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New Adverse Childhood Experiences programme now available

Posted on: August 26th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare has added a new elearning module on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to its MindEd programme.

A child, whose mind and body are overly stressed and in fight, flight or freeze mode, is not open for learning. ACEs have short and long-term negative life changing consequences across education, health, care, criminal justice, later employment and life expectancy outcomes.

This module is designed to deliver key knowledge and skills development for teachers and other professionals in schools. The three case study sessions are skills focussed and video rich, with blended learning support for workshop-based skills development. There are also information-packed knowledge sessions as a primer.

All sessions have been co-written by leading mental health and teaching experts including Dr Warren Larkin – Consultant Clinical Psychiatrist, Niki Cooper – Head of Learning Mental Health Workforce at Place2Be, Dr John Ivens – Headteacher at the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital School, and many others.

The three sessions cover:

  • The science behind ACEs
  • Building resilience for children affected by ACEs
  • General classroom management

The sessions are freely available to access here:

A further three sessions will be added later in 2020.

MindEd is a free educational resource for mental health.  The variety of free resources aims to provide adults, across professions and organisations and including parents and carers, with the knowledge to support wellbeing, the understanding to identify young and older people at risk of a mental health condition and the confidence to act on their concern and, if needed, signpost to services that can help.

For more information about MindEd visit:

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 17

Posted on: August 21st, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Key Messages and links to 19th August 2020

Welcome to Health Education England’s weekly stakeholder bulletin.

In this bulletin we will provide:

  • Weekly message from the Chief Executive’s Office
  • Overview of HEE education and training news
  • An update from your regional office

Weekly message from Chief Executive, Professor Wendy Reid –

This week’s message focuses on working flexibly and differently in the future. Read the full message here. 

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients by:

Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme: Registration is now live

Registration for the Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme is now live. This new education and training programme has been established to support the 2019/20 cohort of pre-registration pharmacists whose training and registration have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides a unique opportunity to accelerate pharmacist early years’ education and training reform and supports delivery of the NHS People Plan for 2020/21.

This new Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme, known as IFPP, was officially launched on 3rd August. It is a HEE-funded 12- month education and training programme, starting in September 2020. The IFPP has three aims:

  • To support provisionally registered pharmacists in England transition to full General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) registration and beyond.
  • To develop pharmacists’ ability to achieve high quality outcomes for patients, improve patient safety and reduce medication errors.
  • To inform the next stage of pharmacist education and reform.

The programme will run for 12 months, starting from September 2020, and will be available to all provisionally registered pharmacists providing NHS funded care and services in England.

This is a positive step towards delivering the recommendations from HEE’s Advancing Pharmacy Education and Training (APET), and meeting the ambitions of the NHS Long Term PlanNHS Interim People Plan and NHS People Plan for 2020/21.

Find out more on our dedicated IFPP web page, including FAQs and an eligibility and process flowchart. Join up to receive weekly updates from the programme team at:

Meeting the nursing workforce challenge – You can read what HEE’s Chief Nurse Mark Radford had to say about meeting the nursing workforce challenge in three opinion pieces published by the Nursing Times, Nursing in Practice and Public Sector Executive recently.

General Practice Nursing Specialty Training Programme up for HSJ award – HEE’s General Practice Nurse Specialty Training programme has been shortlisted for this September’s HSJ Awards in the category for System or Commissioner Led Service Redesign Initiative. The innovative programme was set up to address the difficulties registered nurses find when trying to embark on a career in general practice. Most employers prefer nurses with experience, but without experience there’s no job and without a job there’s no opportunity for experience. You can read more about the General Practice Nurse Specialty Training programme on our website.

We are ensuring core HEE work to support our NHS colleagues continues:

Education and Training tariff for 2020/21 published – The Education and Training tariff guidance document, including the 2020/21 tariff rates, have now been published by the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC). You can access the guidance document here.

ACP Virtual Conference 2020: Save the date and research poster competition – HEE’s national conference for ACP will be held online as a virtual event on Monday 9 November, and Thursday 12 November 2020. The conference will feature a mixture of live, pre-recorded, and interactive sessions available on demand. Conference registration will open at 09:00 on Monday 21 September 2020. For further information about the ACP Virtual Conference 2020, visit the conference webpage.

Advanced practitioners and trainees are also invited to submit abstracts for poster presentations of their research at the conference. For further information, visit the abstract submission webpage. The deadline for the receipt of abstract submissions is 12:00 on Wednesday 23 September 2020.

 New Roles in Primary Care Guidance – Health Education England has developed the New Roles in Primary Care Guidance.  Available through your local training hub or download from the elearning for healthcare (elfh ) hub, , you will now have access to additional information about the Primary Care Networks Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) outlined in the GP Contract as well as other new roles and advanced level of practice.

The guidance (reviewed quarterly) includes –

  • An overview of the role
  • Funding
  • Training and development
  • Activities undertaken
  • Skills and competencies
  • Supervision requirements
  • Educator providers
  • Approved ARRS and other job descriptions
  • Case study examples

Any questions? We can put you in touch with your local training hub lead. Email

Improved understanding equals improved health – Did you know that 1.7 million adults in the UK read and write at or below the level of a 9 year old? Or that 43% adults do not understand written health information, rising to 61% not understanding when we add numbers?

As HEE’s national library and knowledge services leads, we are sharing our expertise in health literacy with NHS colleagues. We are also beginning to collaborate with information workers across sectors to increase the health literacy skills, underpinned by digital literacy skills, of the general public. This is so that future citizens have the skills to engage with digital-first health and care services.

To help share the learning, we are training local NHS library and knowledge services staff to deliver a suite of health literacy training resources. We also worked in collaboration with NHS Education for Scotland to develop health literacy elearning that is freely available on the elearning for healthcare platform. Do promote the elearning, particularly ahead of international Health Literacy Awareness month in October.  – for more information on our health literacy work contact

Innovation and Transformation on LinkedIn – The Innovation and Transformation Directorate brings together a range of programmes and services to support systems to address their workforce transformation challenges and help develop a more technically enabled, digitally skilled workforce, able to access training and upskill through new and innovative methods.

Responding to key elements of We are the NHS: People Plan 2020/21 the Digital Transformation chapter of the NHS Long-term Plan and recommendations in the Topol Review ‘Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future’, the directorate is in place to enable the innovative and transformational change needed across health education.

To help showcase our work, sharing news, gathering your opinion and stimulating debate we have launched a LinkedIn showcase page.

Please follow us and join the conversation. HEE Innovation and Transformation

BMJ Best Practice – an award-winning resource now free to all NHS staff – BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision-making support tool providing the latest evidence-based information to use at the point of care. Funded by Health Education England (HEE), it is free to all NHS healthcare professionals in England.

Rated as one of the best support tools worldwide, BMJ Best Practice includes step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention as well as medical calculators, how-to videos and patient information leaflets.  Content includes clinical expertise from over 1,600 international authors an 2,500 peer reviewers which means users have up to date references available at their fingertips, anywhere, any time of day or night.

All NHS staff in England can access BMJ Best Practice by going to where they can register using their NHS OpenAthens username and password (instructions here). Once registered they can also download and use it via an app on a mobile device.

New HEE Non-Executive Director – Health Education England is pleased to welcome Dr Harpreet Sood as a Non-Executive Director (NED). Previously an associate NED with HEE, he works as an NHS GP in London and is a digital health expert with a wealth of experience at the interface of health care and digital technology. Read more here.

Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare – Recruitment for Cohort 2 of the Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare will begin in September. The fellowship programme provides fellows with time and support to design and deliver digital health projects and initiatives in their trusts and a programme of workshops and mentoring to stimulate and support fellows to lead digital health transformations for NHS staff and patients. This will be an exciting opportunity for NHS clinical staff, including doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, dentists, healthcare scientists, pharmacists and others, to shape and accelerate the NHS digital revolution. Read more.

The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) are pleased to partner with HEE to increase the number of Topol Fellowships available to Dermatology. These posts are intended to develop successful applicants in digital leadership and technological literacy. Projects are invited for digital innovation in a dermatology setting. These proposals should describe the unmet need, local support for it and an outline of the proposed project delivery.  All proposals should focus on any aspect of AI or digital medicine as applicable to bioinformatics, diagnostics and pathway/training re-design and delivery. These fellowships are open to all members of the BAD and are intended for delivery over 2 or 3 days a week for a 12-month period.  Block periods of study are not possible. Successful candidates will be appointed in line with the Topol scheme and benefit from the cross-specialty and multi-professional working that this offers.  Appointed fellows in dermatology will also be part of the technology workstream part of the Education Unit at the British Association of Dermatologists. It is hoped that successful individuals will be the future digital champions of the specialty.

We are making sure all professions have the training they need to make a difference:

The Learning Hub – Did you know …

  • The Learning Hub is a new digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of education and training resources for the health and care workforce. Organisations and users can contribute and share resources for those in health and care to access.
  • You can contribute a wide range of educational resources to the Learning Hub, from infographics to videos, simulation scenarios to remote teaching sessions?
  • You can generate and share links via social media or via a direct web link to the resource to widen the reach to audiences across the health and care workforce? (See attached image). 
  • You can search for, access and rate a resource and your learning activity is recorded.

There are many exciting features and additional functionality currently being developed that will be released to users regularly.  This is just the beginning of the journey.

The Learning Hub team is currently working on the development of catalogues, which will enable organisations to have their own area on the Learning Hub; offering a home page with branding capability and a place for resources to be made available under an organisation’s own identity.  The first release of catalogues will be available soon and enhanced with more functionality over time in line with the Learning Hub roadmap.

Come and take a look at what the Learning Hub has to offer and how this could support your organisation in sharing and accessing learning resources: If you would like further information about the catalogues or uploading content please email:

For more information about the Learning Hub follow us on Twitter: @HEE_TEL and visit our blog to read about our journey so far.

Toolkit outlines safe return to simulation training – HEE’s TEL team has produced a toolkit for learners to safely return to face-to-face simulation training.

‘COVID-19 toolkit for safe simulation in health and care’ was produced with support from experts in the field and highlights the five areas that need to be considered before returning to face-to-face training with suggestions as to how this might be done.

The topics covered are:

  • Engaging with stakeholders including commissioners, professional bodies, patient groups and employers while seeking expert advice from local infection prevention and occupational health teams
  • Assess risks with groups including learners, technicians and simulated patients and measure outcomes
  • Environmental factors, such as assessing the number of people in a simulated training space and introducing local guidance for cleaning equipment
  • Face-to-face simulation activities with advice on mitigating risk such as registering attendance and providing access to appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Remote access to training by developing and enhancing access to shared online resources and providing remote observation of simulation activity.

The toolkit also features a key note on evaluation and learning which will be vital in encouraging future development and delivery of simulation training. The toolkit is available here.

Flu Immunisation elearning programme updated for the new season – HEE elfh has worked with Public Health England (PHE) to update the Flu Immunisation elearning programme to ensure it is up to date for the 2020/21 flu season.

With the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever that this year’s annual flu vaccination programme is safely and effectively delivered to as many of those eligible as possible to protect those at risk. It is therefore crucial that those giving flu vaccines are confident, competent and have up to date knowledge about the vaccine(s) they are giving. The Flu Immunisation elearning resource is designed to provide all healthcare practitioners involved in delivering the national flu immunisation programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of flu vaccination and administer the flu vaccines to those who need them.

For more information about the programme, including details on how to access, visit:

We are supporting digital readiness across the workforce:

Digital Workforce Planning – The Digital Readiness team, in partnership with the North West Informatics Skills Development Network, held a webinar on July 31st to promote the workforce planning activities for determining the current and future workforce in health informatics and the digital workforce. The webinar explained the purpose of the data collection exercises. A recording of the webinar is available.

Please get involved and help us create the future digital workforce! These people are critical to plan for in delivering a high-quality data driven NHS…

NHS Digital Technology and Health Informatics – Workforce Demand Forecasting Exercise – Health Education England (HEE) is looking for help from CIOs, CCIOs, CNIOs and other senior digital leaders in the NHS in shaping the future digital technology and health informatics’ workforce. We would like digital leaders to take part in an exercise forecasting the size of the different areas of the workforce and the skills required in 2030. The forecasts made should be within the context of two alternative, but plausible scenarios developed by HEE of what the future might look like for this workforce. Undertaking the exercise will require engagement and discussions with colleagues and should be a thought-provoking and stimulating one. The estimates submitted will help HEE in developing a national workforce plan for this sector.

The background to this forecasting exercise and further information can be found in a DigitalHealth.Net presentation (20:38 onwards).

To take part please register your interest – Once registered we will send you the instructions and a demand forecasting toolkit. Alternatively, contact Don Liu – – at HEE for further details.

NHS Gradate Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Scheme – The Digital Readiness funded Digital Graduates scheme is continuing to fund the rollout of this innovative recruitment programme. The NHS Graduate DDaT Scheme not only increases the number of individuals coming into the health care system with digital, data & technology skills but increases quality of graduates, while addressing the diversity ratios for females in Digital, Data & Technology, BAME, regional variations and career changers. Supported by high quality development pathways this will create a long-term pipeline of fast track entry level staff within Digital, Data & Technology into senior roles, support succession planning and meet increasing technological demands.

The scheme is now recruiting for organisations in the North West, Yorkshire & Humberside, South East, London and the South West. Further details, including contacts, are available on the Graduates into Health website.

Please share the link with networks and colleagues in these regions, particularly in HRD, OD and Health Informatics to enable them to make the most of this great opportunity in getting high quality digital professionals into the NHS.

Have your say on the future vision for the expansion of the NHS Digital Academy – A project is currently underway to determine what the NHS Digital Academy should be going forwards and how it can become the home of all digital learning and development for our workforce. The initial offering, the Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Health Leadership (delivered by Imperial College London and partners for 3 cohorts of 100 participants) has been well received but is also oversubscribed and meets a particular need. We want to build on this success to support a wider range of individuals in different roles and professions at different levels of seniority.

Please check out the engagement platform where you can download the emerging vision and submit feedback through a variety of mechanisms. This phase of the project is open until Monday 14th September. Diversity and increased opportunities for all is at the heart of this future vision, allowing individuals to make more informed choices. We are exploring how this could benefit all roles at all levels of seniority and be delivered in a variety of formats to support different personal needs, work needs and learning styles. Throughout the Autumn we will be sharing updates including a refined vision and draft implementation plan so there will be further opportunities to get involved.


By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk.

Flu Immunisation e-learning programme updated for the new season

Posted on: August 17th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with Public Health England (PHE) to update the Flu Immunisation elearning programme to ensure it is up to date for the 2020/21 flu season.

With the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever that this year’s annual flu vaccination programme is safely and effectively delivered to as many of those eligible as possible to protect those at risk. It is therefore crucial that those giving flu vaccines are confident, competent and have up to date knowledge about the vaccine(s) they are giving. The Flu Immunisation elearning resource is designed to provide all healthcare practitioners involved in delivering the national flu immunisation programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of flu vaccination and administer the flu vaccines to those who need them.

The elearning course consists of three knowledge sessions and three assessment sessions. All those undertaking this elearning should complete the Core Knowledge session and accompanying assessment as this is designed to provide essential knowledge about what flu is and the rationale for, and design of, the annual flu programme. Depending on which session(s) is relevant to your role, you should then complete one or both subsequent knowledge and assessment sessions which provide more detailed information about the live and inactivated flu vaccines.
The Flu Immunisation programme is available to access on the elfh Hub, ESR and via AICC links.
For more information about the programme, including details on how to access, visit:

ESCAPE-pain Programme

Posted on: August 17th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

ESCAPE-pain – using education and exercise to support people with chronic joint pain

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with ESCAPE-pain and the Health Innovation Network to develop two elearning resources, aimed at helping healthcare professionals and exercise instructors understand the principles behind the ESCAPE-pain programme – facilitating group education and exercise sessions for people living with chronic joint pain and learning how the programme may be implemented in their organisation.

What is the ESCAPE-pain programme?

ESCAPE-pain is an evidence-based and cost-effective group rehabilitation programme for people with chronic joint pain.  Designed to increase physical function and improve quality of life, the programme integrates education, self-management and coping strategies, with a personalised exercise regimen for each participant.

The ESCAPE-pain programme can be delivered in a variety of locations including outpatient physiotherapy departments, leisure centres and local community settings by healthcare professionals and exercise instructors.

To deliver either of the ESCAPE-pain programmes, professionals are required to attend facilitator training.  The training is open to healthcare professionals and exercise instructors who meet the pre-qualification criteria.

elearning resources

There are two ESCAPE-pain programmes designed to support people living with chronic knee and hip pain, and people living with chronic back pain.  The research, evidence and endorsements for each programme can be found on the ESCAPE-pain website.

The elearning resources are aimed at:

  1. helping interested providers determine how ESCAPE-pain may fit within their organisation and to begin the process towards implementation.
  2. professionals who plan to deliver the programme and become ESCAPE-pain facilitators.

Each elearning session takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, with the aim of improving providers’ understanding of what the programme involves and to prepare for the facilitator training.

More about ESCAPE-pain

ESCAPE-pain was chosen by the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) as one of seven programmes to support national implementation, between 2018-2020.  As the support cycle came to an end, this elearning project was funded to increase awareness and allow potential providers from across the country, to access information and support for the programme.

The elearning was commissioned by the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare, in collaboration with ESCAPE-pain and the Health Innovation Network.

Please see our website for more information about the ESCAPE-pain programme and recommended reading.


Accessing the elearning

If you would like to know more about the programme, including access details to the elearning sessions, the ESCAPE-pain team is waiting to support you.

Please email the team at: for more information.


New national programme to collate online resources for medical students now available

Posted on: August 13th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the Medical Schools Council (MSC) to develop a new, free elearning programme to support undergraduate medical education. This is the first national programme provided by elfh which collates online learning resources from across UK medical schools.

The programme was developed in response to the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic which saw universities close their doors and deliver classes online. As a result, the MSC’s Education Committee set up a working group to coordinate the efforts of medical schools’ Heads of Teaching in delivering medical education remotely.

Developed by and for medical schools, the new elearning programme provides a database of learning resources, making it easier for staff and students to source material for different specialities. These resources have been kindly donated by staff from across UK medical schools and will be useful to students in their clinical and non-clinical years.

MSC’s Dr Katie Petty-Saphon said: “With the possibility of experiencing renewed periods of lockdown and the need to social distance, it is likely that some distance learning will be required to supplement in-person teaching sessions throughout the next academic year.

“It is heartening to see the generosity of staff from across the country who have made their resources publicly available to the benefit of medical students and staff. Our particular thanks must go to staff at Imperial College London, the University of Bristol and Health Education England for their work in making the idea of building a programme to share resources a reality.”

MSC’s elearning programme is accessible to all those with a university or NHS email address. For more information about the programme, including details on how to access, visit:

New Population Health Management e-learning programme now live

Posted on: August 13th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with NHS England and NHS Improvement and Public Health England to develop an elearning programme to support analysts and other health and care professionals working in population health to build their knowledge and skills within the area of population health management (PHM).

The elearning modules that have been developed are:

  • Introduction to population health management.

An introduction to population health management – what it is, why it’s important and what you need to get started

  • Assessing needs

This session describes the main stages in the process to assess needs of a population.

  • A practical introduction to population segmentation

The population segmentation module will give users a practical guide to applying population segmentation within a population health management context.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) response to date has highlighted the pivotal role of PHM, with primary and secondary care providers needing to risk stratify and proactively support key population groups with personalised care models. PHM will become increasingly important as systems move to the reset phase where they will need the appropriate insights to make judgements about restarting non-urgent elective care.

The PHM elearning modules introduce the PHM approach as well as the role of needs assessment and segmentation, providing a useful grounding to support colleagues in their endeavour to support population health during Coronavirus (COVID-19) and thereafter.

For more information about the Population Health Management elearning programme, including details on how to access the resources, please visit:

NHS People Plan shines spotlight on TEL team platforms

Posted on: August 11th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England’s Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team’s elearning for healthcare (elfh) and Learning Hub platforms have been featured as recommended resources in the NHS People Plan 2020/2021. 


The plan, which aims to support the NHS’s 1.3 million workers throughout the rest of 2020 and 2021, was published on 30 July 2020 with key advice signposting the healthcare workforce to elfh and the Learning Hub for their training and education needs. 


To date there have been more than 8.6 million sessions launches in 2020 and elfh still remains a go-to training programme for the health and care workforce.  


In May, HEE’s TEL team launched the Learning Hub which allows stakeholders from across the health and care workforce, such as clinical commissioning groups, professional bodies and charities, to access and contribute resources including videos, webinars, slide presentations and Q&A packs. 


The NHS People Plan sets out what the people of the NHS can expect from their leaders and each other for the remainder of 2020 and 2021.  It focuses on how staff need to continue looking after each other, to grow and train the workforce and work together differently to deliver patient care.  


Dr Neil Ralph, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning at Health Education England, said: “We are delighted to see elfh and the Learning Hub highlighted in the NHS People Plan. The recognition for two of our platforms is testament to the consistently high-quality elearning sessions we develop for the NHS healthcare workforce and the resources now available to the wider workforce.  Our platforms provide a range of learning resources, from anaesthesia to audiology, dentistry to dermatology, emergency medicine to end of life care, primary care to prescribing, safeguarding children to statutory and mandatory training.” 


For more information about elfh and The Learning Hub, please visit and 




Maximising Population Health and Prevention in Curricula Guidance e-learning programme now live

Posted on: August 6th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare has worked with EduQual to develop an elearning resource to support educators of all regulated health and care professionals to maximise population health and prevention (PHP) learning in their respective curricula.

The programme will be useful to educators – both those in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and in clinical practice – when designing a new course or re-designing an existing one. It is a combination of easy-to-use guidance with signposting to reputable learning resources in the field of PHP as well as a platform to showcase good practice examples.

It includes a seven-step model which was developed to support HEIs take a holistic approach to maximising PHP in curricula. Curriculum design teams may start at the beginning of the seven steps or dip in and out at any point of the tool.

For more information about the programme, including details of how to access, please visit:

The evaluation survey for the resource is available here:

Stakeholder Briefing – Issue 16

Posted on: August 5th, 2020 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

Key Messages and links to 5th August 2020

Welcome to Health Education England’s weekly stakeholder bulletin.

In this bulletin we will provide:

  • Weekly message from the Chief Executive’s Office
  • Overview of HEE education and training news

Weekly message from Professor Sheona MacLeod, Acting Director of Education and Quality and Executive Medical Director –

This week’s message is written by Professor Sheona MacLeod and focuses on the importance of working together to restart careers, building hope for the future and confidence in education and training. Read the full message here.

We are supporting all professions to rapidly grow to meet the needs of patients by:

AHP Mental Health Framework – Health Education England is developing an ACP-Mental Health framework to grow the new Mental Health workforce.  We want to hear your views. Please complete the survey here.

Student placement expansion and innovation webinar – Friday 7 Aug 10am – Over June and July the Allied Health Profession team has been engaging with the sector through a series of online workshops, forums and webinars. Following the engagement with over 2,000 educators, practitioners and students from across the four nations we will be holding a webinar on Friday morning to provide an update on our findings and outline next steps.


  • Reporting on AHP student placement online forum and workshop with 150 Leaders. Presented by Char Hobbs, AHP Student Placement, HEE and Janice St John-Matthews, Deputy Head of Department (AHP), UWE, Bristol
  • Innovative placement solutions; crowd-sourced learning from practice. Presented by David Marsden, Regional AHP Lead across the North East and Yorkshire
  • Round up of work with regulators and Professional Bodies – presented by Ruth Allarton, HE Advisor
  • Close and next steps. Presented by Beverley Harden, National Lead for AHP, HEE

Join using this link

To find out more about HEE’s work in to support the essential supply of AHPs to the health and care workforce, visit their webpage and sign up for updates.  Visit the webpage and join the mailing list here

We are ensuring core HEE work to support our NHS colleagues continues:

Pharmacist Education and Training Reform – On 23 July 2020, Health Education England with NHS England and NHS Improvement published a joint letter setting out the context for accelerating the reform of pharmacist education. This letter also announced that Health Education England, in partnership with key stakeholders, is establishing an Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme to help provisionally registered pharmacists’ transition to full registration and beyond. This is because the training and registration of the 2019/20 cohort of pre-registration pharmacists has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first phase of the reform and the purpose of the Interim Foundation Programme is to provide provisionally registered pharmacists with the foundation training support they need. This new Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme, known as IFPP, is a HEE-funded 12- month education and training programme, starting in September 2020.

The IFPP has three aims:

  • To support provisionally registered pharmacists in England transition to full General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) registration and beyond.
  • To develop pharmacists’ ability to achieve high quality outcomes for patients, improve patient safety and reduce medication errors. • To inform the next stage of pharmacist education and reform.

A joint letter from Health Education England and NHS England and NHS Improvement was shared on 22 July with key stakeholders, outlining the context for Pharmacist Education and Training Reform. The letter is available at this link.

A letter from Health Education England was also shared with the 2019/20 cohort of pre-registration pharmacists, announcing the Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme (IFPP). This letter was also cascaded widely with key partners and stakeholders and is available at this link.

Find out more about the IFPP in the press release published on 3rd August.

We anticipate there will be many questions about the new programme. The programme team will be sending weekly updates about the IFPP. We encourage you to subscribe to these updates by emailing, stating ‘IFPP Updates’ in the subject header.

Maternity Support Worker Fund – Reminder that the closing date for applications and expressions of interest for the Maternity Support Worker fund is 16 August 2020. For more information view our webinar here. This is a one-off opportunity for Local Maternity Services to bid for funding. For full details about the simple application follow this link.

Mental Health Nurse Leadership Programme – Apply now to Mental Health Nurse Leadership Programme with the Florence Nightingale Foundation on this link. Deadline: 14th August 2020

Medical trainee webinars – In July, we held two webinars for medical trainees, the first focussing on training in the private sector and inclusion issues and the second on out of programme pause. The recordings for these webinars have now been uploaded to our YouTube channel and can be accessed through the following links:

Training in the private sector and inclusion issues

Out of programme pause

Decision support tool, available free to all NHS health professionals – An online tool and app which provides the latest evidence-based health information at the point of care has been made available to all health professionals in England, for free, thanks to Health Education England (HEE).

The British Medical Journal’s (BMJ) Best Practice tool, rated as one of the best clinical decision support tools for health professionals worldwide, provides the user with the latest evidence-based information including step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention, whenever and wherever they need it.

Because medical advice and guidance changes rapidly it gives healthcare professionals quick and easy access to authoritative information to underpin diagnosis and treatment decisions, updated daily and using the latest expert option and available data.

BMJ/BP is available online and as an app – which also works offline.  Staff can visit to register and then download the app from their usual app store

We are making sure all professions have the training they need to make a difference:

National Breast Imaging Academy – In May 2020, the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA), in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (elfh), launched their elearning programme for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians.

elearning sessions are part of the NBIA’s aim to provide online learning to complement face-to-face clinical training. The sessions are designed to support trainees in breast imaging and to provide valuable continuing professional development (CPD) resources for all qualified staff.

The full programme of elearning sessions is due to launch in Autumn 2020, but many sessions are available now, to support your training needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s new in July 2020?

There are now 64 elearning sessions available on the elfh Hub.

New sessions added recently include:
Ultrasound Interpretation – Cysts and Collections
Clinical Evaluation and Management of Male Breast Disease
Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
Other Malignant Breast Disease

Additional sessions will be added to the elearning catalogue as soon as they are ready. For more information about the programme, including details on how to access the NBIA elearning sessions, please visit:


New Internal Medicine Training elearning programme launched – Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board to launch a new elearning programme, Internal Medicine Training.

The programme aims to set out how to write a meaningful and effective Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) for Internal Medicine training. This module sets out how to prepare to write an ESR, considered by the Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) panel when assessing a trainee’s progress, starting with the initial meeting with the trainee, planning the training year and gives examples of good report writing.

This elearning package is aimed at educational supervisors of internal medicine trainees and covers the following areas:

  • The ESR
  • Capabilities in Practice (CiPs)
  • Evidence
  • Setting up the Training Year
  • Some elements of the ARCP

For more information about the programme, including access details, visit:

The Learning Hub – Catalogues are coming soon 

The Learning Hub is a new digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of resources that are pertinent to education and training in health and care. Organisations and users can contribute and share resources for those in health and care to access.

The Learning Hub team is currently working on the development of catalogues, which will enable organisations to have their own area on the Learning Hub; offering a home page with branding capability and a place for resources to be made available under an organisation’s own identity. An organisation can also nominate users to administer their catalogue. The first release of catalogues will be available soon and enhanced with more functionality over time, in line with the agile, iterative development of the platform.

For more information about the Learning Hub follow us on Twitter: @HEE_TEL and visit our blog to read about our journey so far. To access the Learning Hub visit:

Supporting the well-being of the health and care workforce –

NHS People Plan 2020-2021 – The NHS People Plan published on the 30th July aims to put NHS staff wellbeing at its heart with a new recruitment, retention and support package. It sets out practical support for well-being such as safe spaces to rest and recuperate, well-being guardians and support to keep staff physically safe and healthy. The People Plan builds on the innovations driven by staff during the pandemic and sets out how the NHS can embed them. Read more here.

By following @NHS_HealthEdEng you can keep up to date with new information and resources as they are published. Most importantly are the notifications of webinars being broadcast during the week.

Right now, making sure we are communicating properly is obviously incredibly important. If there’s any information you think is missing on HEE’s webpages, please let us know by submitting your question to the HEE Q&A helpdesk

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies