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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Flu Immunisation

Posted on: August 12th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

The Flu Immunisation elearning package is designed to provide all healthcare practitioners involved in delivering the national flu immunisation programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of flu vaccination and effectively deliver the vaccine programme. The programme consists of six sessions – three of which are assessments – covering the core knowledge required for flu immunisers, as well as that on inactive vaccines and the live flu vaccine. It is aimed at flu immunisers in a wide variety of healthcare settings.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning programme, please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/flu-immunisation/

Transient Ischaemic Attacks

Posted on: July 28th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

A new programme has been added to the elfh Hub: Transient Ischaemic Attacks.

This elearning resource has been developed to support the knowledge, understanding and skills in the diagnosis and management of transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) and TIA mimics and is supported by the Royal College of Physicians. It is aimed at junior doctors or specialist nurses with a background in Stroke, Neurology, Emergency Medicine, Acute Medicine and/or Primary Care. The programme is composed of a number of patient scenario sessions, core knowledge sessions and self-assessments.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/transient-ischaemic-attacks.

Essentials in Care

Posted on: July 28th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

A new programme has been added to the elfh Hub: Essentials in Care.

This elearning resource has been developed to give frontline staff from domiciliary, community, residential and nursing homes essential knowledge in care. This programme will give staff a greater ability to intervene more effectively and to recognise early riskfactors and signs of deterioration, as well as improve confidence and promote empowerment. The programme, consisting of three sessions, was produced with support from Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/essentials-in-care/.

Clinical Pathways for Sick Children

Posted on: July 14th, 2015 by Frankie No Comments

A new programme has been added to the elfh Hub: Clinical Pathways for Sick Children (Bronchiolitis, Fever and Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting).

This elearning resource has been developed to support the use of the South East Coast Strategic Clinical Networks (SEC SCN) NHS acute care clinical pathways for pre-school children. It is intended for clinicians working within primary and community care who look after children in the pre-school age group and have to assess them when they are acutely sick. The programme is designed to equip learners with the clinical skills necessary to identify children with serious illness and to ensure parents can be confident in their assessment.

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit /programmes/clinical-pathways-for-sick-children/

Preventing Falls in Hospitals

Posted on: December 18th, 2014 by Frankie No Comments

We are proud to announce that there is a new course available in the Preventing Falls in Hospitals programme: CareFall: Reducing inpatient falls risk factors and post fall management.

The aim of this course is to give you the knowledge to identify risk factors for inpatient falls and how to reduce them, to give guidance on safely moving patients if they have fallen and how to assess them for a serious injury. It has primarily been developed for foundation level doctors working in acute or community hospitals, but other staff members with an interest in falls risk reduction are welcome to use it.

Please note that this course has been developed in Flash and will therefore not run on mobile devices.

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3™) and the 2-year review e-learning modules are now available!

Posted on: December 8th, 2014 by Frankie No Comments

All Health Visitors in England will need to be using the ASQ-3™ as part of 2-year health reviews by April 2015. The Department of Health is developing a population measure to show child development at 2-2½ years. The data for this will be collected using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3™) which is a parent completed tool. To support Health Visiting teams in preparing for this now, elearning sessions have been developed for Health Visitors and Nursery Nurses by HEE, the Department of Health, elearning for healthcare and the University of Hertfordshire. They are in two parts, each taking 30 minutes and incorporate video clips from real-life 2 to 21/2 year reviews and cover the practicalities of using the ASQ-3™.

National VTE Prevention Programme

Posted on: December 1st, 2014 by Frankie No Comments

The NHS England National VTE Prevention Programme has worked in partnership with Health Education England to develop a comprehensive suite of elearning modules aimed at Primary Care, undergraduates and commissioners.

Launched at the recent Patient First Conference on 26 November 2014, the VTE elearning programme sets out to raise awareness of the need for all healthcare professionals to recognize the signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) and the levers that can be used to drive best practice when it comes to VTE prevention and improved outcomes for patients.

The National VTE Prevention Programme has also signed up former England International Goalkeeper Paul Robinson to help raise awareness of VTE after he followed a near fatal blood clot on his lung last year. The video in which Paul speaks about his experience has been produced in partnership with NHS Choices and illustrates why ongoing VTE education is so important. Speaking about its release, Paul Robinson said:

“I hope that me telling my story really makes people think and that it helps even a few.”

The elearning modules are freely accessible to anyone with an NHS email address via the elearning for healthcare website:

ACUMEN – prospective authors for 2015

Posted on: November 28th, 2014 by Frankie No Comments

ACUMEN is now looking for prospective authors for 2015. We hope to produce content focusing on the following topics;

Rash, hepatosplenomegaly, bruising, haematuria, head injury, polydipsia, polyuria, pruritus, abnormal Sensations, visual disturbance, weight loss, swallowing difficulties, medical problems in pregnancy, alcohol and substance dependence, aggressive / disturbed behaviour, delirium including substance abuse, dementia, the unconscious patient, abdominal pain, suicide/para-suicide, dysuria including sexual health, involuntary movement

If you are interested in producing content for ACUMEN under any of the above listed topics, then please send an email to mark.millar@e-lfh.org.uk stating your name, current role and the topics to which you wish to contribute. Expressions of interest should be received by us no later than Friday 19th December 2014.

More New Content for ACUMEN!

Posted on: November 27th, 2014 by Frankie No Comments

ACUMEN continues to expand its coverage of the acute medicine curriculum, and now has more that 275 scenarios and knowledge sessions available toy support your learning.

We have recently added a significant amount of new content covering topics such as medical problems in pregnancy, rash, acute confusion, poisoning, fever, oncology, interventional radiology, anaphylaxis, haematemisis & melaena, pericarditis, joint swelling, spontaneous bleeding and dyspepsia.

If you haven’t visited ACUMEN in a while, now is the time to take a look at what’s new and expand your knowledge of the many topics that are covered.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies