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Archive for the ‘Latest news articles’ Category

New e-learning programme supports trainees’ return to training

Posted on: December 3rd, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new programme designed to support medical and dental trainees returning to training after prolonged absence is now available on Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare Hub.

Supported Return to Training for Trainees has been developed to improve the return to training experience for all medical and dental trainees who have been out of training for 3 months or more.
This elearning programme aims to:

  • help trainees understand the supported return to training process
  • recognise and discuss common concerns for returning trainees
  • hear the positive experiences of other trainees’ return to training.

The programme is aimed at trainees planning an absence from training, and those planning their return to training.
The course, which is formative and not assessed, takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes to complete and comprises the following topics:

  • Introduction
  • Your (trainee) concerns
  • The SuppoRTT process
  • Keep in touch/shared parental leave in touch/return to training days
  • People who can support you
  • Your wellbeing
  • Summary
  • Links to HEE SuppoRTT teams’ webpages.

It was developed by Health Education England North West (HEE NW), in conjunction with the blended learning team at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

For more information and to access the course, please visit the Supported Return to Training for Trainees programme page.

e-Learning resource to teach children how to swallow pills

Posted on: December 3rd, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

New elearning resource to teach children how to swallow pills

Health Education England elearning for healthcare has worked in partnership with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and Great North Children’s Hospital to develop “Kidzmed” – an elearning programme developed for members of the multidisciplinary team to teach children and young people how to swallow pills.

It is believed that pills have numerous advantages over suspensions for children and young people, carers, prescribers and pharmacists:

  • For children and young people: pills are less sickly, contain less sugar and children who swallow pills tend to have better adherence to their medication regimens
  • For carers: pills have a longer shelf-life, do not require a fridge for storage, are easier to transport and more readily available in local pharmacies
  • For prescribers: less prone to errors when writing prescriptions and can prescribe larger quantities
  • For pharmacists: pills are more commonly stocked in local pharmacies compared to suspensions.

Due to the above benefits swallowing pills is considered an important life skill for children to learn and the elearning session has been developed to help healthcare professionals and carers teach children and young people how to swallow pills.

The Kidzmed initiative was set up at the Great North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle, and has won the NHS Sustainability Award, the HSJ Value Award for Pharmacy and Optimisation and the Bright Ideas in Health Award for Demonstrating an Impact upon Quality Improvement. The 15-minute elearning session is for all health and care professionals who want to teach children and young people how to swallow pills using an evidence-based, six-step technique.

For more information about the elearning resource, including details on how to access, visit the elfh website.

ESCAPE-pain - supporting people with chronic joint pain

Posted on: November 30th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) with ESCAPE-pain and the Health Innovation Network developed two elearning resources, aimed at helping healthcare professionals and exercise instructors understand the principles behind the ESCAPE-pain programme – facilitating group education and exercise sessions for people living with chronic joint pain and learning how the programme may be implemented in their organisation.

What is the ESCAPE-pain programme?

Designed to increase physical function and improve quality of life, ESCAPE-pain is an evidence-based and cost-effective group rehabilitation programme for people with chronic joint pain.

The ESCAPE-pain programme can be delivered in a variety of locations including outpatient physiotherapy departments, leisure centres and local community settings by healthcare professionals and exercise instructors.

There are two ESCAPE-pain programmes designed to support people living with chronic knee and hip pain, and people living with chronic back pain.

To deliver either of the ESCAPE-pain programmes, professionals are required to attend facilitator training.  The training is open to healthcare professionals and exercise instructors who meet the pre-qualification criteria.

The research, evidence and endorsements for each programme can be found on the ESCAPE-pain website.

elearning resources

The elearning resources are aimed at:

  1. helping interested providers determine how ESCAPE-pain may fit within their organisation and to begin the process towards implementation.
  2. professionals who plan to deliver the programme and become ESCAPE-pain facilitators.

Each elearning session takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, with the aim of improving providers’ understanding of what the programme involves and to prepare for the facilitator training.

More about ESCAPE-pain

The ESCAPE-pain programme was recently awarded the MSK Care Initiative of the Year at the HSJ Value Awards 2020.

“The judges felt this was an excellent initiative which enables self-management for people with hip and knee pain. Clear rationale was given for the initiative with supporting evidence and references, which has led to improvement in patient care. The team demonstrated great overall cost saving benefits to the system in terms of total and social health, and the overall ambition to improve general health, fitness and wellbeing was commendable.”

The elearning was commissioned by the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare, in collaboration with ESCAPE-pain and the Health Innovation Network.

Please see our website for more information about the ESCAPE-pain programme and recommended reading.

Accessing the elearning

If you would like to know more about the programme, including access details to the elearning sessions, the ESCAPE-pain team is waiting to support you.

Please email the team at: for more information.

TEL News November 2020

Posted on: November 30th, 2020 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

This month’s edition includes details of Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare’s role in the COVID-19 vaccine plus information of a new national strategic vision for simulation and immersive technologies. There is also news of the first blended training programme for occupational therapists in perinatal mental health and details of recent updates to the Care Certificate programme.

Select the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.

COVID-19 Vaccination e-learning programme now live

Posted on: November 27th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare has worked in partnership with Public Health England and NHS England and NHS Improvement to develop the COVID-19 Vaccination elearning programme.  The elearning programme is designed to provide the health and care workforce involved in the national COVID-19 vaccination programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of the vaccine and deliver the vaccine programme effectively.

The programme currently consists of one core knowledge session, which covers subjects including vaccine eligibility and legal aspects, and an accompanying multiple-choice assessment session.  All those undertaking this elearning should complete the core knowledge session as this is designed to provide essential knowledge about COVID-19 and the key principles of vaccination needed to deliver the vaccine.

The elearning sessions describe the national COVID-19 vaccination programme for England. Most of the information in the sessions will be relevant for those involved in the programme throughout the UK and Crown Dependencies. However, those undertaking the programme in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Crown Dependencies should be aware that some details as to how the programme will be delivered may be different. Vaccinators should therefore ensure that they refer to any country-specific information available, so they are familiar with the details of the programme for the country they are practising in.

This elearning programme provides theoretical training.  Practical training in vaccine administration, and assessment and sign-off competency is also required before administering the COVID-19 vaccine.

Learners should also complete the vaccine specific session(s), when available, which will provide more detailed information about the vaccine(s). The assessment sessions should be completed after each knowledge session.  More vaccine-specific sessions will be added as and when more COVID-19 vaccines become available.

Additional, complementary, elearning sessions including Basic Life Support, anaphylaxis and statutory and mandatory training are available to support vaccinators’ training and education.

For more information about the COVID-19 Vaccination programme, including details on how to access, visit the elfh website.

Strategic vision for simulation in health and care

Posted on: November 25th, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

New strategic vision highlights important role of simulation and immersive technologies with health and care

Health Education England’s (HEE) Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team has published a national strategic vision for simulation and immersive technologies in health and care. This vision explores how simulation-based programmes can help enhance education, clinical practice and staff wellbeing within the health and care sector.
The comprehensive document looks at the application of simulation and immersive learning technologies to help address system-wide challenges that are being faced by health and care leaders. These include enhancing placement capacity, providing assurances regarding competency attainment, and supporting workforce transformation as part of the process of system redesign.
It also describes opportunities to support recruitment and selection, so that the right people are recruited into the right roles, along with promoting workforce wellbeing and lifelong learning for all staff groups.
The document is presented in several chapters as outlined below, and will offer links to case studies that provide relevant examples from literature or the UK simulation community:

1. Improving patient safety

2. Delivering a modern workforce

3. Enhancing the quality and capacity of the learning environment

4. Involving patients and the public

5. Developing the simulation and immersive technology community

6. Simulation-based research and innovation

7. Learning from sectors outside of health and care

8. Reflections on the impact of COVID-19.

The vision is intended to help inform system and organisational leaders, commissioners, regulators, professional bodies, public and patient representatives, and academic and industry partners.
Select here to access the national strategic vision for simulation and immersive technologies in health and care.
A suite of additional documents has been produced alongside the vision including national guidance on the safe delivery of simulation-based education and key lessons from the initial response of the UK simulation community to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next stage of development is an operational plan, which will focus on key areas within the vision that are priorities within health and care.
Please share your feedback on the strategic vision via Please add “Simulation strategic vision” to the subject of your email and advise if you wish to be involved in the next steps. HEE TEL would also like you to share your own examples of how simulation and immersive technologies enhance education, clinical practice and staff wellbeing.

Foundation programme – November 2020 update

Posted on: November 24th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Welcome to your November 2020 update about the Foundation elearning programme.

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and is approved by UKFPO.

Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free elearning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.

The sessions in the elfh Foundation elearning programme:

Professional Capability: 3
Behaves in accordance with ethical and legal requirements


  • How to avoid the GMC Disciplinary Committee
  • GMC Registration and Post Graduate Observation

Professional Capability: 19
Makes patient safety a priority in clinical practice


  • Human factors and analysis of adverse events
  • Medical Error: When Things Go Wrong
  • Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do if MRSA Positive
  • Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do Next
  • Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient
  • Infection Control: Air and Blood Borne Pathogens
  • Infection Control: Modes of Transmission

You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elfh at any time during your foundation training:

HORUS and TURAS link to elfh elearning sessions from the FP Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

SCRIPT - Supporting safer management of medicines

Posted on: November 24th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning programme for nursing staff and student nurses consists of 18 modules in three categories, covering a range of topics relating to medicines safety, including:

  • Principles of medicines management
  • Therapeutic groups
  • Managing the risks

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT elearning programme?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances nurses’ education around medicines management and optimisation, improving patient safety.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
  • SCRIPT elearning is free to those with a or address.

How do I access the elearning?

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programmes by visiting the SCRIPT website at:

New Radiology sessions available

Posted on: November 23rd, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

In May 2020, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA), in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (elfh), launched their elearning programme for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians.  This is the seventh monthly update about the programme.

The full programme of elearning sessions is due to be completed in late 2020, but many sessions are available now, to support your training needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you would like to share your thoughts on the resources and input into the evaluation of the NBIA elearning programme, please visit our survey.

What’s new?

There are 85 elearning sessions available on the elfh Hub.  The latest sessions to be added include:

  • Day in the Life of a Breast Radiologist
  • Day in the Life of a Mammographer
  • Incidental Findings in the Breast on CT
  • Normal Breast and Axilla on Ultrasound
  • MRI The Written Report
  • The Normal Breast

Additional sessions will be added to the elearning catalogue as soon as they are ready.

What can I expect from the elearning sessions?

The interactive elearning sessions cover a wide range of topics on breast imaging and relevant aspects of surgery, oncology, pathology, nursing, and risk and prevention.

In addition to the recently added elearning sessions listed above, you can also access:

  • Breast Density
  • Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • MRI Guided Biopsy
  • Reflective Practice in Breast Imaging

What is the NBIA?

Hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) project is a collaborative, national, multidisciplinary initiative, involving training centres and NHS Trusts around the country as well as Health Education England, Public Health England, the Royal College of Radiologists, the Society and College of Radiographers, the Association of Breast Clinicians and elearning for healthcare.

For further information about the NBIA please visit:

More information, accessing the sessions and providing feedback

For more information about the programme, including details on how to access the NBIA elearning sessions, please visit:

In addition to these monthly updates, please visit the HEE elfh news page and follow @HEE_TEL on Twitter for the latest news about the programme.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies