A new elearning programme about managing type 2 diabetes in children and young people (CYP) has been developed for healthcare staff.
It aims to help increase awareness of how best to care for CYP with type 2 diabetes which should improve their longer-term health.
The resource features six sessions covering a range of topics including diagnosis, glucose monitoring, complications and pharmaceutical and psychological interventions.
It has been developed by elearning for healthcare, NHS England and the CYP Diabetes Network after data showed an increase in the number of CYP being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Despite this increase, type 2 diabetes is considered a relatively rare condition in paediatrics – in 2019/20, 58 per cent of paediatric diabetes units managed fewer than six children with type 2 diabetes – paediatric teams are often not familiar with the more progressive nature of early onset type 2 diabetes and the need for early intervention and aggressive treatment.
The training will therefore allow learners to refresh and further increase their skills in managing type 2 diabetes and help them to keep up to date with the latest treatments and guidance.
Each session takes about 30 minutes to complete and is primarily aimed at staff working in specialist children and young adult diabetes services. It would also be useful for doctors, consultants, nurses, dietitians, psychology staff and youth workers.
For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the Managing Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Young People programme page.
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New type 2 diabetes elearning supports better treatment and outcomes for children and young people
Support for patients with long-term conditions: Foundation update (April 2024)
Welcome to your April 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme.
How good are you at helping patients with long term conditions (chronic disease) after they leave hospital?
From the impact of these conditions on daily living, to the ability to self-care and the management of conditions in the community, this month’s update covers key themes around care and support planning for people being discharged from hospital.
- Impact of short-term and long-term physical problems on daily living
- Assessment of ability to self care after discharge
- Family dynamics affecting discharge
- Management of long term disease in the community
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
New hub of resources about health and justice nursing now available
A new hub of resources has been developed to give nurses and student nurses an insight into working in prison settings.
The hub features a range of elearning sessions to help healthcare professionals to support female, male and youth prisoners. Topics include menopause, reproductive health, substance abuse and ethics, law and human rights.
It also includes stories from health and justice nurses and contains virtual reality resources so that learners can experience what it is like to work in a male prison.
The hub offers a ‘one stop shop’ of educational resources and training packages that are free to access on the elearning for healthcare Hub. It has been developed in collaboration with experts who already work in this space.
For more information and to access the hub, please visit the Resources for Health and Justice Nurses programme page.
Updated Mental Capacity Act elearning now available
The Mental Capacity Act elearning programme has been updated for all health and care staff who work with people lacking mental capacity.
The resource has been revised and updated in line with recent case law and user feedback; and includes essential revisions to materials about the Liberty Protection Safeguards.
There are 12 sessions in the programme which cover a range of topics including best interests, restraint, adult safeguarding and deprivation of liberty. It is aimed at all health and care professionals who work with people aged 16 and over, who might lack mental capacity to make essential decisions at the time these decisions need making.
Since it was developed in 2019 the programme has been launched 870,000 times and has more than 95,000 active users across the health and social care sectors.
For more information and to access the newly updated elearning, please visit the Mental Capacity Act programme page.
Bereavement training updated
Our National Bereavement Care Pathway training has been reviewed and updated to ensure that language is in line with current guidance, and to add links to sources of information and support.
Pregnancy loss and child death impacts a significant number of families each day. The core aims of the training are to improve quality of bereavement care and to reduce variance across services.
Created in collaboration with charities, professional organisations and people with first-hand experience, the training is free to access and can be used by anybody who may come into contact with someone who is bereaved through loss of a baby, including non-clinical professions.
Understanding the needs of couples who have suffered pregnancy or baby loss can build confidence in all staff who are in contact with them, supporting them to approach families and offer care and communication in a parent-centred way. This can reduce further distress and isolation which can impact on the mental health of both parents.
To find out more and access the training, please visit the programme page on elearning for healthcare (elfh).
Take 20 minutes to complete your menopause awareness training this International Women’s Day
With around one million women working for the NHS in England, and around a fifth of them of menopausal age, the menopause is everyone’s business.
The menopause elearning programme takes just 20 minutes to complete and gives learners:
• an overview of the menopause
• common symptoms
• scenarios to better understand how to support each other.
It is crucial for recruitment and retention that everyone has some knowledge of how the menopause and perimenopause can impact at work. The programme is available to all colleagues including those going through the menopause and colleagues who wish to support to them. It covers everything from the common symptoms of the menopause to how it can impact people at work and how colleagues can support one another.
The module has been designed specifically for those working in the health service but is now available to users across health, care, education charities and the general public.
Further resources are available in the NHS to increase awareness of the menopause, including national guidance, which set out comprehensive advice for colleagues and line managers on how best to support staff through the menopause.
For more information and resources on menopause visit NHS England’s retention hub: https://www.england.nhs.uk/looking-after-our-people/supporting-people-in-early-and-late-career/#menopause
Telephone triage training supports assessment of cancer patients
Colleagues working with oncology and haematology patients can now access free online training to help utilise the UK Oncology Nurses Society (UKONS) triage tool in everyday practice.
The UKONS 24- Hour Triage Tool is a risk assessment tool that uses a red, amber and green (RAG) scoring system to identify and prioritise the presenting problems of patients contacting 24-hour advice lines. The aim of the new training is to provide a standardised programme that can be used as a basis for this specific triage process. The free training also provides generic information and guidance relating to organisational governance and the safe delivery of telephone assessment.
The elearning will be useful for all staff who undertake telephone assessment of cancer patients across secondary care, primary care and volunteer organisations (including service managers and practice educators).
You don’t need a healthcare email address to register, which means colleagues from third sector and voluntary organisations can access the training for free. Simply visit the UKONS Telephone Triage training programme page on the NHS Learning Hub to register and find out more.
Clinical incidents: Foundation update (February 2024)
Welcome to your February 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on what happens and what you should do if you are involved in a clinical incident.
From exploring how things can go wrong, to ensuring that clinical incidents are reported, the following sessions use case studies and key subject areas to address the principal steps to take when dealing with a clinical incident.
- How to Avoid the GMC Disciplinary Committee
- GMC Registration and Post Graduate Observation
- Human Factors and Analysis of Adverse Events
- Medical Error: When Things Go Wrong
- Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do if MRSA Positive
- Hospital Acquired Fever with MRSA: What to do Next
- Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient
- Infection Control: Air and Blood Borne Pathogens
- Infection Control: Modes of Transmission
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
FPC 8: Upholding Values
FPC 11: Ethics and Law
FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development
FPC 13: Understanding Medicine
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Perinatal Mental Health programme updated with inclusive language
The Perinatal Mental Health elearning programme has been updated with more inclusive language and imagery for learners.
The four updated sessions now reference birthing partners and chest feeding plus gender neutral images feature on the programme homepage.
Developed in partnership between NHS England and elearning for healthcare, the programme supports the workforce to better care for people with perinatal mental health issues.
Since it launched in February 2016 the training has been accessed by more than 18,000 learners including midwives, school nurses and health visitors.
Feedback for the programme has been positive:
“Excellent module which has enhanced my learning and will change my practice. Thanks.” Physician
“The programme and materials are excellent. I am really enjoying working through them and value having this opportunity. Thank you.” Occupational Therapist
For more information and to access the updated sessions, please visit the Perinatal Mental Health programme page.