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New sessions added to the e-LPRAS programme

Posted on: September 15th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) to add new content to the elearning Programme for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (e-LPRAS).

e-LPRAS offers a wide range of sessions covering the knowledge-base of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and is aimed at plastic surgery trainees from speciality training year 3 (ST3) onwards. The elearning will also appeal to consultants, non-consultant career grades and allied health professionals who want to increase and update their knowledge base.

Nine new sessions have been added to the programme and one existing session has been updated.

New sessions are:

  • Burns in Patients with Concurrent Medical Disorders (Module 9 -Burns)
  • Burn Scar Contractures of the Axilla (Module 9 – Burns)
  • Burn Scars in the Perineum (Module 9 -Burns)
  • Congenital Vascular Malformations in the Lower Limb (Module 8 – Lower Limb)
  • Flaps for Skin and Soft Tissue Cover of the Foot (Module 8 – Lower Limb)
  • Haematological Complications of Burns (Module 9 -Burns)
  • Mastitis and Breast Abscess (Module 6 – Breast and Chest Wall)
  • Multi-Organ Dysfunction in Patients with Burns (Module 9 -Burns)
  • Surgery for Patients with Electrical Burns (Module 9 -Burns)

The updated session is:

  • What is Plastic Surgery? (within Module 1 – Essentials of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery)

For more information about the elearning programme and to access the sessions, visit:

ESCAPE-pain - using education and exercise to support people with chronic joint pain

Posted on: September 15th, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) in partnership with ESCAPE-pain and the Health Innovation Network, developed two elearning resources, aimed at helping healthcare professionals and exercise instructors understand the principles behind the ESCAPE-pain programme.

The programme enables health and care professionals and exercise instructors to facilitate group education and exercise sessions for people living with chronic joint pain.

elearning resources

There are two ESCAPE-pain programmes designed to support people living with chronic knee and hip pain, and people living with chronic back pain.  Each elearning session takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, with the aim of improving providers’ understanding of what the programme involves and to prepare for the facilitator training.

Following the elearning sessions, health and care professionals and exercise instructors are required to attend facilitator training. For more information about this, please visit the ESCAPE-pain website

Accessing the elearning

If you would like to know more about the programme, including access details to the elearning sessions, the ESCAPE-pain team is waiting to support you.

Please email the team at: for more information.

New Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention in Adults module now available

Posted on: September 10th, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

To mark World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September 2020) Health Education England elearning for healthcare has added a new elearning module on adult suicide and self-harm prevention to its MindEd programme.

The module, which is free to access, offers guidance and advice to anyone who is directly involved with caring for or in contact with those who have suicidal ideas, with or without self-harm, or those who self-harm, with or without current suicidal ideas. This could include health and care professionals, parents, carers and teachers.

It is designed to support learners with knowledge-oriented sessions to help identify the dos and don’ts in these difficult situations – such as remaining calm and compassionate when reacting to self-harm or suicide attempts – and skills building sessions which equip them with the skills to act.

All sessions can be used in both workshop and individual learner settings. The case scenario skills building sessions have specific workshop and blended learning support materials including PDFs.

The programme comprises the following topics:

  • Self-harm
  • Making an assessment
  • Generic therapeutic consultation competencies.

The following three topics will launch later in 2020:

  • Assessment and formulation
  • Structured care and intervention
  • Postvention.

    The new adult module is available here:

    There are two existing modules also on suicide and self-harm to help teachers and others working with children and young people available here:

    MindEd is a free educational resource for mental health support. The variety of free resources aims to provide adults, across professions and organisations and including parents and carers, with the knowledge to support wellbeing, the understanding to identify young and older people at risk of a mental health condition and the confidence to act on their concern and, if needed, signpost to services that can help.
    For more information about MindEd visit:

New e-learning programme aims to boost pupil and teacher wellbeing in response to COVID-19

Posted on: September 9th, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the Department for Education to develop a new programme for teachers to support children affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as they return to school and college from September 2020.

Wellbeing For Education Return – part of elfh’s MindEd programme – launched today (8 September 2020) following an investment of £8.2millon from the Government to provide schools and colleges across England with the knowledge and resources they need to support children and young people, who have experienced trauma and loss as a result of the pandemic.

It has been created with input from health partners, mental health experts, local authorities, schools and colleges. The programme will be offered to every school and college in England to help support pupil and student wellbeing, resilience and recovery in the context of COVID-19 and to prevent longer-term mental health problems developing, as well as helping to manage and support those who have pre-existing difficulties that may have been exacerbated by coronavirus.

The programme, which will be delivered to schools and colleges via Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, is aimed at education professionals working with children and young people aged 5-19 in education settings. This may include pastoral leads, senior mental health leads, Special Educational Needs Coordinators, school nurses, counsellors, educational psychologists, voluntary sector providers and mental health support team clinicians/practitioners.

To access the programme free of charge, please visit:

MindEd is a free educational resource for mental health support. The variety of free resources aims to provide adults, across professions and organisations and including parents and carers, with the knowledge to support wellbeing, the understanding to identify young and older people at risk of a mental health condition and the confidence to act on their concern and, if needed, signpost to services that can help.

For more information about MindEd visit:

e-FACE e-learning programme launches new module on consent

Posted on: September 9th, 2020 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) to develop a new elearning module on consent.
Sessions within the module have been developed to demonstrate best practice, and are aimed at Dental Core Trainees (DCTs) and Specialty Registrars in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS).

The module aims to tackle the limited consent knowledge many trainees have by providing consent process training and a certificate is awarded once the module is complete.

The new e-FACE module includes:

  • an introduction to consent that discusses the key principles of the consent process
  • a series of short clinical scenarios that focus on commonly-performed procedures.

The Consent module joins the existing 11 modules that cover the majority of the Dental Core Training Curriculum within the e-FACE programme. The programme is designed to support junior trainees working in OMFS departments. The content is also suitable as refresher material for those starting their speciality training.

For information about the elearning programme and to access the session, visit:

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 18

Posted on: September 3rd, 2020 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

Key Messages and links to 2nd September 2020

Welcome to Health Education England’s weekly stakeholder bulletin.

In this bulletin we will provide:

  • Weekly messages from the Chief Executive’s Office
  • Overview of HEE education and training news
  • An update from your regional office

Weekly messages from Chief Executive, Professor Wendy Reid –

This week’s message focuses on helping young people and clinical professionals to navigate their route through training throughout their careers, and ensuring they have a line of sight of what the pandemic recovery means to them. We are determined to make career paths for them all. Read Wendy’s messages here:

Young people matter to us and we need to help them

Don’t let data take humanity from your leadership

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients by:

Funding Boost for Clinical Placements – In August, Health Education England announced that £15m will be made available through its Clinical Placement Expansion Programme (CPEP) to increase clinical placements in the NHS and support growth in Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy and all the other Allied Health Professions.

This represents a 50% increase in the funding previously pledged.

The funding will be broken down as follows:

  • £8.2m towards an additional 7,000 nursing and midwifery clinical placements across all regions and
  • £5.8m towards an additional 3,800 allied health profession placements concentrating on the prioritised areas such as placement education facilitators with a further £1m of that investment focused on sustainable technologies.

This additional investment has been targeted to support the welcome expansion across all health professions undergraduate programmes this September.

The Department of Health and Social Care is also providing additional funding to support the lifting of the cap for medicine and dentistry courses. Read more here.

New Development Opportunity for Community Pharmacists – New continuing professional development (CPD) for pharmacists, coordinated by Health Education England (HEE) with NHS England and NHS Improvement, will further embed community pharmacy in urgent care pathways and help improve the care of patients presenting with minor illness.

A programme of workshops is being delivered to support community pharmacists in effective patient-facing consultations and clinical assessments for a range of common minor illnesses.

The CPD is being delivered in partnership with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE).  Workshops will be rolled out across England from September 2020.

Funded by the Pharmacy Integration Fund, the workshops build on those provided since last October by CPPE to help pharmacists manage patients referred from General Practice and NHS 111 to the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). Read more here.

We are ensuring core HEE work to support our NHS colleagues continues:

New NHS Education Contract – share your views – From April 2021, Health Education England will be introducing a new NHS Education Contract to replace the varying contractual arrangements currently in place (including the Learning and Development Agreement with NHS service providers).

We believe a single standard NHS education contract, to be used by all education providers and healthcare providers in all settings, will help achieve a nationally consistent approach to HEE contracting and funding for healthcare education and training.

To help develop this new standard contract, HEE is seeking the advice of partners, especially those who use the Learning Development Agreement or may use the new NHS Education Contract in the future. This includes healthcare providers (both NHS and PIVO), education providers (Higher and Further Education), as well as Medical Schools, Dental Schools, ICSs, Training Hubs and any other body who may now or in the future receive funding from HEE for education and training.

To do this, we have created a five-question national feedback survey to receive feedback and we are inviting all HEE stakeholders to review the draft contact and complete the survey. The draft contract and the survey can be accessed here:

The survey will remain open until 20 September 2020. If you have questions about the survey or the wider project, please email

Applications invited for new HEE fellowships to help NHS staff shape the digital healthcare revolution – Health Education England is pleased to invite candidates for 30 new digital health fellowships aimed at helping clinical professionals build digital health expertise into their careers.

Successful applicants will receive equivalent funding up to 40% of their salary to give them protected time to engage in digital initiatives.

This second cohort of the Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships follows recommendations in the 2019 Topol Review to ensure that the NHS leads the world in using innovative technology to benefit patients. Recruitment for this round opens on September 1 and runs until September 30.

Successful applicants will be given time and support to design and deliver digital health projects and initiatives within their employing trusts. They will have access to a programme of workshops enabling them to lead digital health transformations for NHS staff and patients.

Applications are open to a wide range of NHS staff and candidates may be in training or in a permanent position. Current fellowship projects include a broad and exciting variety of initiatives designed to improve patient care and maximise NHS resources.

Full details about the programme and how to apply are available at:

Have your say on the revised ARCP process – As the ARCP period draws to a close, we are encouraging trainees who have undertaken an ARCP to complete a short survey to help us understand experiences of the revised process during COVID-19 and the quality of information and resources provided. Feedback is vital to HEE’s Lessons Learned process, and will inform what we continue, what we discontinue, and where improvements can be made to the ARCP process going forward. The survey closes on 9 September. Have your say here

Dental trainee redeployment experiences during COVID-19 – 176 Dental trainees were redeployed across the system during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Some have been frontline, some providing support in other ways. All have embraced health care sector positions that have allowed transferable skills to be utilised where there was need – providing care for patients and support for colleagues in roles such as: Family Liaison Officers at the Nightingale Hospital, COVID and non COVID wards in secondary care, supporting ICU teams, Primary Care Triple A and Urgent Dental Care services, National 111 triage, Contact Track and Trace and swabbing services to name but a few. In these short films dental trainees share their experiences of taking on these challenges and how they have gained valuable knowledge for the future.

Situational Judgement Tests from 2020 – Medical students / graduates sitting the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) in December 2020 and January 2021 will be accessing the SJT via a digital platform. A computer based SJT will be introduced as part of the application process for the UK Foundation Programme from 2021. An animation film has been developed which outlines what the SJT is, the options available for sitting the SJT and processes that need to be followed. For more information visit

We are making sure all professions have the training they need to make a difference:

The Learning Hub – a quick reminder

What is the Learning Hub? – The Learning Hub is a new digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of resources that are pertinent to education and training in health and care. Organisations and users can contribute and share resources for those in health and care to access.

What can the Learning Hub offer you? – As the Learning Hub is being designed based on users’ needs and developed using an agile, iterative approach new features are frequently being released in line with the original plan for the Learning Hub in its current Beta phase. This agile approach means users have access to and experience the benefits of new features as quickly as possible to provide a comprehensive learning experience.

Learning Hub users can:

  • contribute digital resources including elearning, video, audio, images, web links, documents and articles
  • search for, access and rate a resource
  • report an inappropriate resource
  • access the resources and share them on social media and with colleagues.

Make a contribution – If you or your organisation have resources to share and contribute to the platform please visit: and select “Contribute a resource”.  You can sign in to the Learning Hub either using your elearning for healthcare Hub username and password or by creating an account on the Learning Hub and using those details.

Coming soon – The Learning Hub team is currently working on the development of catalogues, which will enable organisations to have their own area on the Learning Hub; offering a home page with branding capability and a place for resources to be made available under an organisation’s own identity. The first release of catalogues will be available soon and enhanced with more functionality over time in line with the Learning Hub roadmap.

Take a look – Come and take a look at what the Learning Hub has to offer and how this could support your organisation in sharing learning resources:

For more information about the Learning Hub follow us on Twitter: @HEE_TEL, visit: to read blogs about our journey so far or visit:

New sessions for pharmacists available within the Educator Training Resource Programme – Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the HEE London and South East Pharmacy Team (working across London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex) to develop four new elearning sessions, aimed at developing the knowledge and skills pharmacy educators require for supervising, assessing and evaluating pharmacy students in a variety of primary and secondary care settings.  Although primarily aimed for educators, the modules are also suitable for trainees on pharmacy programmes.

The elearning sessions include:

  • Introduction to supervised learning events (SLE)
  • Mini clinical evaluation exercise (MiniCEX)
  • Care based discussion (CBD)
  • Direct observation of practical skills (DOPS)

Each elearning session takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and includes videos and multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge.  You may choose to dip in and out of the sessions when it is convenient to you.

These sessions complement the existing resources for pharmacy educators, which include:

  • MRCF (Medicines Related Consultation Framework)
  • Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) (Mini-TAB)
  • RITA (Record of In-service Training Assessment)

The new elearning sessions for pharmacists are part of the Educator Training Resource Programme, accessible via the Educator Hub and the ‘Enhancing Learning Through Assessment’ module.

If you would like to know more about the programme, including how to access the elearning sessions, visit:

New Adverse Childhood Experiences programme now available – Health Education England elearning for healthcare has added a new elearning module on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to its MindEd programme.

This module is designed to deliver key knowledge and skills development for teachers and other professionals in schools. The three case study sessions are skills focussed and video rich, with blended learning support for workshop-based skills development. There are also information-packed knowledge sessions as a primer.

The three sessions cover:

  • The science behind ACEs
  • Building resilience for children affected by ACEs
  • General classroom management.

The sessions are freely available to access. A further three sessions will be added later in 2020.

MindEd is a free educational resource for mental health.  The variety of free resources aims to provide adults, across professions and organisations and including parents and carers, with the knowledge to support wellbeing, the understanding to identify young and older people at risk of a mental health condition and the confidence to act on their concern and, if needed, signpost to services that can help.

For more information about MindEd visit:

ESCAPE-pain – using education and exercise to support people with chronic joint pain – HEE elfh has worked with ESCAPE-pain and the Health Innovation Network to develop two elearning resources, aimed at helping healthcare professionals and exercise instructors understand the principles behind the ESCAPE-pain programme – facilitating group education and exercise sessions for people living with chronic joint pain and learning how the programme may be implemented in their organisation.

There are two ESCAPE-pain programmes designed to support people living with chronic knee and hip pain, and people living with chronic back pain.

The elearning resources are aimed at:

  • helping interested providers determine how ESCAPE-pain may fit within their organisation and to begin the process towards implementation.
  • professionals who plan to deliver the programme and become ESCAPE-pain facilitators.

Each elearning session takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, with the aim of improving providers’ understanding of what the programme involves and to prepare for the facilitator training.

If you would like to know more about the programme, including access details to the elearning sessions, please email the team at: for more information.

We are supporting digital readiness across the workforce:

Health Education England’s Connected Communities project would like your help! Research on career pathways in health and care informatics, undertaken by the Digital Readiness programme in 2019, recommended that further work was needed on defining what networking opportunities professional body’s and other organisations currently offer.

HEE are seeking to rapidly understand the needs of health informatics professionals (bodies, groups and individuals) and how best to engage with them. We’d like to understand more about your participation and involvement in networks to help improve professional and service development in the future. To share your views please complete this survey.

Regional Informatics Skills Development Networks (ISDNs) – Extending to new regions – The flourishing ISDNs in the North West and Yorkshire & Humber provide a wide range of learning, networking, sharing and accreditation resources to support informatics specialists and departments across those regions. Drawing on their expertise, we are jointly producing a toolkit, called ‘ISDN in a Box’, which will contain the basic resources to help the establishment of similar ISDNs in other regions.

HEE will also provide tailored practical support such as limited initial funding for an in-region LSD coordinator and work closely with organisations such as the Faculty of Clinical Informatics and the Federation for Informatics Professionals to develop the professional landscape. We are initially targeting regions where there is an existing strong CIO/CCIO network or Finance SDN, and working with the NHSE Regional Directors, regional digital teams, Academic Health Science Networks and CSUs.

For more information please contact


By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

August update – New e-learning session for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians is available

Posted on: September 3rd, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

In May 2020, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA), in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (elfh), launched their elearning programme for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians.  This is the fourth monthly update about the programme.

elearning sessions are part of the NBIA’s aim to provide online learning to complement face-to-face clinical training.  The sessions are designed to support trainees in breast imaging and to provide valuable continuing professional development (CPD) resources for all qualified staff.

The full programme of elearning sessions is due to launch in late 2020, but many sessions are available now, to support your training needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s new?

There are 65 elearning sessions available on the elfh Hub.  The latest session to be added is:

  • Further Mammographic Views

Additional sessions will be added to the elearning catalogue as soon as they are ready.

What can I expect from the elearning sessions?

The interactive elearning sessions cover a wide range of topics on breast imaging and relevant aspects of surgery, oncology, pathology, nursing, and risk and prevention.

In addition to the recently added elearning sessions listed above, you can also access:

  • Assessment for Mammographers
  • Clinical Evaluation and Management of Male Breast Disease
  • Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
  • ‘Day in the Life’ series showcasing breast multidisciplinary team members
  • Living With, Through and Beyond Breast Cancer
  • MRI Artefacts
  • QA, Standards and Guidance
  • Ultrasound Interpretation – Cysts and Collections

What is the NBIA?

Hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) project is a collaborative, national, multidisciplinary initiative, involving training centres and NHS Trusts around the country as well as Health Education England, Public Health England, the Royal College of Radiologists, the Society and College of Radiographers, the Association of Breast Clinicians and elearning for healthcare.

For further information about the NBIA please visit:

More information, accessing the sessions and providing feedback

For more information about the programme, including details on how to access the NBIA elearning sessions, please visit:

In addition to these monthly updates, please visit the HEE elfh news page and follow @HEE_TEL on Twitter for the latest news about the programme.

If you would like to share your thoughts on the resources and input into the evaluation of the NBIA elearning programme, please visit our survey.

TEL News August 2020

Posted on: September 2nd, 2020 by Leanne Hargreaves No Comments

August’s issue of TEL News includes news of further developments in the Learning Hub and details of a new document to support the return of face to face simulation training. There is also details of new Maximising Population Health and Prevention in Curricula Guidance elearning plus new content added to the e-Endoscopy elearning programme.

Select the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.

New sessions for pharmacists available within the Educator Training Resource Programme

Posted on: September 1st, 2020 by Rachel Gowland No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the HEE London and South East Pharmacy Team (working across London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex) to develop four new elearning sessions, aimed at developing the knowledge and skills pharmacy educators require for supervising, assessing and evaluating pharmacy students in a variety of primary and secondary care settings.  Although primarily aimed for educators, the modules are also suitable for trainees on pharmacy programmes.

What do the elearning sessions cover?

The elearning sessions include:

  • Introduction to supervised learning events (SLE)
  • Mini clinical evaluation exercise (MiniCEX)
  • Care based discussion (CBD)
  • Direct observation of practical skills (DOPS)

Each elearning session takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and includes videos and multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge.  You may choose to dip in and out of the sessions when it is convenient to you.

These sessions complement the existing resources for pharmacy educators, which include:

  • MRCF (Medicines Related Consultation Framework)
  • Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) (Mini-TAB)
  • RITA (Record of In-service Training Assessment)

More about the Educator Training Resources Programme

Launched in March 2017, the Educator Training Resources are aimed at educators and supervisors across medical professional groups.  Content was originally migrated from HEE Kent, Surrey and Sussex’s e-training for trainers (etft) platform, together with London’s multi-professional Faculty Development modules.  Complementary content from other regions was also included to produce a national resource.

Modules are linked to the Professional Development Framework for Educators and the curriculum for pharmacists has been developed by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, with initial adoption in London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

The framework domains map to professional regulatory standards for education and training including HEE’s Quality Framework standards and are applicable to all educators working in clinical practice and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as guidance for best practice.

Accessing the elearning

The new elearning sessions for pharmacists are part of the Educator Training Resource Programme, accessible via the Educator Hub and the ‘Enhancing Learning Through Assessment’ module.

If you would like to know more about the programme, including how to access the elearning sessions, visit:

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies