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Archive for the ‘Latest news articles’ Category

Updates to the Foundation e-learning programme

Posted on: October 26th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

elfh has worked with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges to update three sessions within the Foundation elearning programme.

The Foundation elearning programme is a free elearning resource for Foundation doctors.

All sessions are mapped directly to the 2016 Foundation Curriculum and the material is approved by UKFPO.

The following sessions have recently been updated:

  • An Underperforming Colleague – What To Do
  • Audit
  • Mental Health Act
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Stress – Bullying

For more information about the programme, including access details, visit:

SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices in primary and secondary care settings

Posted on: October 26th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

The SCRIPT elearning programme provides portfolios of modules specifically for healthcare professionals working in primary and secondary care settings.

The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) Working Group on education reviewed different types of digital learning used to teach rational prescribing and assessed their effect on learner-related and clinically relevant outcomes.

The EACPT working group concluded that“elearning is the most-used type of digital learning for safe and effective prescribing education and is efficacious in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate prescribers the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes”.

SCRIPT modules cover a range of topics relating to prescribing, therapeutics and medicines safety and are categorised into different themes. Modules are suitable for any prescriber or anybody in training to be a prescriber, for example. foundation trainees, undergraduate medical students, doctors and non-medical prescribers.

Themes include:

  • Principles of prescribing
  • Prescribing in medical emergencies
  • Prescribing in special circumstances
  • Therapeutic groups

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.

What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT elearning programmes?

  • Safer prescribing
    SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
  • Professional development
    Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
  • Flexible learning
    SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time.
  • Free to learners with an or email address.


How do I access the elearning?

You can access the SCRIPT elearning programmes by visiting the SCRIPT website at:

October update – new e-learning sessions for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians are available

Posted on: October 23rd, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

In May 2020, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA), in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), launched their elearning programme for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians.  This is the sixth monthly update about the programme.

The full programme of elearning sessions is due to launch in late 2020, but many sessions are available now, to support your training needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you would like to share your thoughts on the resources and input into the evaluation of the NBIA elearning programme, please visit our survey.


What’s new?

There are 79 elearning sessions available on the elfh Hub.  The latest sessions to be added are:

  • Breast Density
  • Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • MRI Guided Biopsy
  • Reflective Practice in Breast Imaging

Additional sessions will be added to the elearning catalogue as soon as they are ready.


What can I expect from the elearning sessions?

The interactive elearning sessions cover a wide range of topics on breast imaging and relevant aspects of surgery, oncology, pathology, nursing, and risk and prevention.

In addition to the recently added elearning sessions listed above, you can also access:

  • Assessment for Mammographers
  • Clinical Evaluation and Management of Male Breast Disease
  • Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
  • Further Mammographic Views
  • QA, Standards and Guidance


New training videos added to the new elfh Learning Hub

The National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) has contributed five training videos on mammographic interpretation to the Learning Hub, which is a new digital platform, developed by Health Education England, providing a range of education and training resources for the health and care workforce.

These videos are part of a series of viva sessions to support breast imaging trainees including radiology trainees, breast clinicians and advanced/consultant practitioner film readers. Each session provides feedback and learning tips to support trainees in preparing for examinations.

The videos are over one hour in length and each file is 1.3 GB or larger due to the high-resolution mammograms included within the video content.  Image quality is vital in supporting trainees in their diagnostics development and learning and the Learning Hub’s recent release to increase file size for audio and videos up to 2GB has enabled and widened access to these resources.

Take a look at these resources:


What is the NBIA?

Hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) project is a collaborative, national, multidisciplinary initiative, involving training centres and NHS Trusts around the country as well as Health Education England, Public Health England, the Royal College of Radiologists, the Society and College of Radiographers, the Association of Breast Clinicians and elearning for healthcare.

For further information about the NBIA please visit:


How to access the elearning

For more information about the programme, including details on how to access the NBIA elearning sessions, please visit:

In addition to these monthly updates, please visit the HEE elfh news page and follow @HEE_TEL on Twitter for the latest news about the programme.

New content added to the Advanced Threat Protection programme

Posted on: October 22nd, 2020 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Since 2019, Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) have been working with NHS Digital to develop the Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) elearning programme.

This free elearning programme aims to upskill NHS ATP administrators to use the Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection service.

In addition to the five initial sessions, HEE elfh and NHS Digital have now launched further content to add to the programme.

The latest session ‘PowerBI Reporting’ covers using Power BI to extract data with ATP’s reporting Application Programming Interface (API), and present this data using charts and visualisations or export it for manipulation in software such as Excel.

The programme currently consists of the following six sessions with more planned for the future.

  • Introduction to ATP
  • Understanding Alerts and Incidents
  • Threat Analytics
  • Threat and Vulnerability Management
  • Managing ATP Incidents and Alerts
  • PowerBI Reporting

The Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection service, included within the Windows 10 licencing deal purchased centrally by the Department of Health and Social Care, is for the benefit of local NHS organisations and the NHS as a whole. It is part of a broader portfolio of data and cyber security services managed by NHS Digital. ATP Administrators across the NHS would benefit from being upskilled in using ATP’s features and its dashboards so they can further advance their organisational resilience to cyber security threats.

For more information about the elearning programme, including details of how to access it, visit:

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 21

Posted on: October 20th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Key Messages and links to 14th October 2020

Welcome to Health Education England’s weekly stakeholder bulletin.

Weekly messages from HEE:

Dr Navina Evans joined HEE in October as our Chief Executive. Read Navina’s first stakeholder message – HEE Chief Executive

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients by:

Specialty recruitment webinar

A webinar is being held for doctors in training on Wednesday 21 October at 7pm to outline new guidance and timelines for specialty recruitment. The webinar will be hosted by Prof. Sheona MacLeod, Deputy Medical Director – Education Reform, Prof. Adrian Brooke, Deputy Medical Director – Workforce Alignment and National Speciality Recruitment Manager Clare Wright. Here’s the link to the webinar

Questions can be asked during the webinar through Slido, using event code #specialtywebinar

One career endless opportunities #Choose GP

Applications for Round 1 2021 GP specialty training open on the 2 November – 1 December 2020. Please ‘like’ and follow the #Choose GP Facebook page to keep up to date with news and views and please forward this information to any doctors who may be thinking about career options. Find out more about the GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO). We also have a number of GPs and trainees who are able to help with local or general enquiries – Please email Daryl Barrett at to be put in touch.

Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme update

More resources are being added to the Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme (IFPP). This is a new HEE-funded education and training programme, designed to support the 2019/20 cohort of pre-registration pharmacists whose training and registration have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The programme also provides a unique opportunity to accelerate pharmacist early years’ education and training reform and supports delivery of the NHS People Plan for 2020/21.

HEE is providing free access to the new RPS Provisional Registrations Service Support Line. This is a dedicated support line for provisionally registered pharmacists, staffed by the RPS professional support team.

There is more good news for provisionally registered pharmacists working in primary care and Health in Justice in England. As established foundation training programmes are not available through employers in primary care or Health in Justice, HEE is funding CPPE to provide a structured foundation training programme as part of the IFPP. This is to ensure that this group of pharmacists are not disadvantaged in their learning.

Please encourage provisionally registered pharmacists to register for the programme. More information including FAQs and the registration form are published on the IFPP website.

The programme team is sending weekly updates about the IFPP. We encourage you to subscribe to these updates by emailing, stating ‘IFPP Updates’ in the subject header.

Widening Participation – Call for Evidence

An NHS workforce which is representative of the communities it serves is a workforce that understands those communities and is better placed to meet their needs. The NHS Long Term Plan and the NHS Interim People Plan have both recognised that more needs to be done to encourage people from the widest possible range of backgrounds to take up careers in health and care and to offer them satisfying and developing careers in the NHS.

Health Education England is aware that many examples of innovative work exist which are attracting people from underrepresented groups and communities to widen access and participation to take up study which will lead to a career in the NHS. In order to expand these approaches nationally we would like to hear what evaluation activity different organisations (Universities) have done to address access and participation issues to ensure  everyone regardless of  background feel they have the option to take up undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare education and a career in the NHS is open to them.

We would be grateful if you could visit our website and fill in the form. If you have any queries around this piece of work please do not hesitate to contact us on

We are ensuring core HEE work to support our NHS colleagues continues:

Students on placement – ‘essential worker’ status and access to COVID tests

The DHSC has updated its guidance to make it explicit that students on placement should be regarded as essential workers and be given the same priority access to COVID tests as other healthcare workers. This guidance may help if a student needs a test and there are issues gaining access to one.

Health Education England and the AHSN Network join forces to help support system partners in delivering innovation and transformation for the NHS workforce

An enterprising new partnership between Health Education England (HEE) and the AHSN Network is developing at pace. After successful discussions, HEE and the AHSN Network have agreed to share expertise and work together across several common priorities at national and regional level.

The AHSNs bring proven expertise in supporting and facilitating the spread and adoption of evidenced innovation across healthcare pathways, as well as their well-established, place-based relationships across the country.

HEE brings a greater awareness of the national strategic growth plan for workforce transformation enshrined in We Are the NHS: People Plan 2020/21, sharing a range of proven methodologies, tools and enabling programmes along with its own, regionally-based knowledge and expertise and the already well established partnerships in relation to digital readiness.

One of the first areas of partnership will be the usage of the Star methodology – HEE’s model for workforce transformation. AHSN colleagues, having been trained in the methodology will then use the model to help system partners better understand and explore the workforce challenges implicit in embedding innovations within their pathway transformation work.

Other common priority areas being pursued by the partnership for delivery to the system include Digital Readiness, Patient Safety, Technology Enhanced Learning and Genomics.

Learn about whole genome sequencing in healthcare

Whole genome sequencing has been in use behind the scenes for some time, but now it is becoming part of routine care with the introduction of the NHS Genomic Medicine Service. But when should it be used? How does it work? And what are the implications, both in healthcare and for families?

Join the Genomics Education Programme’s free, flexible online course on 2 November to learn from expert scientists, medics and researchers, as well as patients and families, how valuable this revolutionary test can be in a number of areas – most recently in the current fight against COVID-19.

The course is delivered through a range of articles, videos, animations and discussion forums facilitated by experts. Prior to enrolling on the course, join our Twitterchat on 22 October to find out why now is the time to learn about whole genome sequencing.

For more course info or to sign up, please visit the FutureLearn website.

Freedom to Speak Up Guardians

Freedom to Speak Up is about encouraging a positive culture where people feel they can speak up and their voices will be heard, and their suggestions acted upon. This animated film can be used in NHS Trust inductions, to inform new starters about how their local Freedom to Speak Up Guardian – an alternative route to normal channels for speaking up such as via line managers – can support them. Link to animation: Freedom to Speak Up

Better health through improved heath literacy

Providing reliable, easy-to-understand health information in accessible formats helps people make better decisions about their health. Being armed with greater knowledge can also have a huge impact on how people respond to treatment, recover from illness and manage a long-term condition while giving people the confidence to ask questions without feeling uncomfortable.

HEE’s national Library and Knowledge Services work with local NHS library and knowledge specialists to help them to share their expertise. Working with NHS Scotland, HEE has devised a free, online course for all to use on elearning for Healthcare  and throughout Health Literacy Month we are also supporting the year’s theme of Health Literacy Heroes.

HEE National Website Platform

HEE’s new digital service will replace the multiple website management systems across HEE with a single platform for all HEE websites, including national, regional, local and programme – similar to HEE continues to seek engagement with internal and external users and stakeholders.  Please get involved; register your interest, have your say, participate in user research and testing activities, and attend show and tell events.   Further, be an advocate, please share this information with people in your network who might want to get involved.  For more information or questions, please email

We are making sure all professions have the training they need to make a difference:

The Learning Hub – Did you know …

The Learning Hub is a digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of education and training resources for the health and care workforce. Organisations and users can contribute and share resources for those in health and care to access.

Did you know…

  • It only takes a few minutes to contribute a resource to the Learning Hub that has the potential to be shared right across the health and care workforce? Select “Contribute a new resource” and populate the form with details including the resource title, type, description and author details.  Once contributed you can share the resource with health and care colleagues via social media or via a direct web link to the resource.

Did you know…

  • The allowed file size for uploaded resources has increased to 2GB? This means much larger audio and video files can be contributed to the Learning Hub.

Did you know…

  • You can sort and order search results on the Learning Hub? The resources can be sorted by relevance, alphabetically, by date authored or by rating.

Come and take a look at what the Learning Hub has to offer and how this could support your organisation in sharing and accessing learning resources. If you would like further information about uploading content please email:

For more information about the Learning Hub follow us on Twitter: @HEE_TEL and visit the Learning Hub website to read about our journey so far.

SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices by healthcare professionals

The SCRIPT programme was created in 2010 and developed into a collection of innovative elearning portfolios designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and medicines management among healthcare professionals.

SCRIPT was developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media and commissioned by Health Education England.

Each elearning portfolio has been specifically designed for foundation doctors, foundation dentists, paediatric specialist trainees, nurses, general practitioners, pharmacists and other non-medical prescribers. The portfolios are also available to undergraduate medical, pharmacy and nursing students.

SCRIPT elearning modules cover a wide range of therapeutic topics. A module usually takes approximately 1 hour to complete and does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website.

Updates to Statutory and Mandatory Training Programme

HEE elfh is currently undertaking an annual review of the Statutory and Mandatory elearning sessions.

The following sessions, and their associated assessments, have been updated:

  • Conflict Resolution – Level 1
  • Equality, Diversity & Human Rights
  • Infection Prevention and Control – Level 1
  • Infection Prevention and Control – Level 2
  • Resuscitation – Level 1
  • Resuscitation Adults – Level 2
  • Resuscitation Newborn – Level 2
  • Resuscitation Paediatric – Level 2

This year’s review has focused upon the following:

  • Ensuring that the sessions are fully aligned to the Core Skills Training Framework (UK v1.6) following a reviewing by the Skills for Health team.
  • Updating assessment questions using data from a thorough analysis of the effectiveness of the questions.
  • Updating with any further recommendations from a team of subject matter experts and in response to user feedback.

We intend to complete all updates by the end of October 2020.

More information about the Statutory and Mandatory Training programme can be found on the elfh Hub.

We are supporting digital readiness across the workforce:

Dr Navina Evans – what a new era of digital leadership could mean for the provider sector

HEE’s new Chief Executive Navina Evans has written a blog on what the future holds for digital transformation and its role in health and social care. Read it on the NHS Providers website.

NHS Graduate Digital Data & Technology scheme webinar – register today

Are you looking for high-quality candidates to fill crucial digital, data and technology roles within your trust? The NHS Graduate Digital, Data and Technology scheme, commissioned by Health Education England as part of its Digital Readiness programme, is a highly focused development pathway supporting graduates to become the next NHS middle managers and beyond.

The Health Innovation Network’s Graduates into Health team are hosting monthly webinars for NHS managers to learn more about the scheme and the programme’s bespoke ‘grow your own talent’ model. The next session is 29 October, 08:00 – 09:00 and you can register for the event here.

Join the Digital Readiness Team at the free HETT: Leading Healthcare Innovation Summit – 20-22 October

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven seismic shifts in transformation across the entire health and social care ecosystem. In association with the Digital Academy Alumni, Topol Fellows and Clinical Entrepreneurs, and supported by NHS England, Health Education England and NHSX, the HETT virtual summit ushers in a new era in which leaders of innovation are resetting their long term plans to address the needs of this new digital landscape.

Hear from an exciting line-up of Digital champions, leaders, and innovators, including author of the Topol Review Eric Topol MD, HEE’s Director of Innovation and Transformation Patrick Mitchell, HEE’s Chief Information Officer James Freed, NHS Digital Academy workstream lead Aasha Cowey, HEE/NHSX Chief Social Worker Mark Nicholas, and many more…

With 18+ hours of CPD-certified keynotes, panel discussions, case-studies, and roundtables on offer it’s FREE to those in the NHS, independent healthcare provision, the care sector, and the wider public sector. Find out more and RSVP.

The Digital Readiness Team on Twitter

To keep up to date with the latest news on our work uplifting digital skills, knowledge, understanding and awareness across the health and care workforce follow @HEE_DigiReady on Twitter.

Further information

By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s Covid 19 webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

Image Interpretation celebrates 10 years of improving patient care

Posted on: October 19th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

The Image Interpretation elearning programme is celebrating its tenth anniversary.

The programme provides continuing professional development in image interpretation to support radiographers and other health professionals. It was initially developed to improve patient care by providing standardised elearning to support the radiography workforce as they move towards preliminary evaluations.

Image Interpretation is a partnership between Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and the Society and College of Radiographers.

The programme was first launched at United Kingdom Radiological Congress in 2010 with sessions on Adult Skelton and Adult Chest.

Now, in 2020, there are:

  • 160 authors
  • 454 sessions
  • 21,386 active users
  • 133,911 hours of learning
  • 355,787 session launches

Dorothy Keane, clinical lead, said: “As clinical lead for this programme I am immensely proud of our achievements and look forward to continuing to develop the content, always remembering that this will improve patient’s clinical outcomes and never forgetting the importance of our patients during their time spent in imaging.

The figures are a real tribute to the hard work of the authors, editors and learning designers who have turned Image Interpretation into one of the largest and most successful programmes within elfh.”

The programme focuses on core skills, both in developing new areas of work and in the review and updating of existing modules.

Currently, the team is working on creating new sessions for Radiographers as Researchers as well as further developing sessions on Orthopaedic Intervention. Future topics will include management, governance, career progression and recruitment.

Dorothy Keane said: “We greatly value our learners’ feedback and suggestions, many of which have led to the development of new sessions over recent years.”

Positive feedback from learners has included:

Image Interpretation is key to the effective and safe clinical management of patients.”

“This is a fantastic resource which we should all be using to integrate learning into our day to day care of patients.”

“I found it invaluable for my self-directed learning as I was able to access those subjects which were particularly useful to me prior to my return to practice.”

More information about the programme, including access details, please visit:

Spotting the Sick Child website relaunched

Posted on: October 15th, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A learning resource that helps healthcare professionals assess acutely sick children has been updated by a team of expert clinicians to ensure its relevance to today’s clinical practice.

Spotting the Sick Child, which is developed by the Department for Health and Social Care and commissioned by Health Education England, features an interactive tool to improve healthcare professionals’ skills in identifying children with serious illness and learning the basics of how to assess children of all ages using clinical footage and evidence-based materials.

The resource is aimed at a range of colleagues including GPs, nurses and health visitors and was developed in response to anxiety over assessing children, as they need a different approach to adults. Spotting the Sick Child’s newly improved website now features additional resources including real life case studies and extensive video footage of real patients.

The website, which is hosted by Health Education England elearning for healthcare, also includes:

  • Symptoms: learn to assess seven common symptoms
  • My Waiting Room: test yourself on real patients at your own pace
  • My Learning: customise your own learning environment and track your progress

Learners will receive a certificate once they complete the course and the resource can be used as a teaching material for others.

For more information and to access this resource, please visit:

New e-learning programme, Freedom to Speak Up in Healthcare in England, now available

Posted on: October 15th, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the National Guardian Office to develop three new elearning sessions to embed speaking up throughout health.
Freedom to Speak Up in Healthcare in England is a training programme aimed at everyone within the NHS including colleagues, managers and senior leaders, as well as volunteers, learners, students and those in training, regardless of their contract terms.

The three sessions explain what speaking up is, why it is important, and how to foster an environment where colleagues, when they speak up, are listened to, thanked and their suggestions followed up. The programme helps learners understand the vital role they can play and the support available to encourage a healthy speaking up culture which protects patient safety and enhances colleague experience.

The first session ‘Speak Up: core training for workers’ comprises the following topics:

  • What speaking up is and why it matters
  • How to speak up and confidentiality
  • Barriers to speaking up
  • The role of the guardian and the National Guardian’s Office
  • Making a pledge.

The second session is for all line and middle managers and is focused more on listening and the barriers that can get in the way of speaking up (available soon).

The third session, is aimed at all senior leaders including executive board members (and equivalents), non-executive directors, and governors to help them understand their role in setting the tone for a good speaking up culture and how speaking up can promote organisational learning and improvement (available soon).
These modules will replace the current Freedom to Speak Up training.
For more information on the programme, including details on how to access, please visit:

New Sexual and Reproductive Health e-learning courses now available

Posted on: October 14th, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FRSH) to develop 30 new resources covering a host of topics including anatomy, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and early pregnancy.

The newly updated programme is aimed at a range of healthcare professionals, including nurses and midwives, to gain the necessary knowledge to successfully support patients with their sexual reproductive needs. It also complements the redesigned FSRH Diploma, which is planned to open for applications in October 2020, as well as other FRSH qualifications.

Each course is interactive and readily accessible anywhere at any time. Learners can access information, read articles, undertake self-assessments, view video clips and animation, along with real-life case studies to support their learning.

The courses range from 20-30 minutes in duration and cover the following topics:

  • Basic anatomy and physiology
  • Health history and risk assessment
  • Contraceptive choices
  • Emergency contraception
  • Contraception: managing side-effects and complications of use
  • Planning pregnancy
  • Unintended pregnancy and abortion
  • Early pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • SRH needs of specific groups
  • Adult and child/young person safeguarding
  • Psychosexual medicine
  • Cervical screening.

Learners can also use FSRH guidance, where possible, to supplement their learning with the programme.
For more information about the elearning programme and to access the sessions, please visit:

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies