • section 1 gives an overview of how students, educators and universities best prepare for TECS placements, including some practical tools
  • section 2 discusses student supervision, the various methods of teaching students and record keeping in a virtual environment
  • section 3 introduces an audit and quality assurance framework to formally assess student TECS placements, evaluate and improve virtual placements in a systematic way

The TECS toolkit is aimed at students, educators and universities across all allied health professions. For more information and to access the toolkit, visit the TECS Practice Learning Toolkit.

TEL News March 2021

Posted on: March 31st, 2021 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

This month’s edition includes an update on the Specialty Training Gaps project and a year in review for the COVID-19 elearning programme. There is also information on the new video group clinics elearning programme now available and details of recent updates to the All Our Health elearning programme.

Select the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.

Foundation programme - recent updates

Posted on: March 30th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Welcome to your February and March 2021 update about the Foundation elearning programme.

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and is approved by UKFPO.

Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free elearning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.

The sessions in the elfh Foundation elearning programme:

Professional capability: 9
Recognises, assesses and initiates management of the acutely ill patient:

Professional Capability: 11
Obtains history, performs clinical examination, formulates differential diagnosis and management plan:

You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elfh at any time during your foundation training.

HORUS and TURAS link to elfh elearning sessions from the FP Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

New AMS (antimicrobial stewardship) out of hours e-learning programme available

Posted on: March 29th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with the University of Southampton, the University of Oxford, the University of Bristol and University College London are delighted to launch a new AMS (antimicrobial stewardship) out of hours elearning programme.

The AMS (Antimicrobial Stewardship) Out of Hours programme resulted from the NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) Out of Hours Prescribing: Enhancing Communication Project (OPEN, a study about the management of common infections out of hours, on the telephone, in primary care treatment centres and in patients’ homes.

About the elearning

Developed with the inclusion of real consultations, the elearning includes resources designed for, but not limited to, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists and GPs, prescribing antibiotics in community settings, out of hours, during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

The elearning sessions focus on out of hours primary care and cover the following topics:

  • session 1: managing patient expectations
  • session 2: providing self-care advice
  • session 3: delayed antibiotic prescribing
  • session 4: giving safety netting advice

The elearning sessions take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Key learning points and self-assessments are included in each session, to help learners reflect on their knowledge and a certificate is available to download on completion of each session.


After completing the elearning sessions, we would appreciate your feedback. Each session has a dedicated survey:

Accessing the elearning

You can visit the (AMS) antimicrobial stewardship out of hours programme page to learn more about the elearning.

The elearning programme is also available to the NHS health and care workforce via AICC and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).

e-Learning resources for Nurses Returning to the NMC Permanent Register

Posted on: March 29th, 2021 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with Health Education England have curated a collection of elfh and external resources to support nurses returning to the NMC permanent register. Nurses on the permanent register, needing to revalidate, may also find the elearning useful.

In March 2020, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) opened a temporary register, enabling people who had previous nursing registration to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In anticipation of the temporary register closing in 2021, Health Education England are committed to supporting anyone on the temporary register to join the permanent register, so that they may continue to support the health and care service in the medium to longer term.

The NMC set the standards for re-admission to the permanent register including the need for 35 hours of continuing professional development (CPD).

About the elearning

This public access elearning programme has been curated from existing elearning resources by Health Education England elearning for healthcare and additional, external resources. elearning resources were selected for their relevance to returning nurses from all settings and services, to achieve 35 hours of learning.

elfh resources include, but are not limited to:

  • wound care
  • recognising and managing deterioration
  • end of life care

External resources include webinars by the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN).

By undertaking this elearning programme:

  • learners are encouraged to select and complete the resources which are most relevant to their scope of practice
  • each elearning session can be completed in 20 to 40 minutes
  • a certificate is available to download on completion each elfh elearning session, accessed in the elfh hub

Learners do not need to have an NHS email address to access this elearning programme. There is no requirement to complete all of the elearning resources, once 35 hours of learning has been achieved.

Accessing the elearning and more information

To learn more, please visit the Nurses Returning to the NMC Permanent Register programme page.

For further information on re-admission to the NMC register, visit Returning to the register – The Nursing and Midwifery Council (

New Inclusion Health session added to All Our Health programme

Posted on: March 25th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Public Health England to develop a new session on inclusion health as part of the All Our Health elearning programme.

Inclusion health is a catch-all term used to describe people who are socially excluded, such as vulnerable migrants, sex workers and people who experience homelessness. These individuals typically experience overlapping risk factors for poor health including poverty, violence and discrimination, which frequently lead to barriers in accessing healthcare, resulting in extremely poor health outcomes.

Inclusion Health is a free bite-sized session designed to help health and care professionals, team leaders, managers and strategic leaders improve access to services for people who are socially excluded.

On completion of the session, learners will:

  • understand how the concepts of inclusion health and social exclusion can be useful for their professional practice
  • know about the health issues that socially excluded people who are living in their area are more likely to encounter
  • understand specific activities and interventions that all health and care professionals can do to support the health and wellbeing of inclusion health groups
  • consider the resources and services available in their area that can help people from inclusion health groups

The session also signposts learners to other useful sources of advice and information and there is an additional All Our Health elearning session on homelessness within the programme.
For more information and to access the free Inclusion Health session, visit the All Our Health programme page.

Sexual and Reproductive Health for Health Visitors e-learning programme now available

Posted on: March 24th, 2021 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning programme designed to raise awareness of health visitors’ important role in promoting sexual and reproductive health at every contact with pregnant women, partners and parents is now available on Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) Hub.

The Sexual and Reproductive Health for Health Visitors programme has been created by The Institute of Health Visiting and includes 4 sections to support health visitors with promoting sexual and reproductive health to all families they work with, focusing on:

  • what is sexual and reproductive health and why is it important?
  • meaningful conversations
  • sexual and reproductive health within health visiting practice

The sessions, which are funded by the Public Health England Reproductive Health, Sexual Health and HIV Innovation Fund, each take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete and learners will enhance their skills in several areas including:

  • understanding the ability to recognise the need to promote sexual and reproductive health
  • appreciating the inequalities associated with specific populations/diverse groups
  • understanding a framework to support sexual, reproductive and preconception health conversations

For more information and to access the programme, please visit the Sexual and Reproductive Health for Health Visitors programme page.

As part of this programme learners will first complete the free All Our Health: Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV elearning.

Learners may also find these additional resources via elfh useful:

  • Contraceptive needs of women following pregnancy
  • Domestic violence and abuse (DVA)
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • Perinatal mental health
  • Supporting a smokefree pregnancy and smokefree families (SCP)

Promoting Careers in the Allied Health Professions e-learning programme now live

Posted on: March 24th, 2021 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the Office for Students, College of Podiatry, British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists, Society of Radiographers and British and Irish Orthoptics Society to develop three elearning sessions to support AHPs undertaking voluntary outreach work with young people and career changers, in schools or other settings.

The sessions, which should be completed in numerical order, teach learners about the context for outreach work and its importance, developing content that is relevant to different audiences, and delivering compelling content that will help to inspire the next generation of AHPs.

The resources capture the expertise in AHP outreach developed by the professional outreach team employed under the ‘Strategic Interventions in Health Education Disciplines’ project, funded by the Office for Students (2018-21), and link closely with the ‘I See The Difference’ campaign and website.

Learning outcomes from the sessions may be submitted to the Health and Care Professions Council as part of a CPD audit.

For more information about the elearning programme, including details on how to access, please visit the Promoting Careers in the Allied Health Professions programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies