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Archive for the ‘TEL news archive’ Category

Social supervision and conditional discharge elearning now live 

Posted on: October 11th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Social and clinical staff and managers who are supporting or monitoring people on conditional discharge (CD) can access new elearning which sets out the actions and responsibilities required when caring for restricted patients. 

The Social Supervision and Conditional Discharge elearning programme provides an overview of the system for managing individuals who have been sent to hospital under S37/41 Mental Health Act (MHA) by a Crown Court following serious offences, both in hospital and in the community. 

It includes sessions that give an overview of the law, policy and practice relating to community-based supervision of conditionally discharged patients in England and Wales and is a foundation for further in-depth learning. It is available on the NHS Learning Hub. Key topics are: 

  • Guidance for Judges about making s37/41 MHA 
  • Core aspects of MHCS’ responsibilities on behalf of the SoS for Justice 
  • Powers of MHCS and of the 1st tier Tribunal to order Conditional Discharge 
  • Key tasks of the Clinical and Social Supervisor and MHCS in managing these patients and protecting the public 

To find out more and to access the sessions please go to the Social Supervision and Conditional Discharge elearning programme page  

Infection prevention and control: community

Posted on: October 9th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

We’ve launched a new infection prevention and control e-learning programme for clinical staff working in the community. We’ve worked in partnership with community NHS providers to create bespoke e-learning for health training for clinical staff that carry out home visits for patients.  

 The module recognises the additional infection control challenges that home visits can present, and identifies the additional risks and precautions needed to ensure the provision of safe, high-quality care. 

 This training applies to several healthcare professionals and community settings, including paediatric, GP, and physiotherapist home visits.  

 The training pilots a new model of delivery – using short videos, followed by questions for users to answer. It follows National Infection Prevention and Control guidelines, and forms part of the existing Infection Prevention Control Level 2 session. Please set aside 30 – 60 minutes to complete the training.

You can now access the new module on the learning hub.

Updates to the Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) elearning programme 

Posted on: October 3rd, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

NHS staff, public health practitioners, and all employees who deliver or commission services which may have an impact on people’s health and wellbeing can access updated elearning aimed at identifying and tackling health inequalities.

The Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) elearning programme enables professionals to systematically address inequalities and equity in programmes and services.

The toolkit provides an easy-to-follow template that can be applied flexibly to suit different work programmes, policies and services, and a practical framework that enables multiple audiences to:

  • identify health inequalities and equity-related issues to a programme of work or service
  • identify what action can be taken to reduce health inequalities and promote equality and inclusion

To find out more visit the Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) elearning programme

Eastman Dental elearning launches new modules for dental teams

Posted on: September 20th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

New modules have been added to the Eastman Dental elearning programme offering UK NHS dental teams a range of clinical and non-clinical content to upskill and inform clinical practice. 

The new modules are: 

  • Restorative-based elearning: A series of 5 topics designed for early dental practitioners and the dental team. 
  • Core Learning Series for Dental Care Professionals: Three courses covering radiology, photography, and oral health, with opportunities for knowledge enhancement. 

The elearning, created in partnership between Eastman Dental Hospital Education Centre and NHS England’s Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team, is available on the elearning for healthcare (elfh) Hub and aligns to the Advancing Dental Care (ADC) agenda. 

The training offers dentists, dental nurses, hygienists, and other dental professionals easy access to tailored, interactive learning based on the latest techniques and evidence. It is designed to elevate expertise and proficiency, build confidence in daily clinical practice and balance learning against the professional demands of a busy schedule. 

Existing modules on the programme are:  

  • Child focused dental practices (CFDP): A series of 11 webinars focussing on the treatment of children and young people with tips and guidance on tools and techniques that can be used in general dental practice. 
  • General Dentistry e-learning: This series of 13 webinars provides guidance on the assessment, diagnosis and management of patients with general oral diseases.  Each session provides up to date information on current thinking and management. 

The elfh Hub is free for NHS staff. Each completed session provides certification of continued professional development and learners can complete an evaluation survey to help inform future training needs.  

To access the elearning visit the Eastman Dental Hospital Education Centre programme page 

Foundation Programme September Update

Posted on: September 19th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Find out more about how to assess and manage the treatment of the acutely unwell, the assessment and management of a patient’s fluid status, the presentation and management of sepsis and arterial blood gas sampling and interpretation.

Sessions are available in the elearning for healthcare (elfh) Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) covering the following areas in your curriculum: FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care and FPC 5: Continuity of Care: 

Check the programme to see other sessions that might help you… 

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training: 

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum. 


New elearning to support workplace conversations

Posted on: September 19th, 2024 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

A new elearning programme aims to address some of the challenges faced by postgraduate doctors and dentists in training and their educators who have to engage in difficult conversations in the workplace. 

The Art of Honest Conversation is based on the model developed by Dave Thornton who is an executive coach with extensive experience in the NHS and industry. It offers guidance on how to hold conversations around unhelpful or unacceptable professional behaviours, attitudes, and conduct. 

Addressing these behaviours can support a doctor’s progression through training and mitigate any impact on effective team working and ultimately on the delivery of high-quality patient care and retention of staff. 

The programme covers the key topics around difficult conversations including: 

  • The consequences of avoiding a challenging conversation 
  • The worries we might have about holding an Honest Conversation 
  • Being aware of how we give and receive feedback 
  • How conversations go wrong 
  • Understanding the ‘Drama Triangle’ 
  • Recognising why conflict can occur and how to prepare yourself 
  • Putting yourself in the right frame of mind 
  • An explanation of ‘The Model’ of the art of honest conversation 

The Art of Honest Conversation is available on the elearning for healthcare hub. To find out more and to access the training go to The Art of Honest Conversation programme page. 


Maximising Population Health and Prevention in Curricula – Updated toolkit now live

Posted on: September 5th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

The toolkit to maximise population health and prevention in curricula aims to support educators of all regulated health and care professionals, to maximise population health and prevention-learning in their respective curricula has been updated.

First developed in 2018 by Health Education England (now NHS England), the toolkit was updated in 2024 by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit to reflect the post-pandemic landscape and the impact that COVID-19 had on population health and prevention, as commissioned by the NHS England Workforce Training and Education directorate.

The toolkit is a combination of easy-to-use guidance with signposting to reputable learning resources in the field of population health and prevention, and a platform to showcase good practice examples.

Aimed at the educators of healthcare professionals, the seven-step model was developed as a guide to support Health Education Providers to take a holistic approach to maximising population health and prevention in curricula.

You can find out more about the programme on the elfh webpage.

There are also two upcoming launch events, where you can hear from experts in health and education including Prof Shona MacLeod, Director of Education and Training, NHS England, as well as a host of representatives leading the way in this work, who will share best practice and innovation nationally, regionally and locally.

To register your attendance on your preferred date, please follow the appropriate link:

Wednesday 11th September 2024 at 10am-12noon – Click for registration link

Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 12.30pm-2.30pm – Click for registration link

5000 people enrol on Becoming Simulation Faculty Programme

Posted on: July 24th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

The NHS England TEL team launched Becoming Simulation Faculty (BSF) as a national blended learning programme to support the professional development of simulation educators, practitioners, technicians and managers in health and care.  Over 5000 people have now enrolled since its launch. 

The programme delivers a national approach to simulation faculty development, enhancing professional capabilities and supporting continuing professional development of multi-disciplinary teams.   

Co-designed and authored with experts from across the simulation community in the UK, BSF addresses the current variability in professional development opportunities across the country, ensures equitable access to learning and enhances simulation and immersive learning practices at scale.    

It aligns with the ambitions of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, the Educator Workforce Strategy and the National Safety Syllabus by supporting hybrid education and workforce development, ensuring high-quality, safe care delivery.   

The programme is running a core course (6 theory-based online elearning topics and a face-to-face workshop) throughout 2024. Topics include Educational Theory in Simulation Based Education (SBE), Creating a Simulated Learning Environment and Debriefing and Feedback. From 2025 the course will be extended to cover advanced learning opportunities such as Simulated Patients and Developing the simulation technician. To date, we have delivered successful workshops in 2 of the 8 regions of England, with several more planned over the coming months. Feedback from recent delegates has been excellent;  

“A really great day and thought provoking, thank you!” 

“The activities were really helpful and very relevant” 

Find out more about the Becoming Simulation Faculty programme and enrol by visiting our webpage or contact the team for more information. 

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies