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Visitor and Migrant NHS Cost Recovery Programme

Posted on: October 13th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

A series of elearning modules and introductory video have been developed by E-learning for Healthcare (elfh), working with the Visitor and Migrant NHS Cost Recovery Programme at the Department of Health. The elearning package is designed to support NHS organisations in their implementation of the Visitor and Migrant NHS Cost Recovery Programme following changes to the Overseas Visitor Charging Regulations in April 2015.  The elearning is not intended as a substitute for the guidance to these regulations but to support understanding of the rules.

The Cost Recovery Programme was set up in July 2014 to improve the systems for charging overseas visitors and migrant for their NHS healthcare in England. The programme aims to support and reinforce the principle of fairness by ensuring that everyone who can should contribute to the cost of the NHS without undermining the principle that the NHS is free at the point of delivery for residents.

The E-learning modules have been tailored to specific roles including Overseas Visitor Managers (OVMs), frontline administrative staff and clinicians.

A video “A guide for clinicians: cost recovery and working with Overseas Visitor Managers (OVMs)” has also been developed with the help of clinicians and OVMs.

The online training sessions enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point. They are designed and built to be engaging and interactive, using quality images, video, audio and animation to help trainees learn and retain knowledge. Content is presented using various templates such as ‘real-life’ scenarios, case studies and ‘knowledge bites’.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit  http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/overseas-visitors-cost-recovery/

Induction for International and Returning GPs

Posted on: October 8th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

A short elearning programme has been developed which supports the GP Induction and Refresher (I&R) Scheme and is aimed at GPs returning to work in the NHS who need an induction placement. The session provides a basic grounding of the principles and structure of the NHS, along with guidance on many aspects of the role of the modern GP, such as safeguarding, patient safety and ethics.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/gp-induction-and-refresher.

Improving Mouth Care

Posted on: October 1st, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

An elearning package has been developed to support the training of all healthcare professionals involved in mouth care. It has been designed to give health and care staff advice and guidance in order for them to provide evidenced based mouth care for their patients and clients; with the intention of ensuring that they can enjoy the benefits of good oral hygiene and oral health as part of general health care.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/improving-mouth-care/.

Patient Group Directions

Posted on: October 1st, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

This elearning programme supports people and organisations who are considering, developing, authorising and using patient group directions (PGDs) to deliver NHS services in line with legislation and NICE medicines practice guideline (MPG2). Whether you are a commissioner or a provider, this programme can support you to learn about how PGDs can be used in your practice as an appropriate means of patient care.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/patient-group-directions/.

Management and Leadership Skills

Posted on: September 24th, 2015 by Frankie

The modules in this programme are designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of a wide range of management and leadership topics. Each module covers real life examples that reinforce your understanding of the key principles and skills in that area. They are suitable for multi-professional health and social care team leaders and managers or aspiring managers at all levels.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/management-and-leadership-skills/

Induction for International Doctors

Posted on: September 18th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

The Induction for International Doctors programme is designed to introduce internationally qualified doctors, who are new to UK clinical practice, to ethical, social, legal and professional aspects of UK clinical practice. The interactive elearning sessions include case-based scenarios and are intentionally generic in content, thereby making them useful for doctors of any specialty and grade. It is expected that this elearning programme will act as a driver for new international doctors to commence a focussed discussion with their educational supervisors, to develop professional development plans and to undertake additional training as per their specialty/local needs.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/induction-for-international-doctors/

Statutory and Mandatory Content

Posted on: September 18th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

The UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) defines nationally agreed learning outcomes and training delivery standards for ten statutory/mandatory training topics for staff working in healthcare settings. The CSTF indicates which staff groups should have competence in which topics and at which level, and advises on minimum refresher periods. The elearning sessions in this programme have been designed to meet the relevant learning outcomes in the CSTF. There are also ten Level 1 and seven Level 2 eAssessments for Statutory and Mandatory training topics, one for each topic and level in the CSTF, which have an 80% pass rate.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/statutory-and-mandatory-training

Blood Transfusion learning pathways

Posted on: September 10th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

Two new learning pathways for phlebotomists and porters have been added to the learnbloodtransfusion programme.

These two learning pathways have been specifically designed for staff solely undertaking either the phlebotomist or porter role in the transfusion process.

Developed in response to user feedback, these pathways are significantly shorter than the Safe Transfusion Practice course, and are intended to help reduce learning requirements for certain roles.

As with most other learnbloodtransfusion courses, there is an assessment element to evidence learning.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/blood-transfusion/

Flu Immunisation

Posted on: August 12th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

The Flu Immunisation elearning package is designed to provide all healthcare practitioners involved in delivering the national flu immunisation programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of flu vaccination and effectively deliver the vaccine programme. The programme consists of six sessions – three of which are assessments – covering the core knowledge required for flu immunisers, as well as that on inactive vaccines and the live flu vaccine. It is aimed at flu immunisers in a wide variety of healthcare settings.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning programme, please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/flu-immunisation/

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies