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Gold for e-LfH

Posted on: November 6th, 2014 by Frankie No Comments

elfh scoops the Gold Award for the ‘Best elearning project – public sector’ at the 2014 elearning Age awards. The judges “were particularly impressed by the consistent approach to stakeholder engagement, the options for scaling, the variety of learning interventions, and the focus on evaluating the impact on behaviour and marketing. The programme meets different learning styles and abilities for a workforce that requires just-in-time learning and has limited flexibility to train without affecting 24/7 care. Working with thousands of clinical subject matter experts and myriad stakeholders, elfh is now recognised throughout the world for its vision, scope and skills, and its achievements in transforming UK healthcare training and patient care.”

ICE-BLU project launched

Posted on: March 14th, 2014 by Frankie No Comments

The ICE-BLU project teaches the theoretical knowledge behind basic echo and lung ultrasound in the intensive care patient. The sessions are interactive and contain echocardiography videos to demonstrate teaching points. Teaching includes the physics of ultrasound, anatomy and basic views, left and right ventricular function, life-threatening pathologies, basic lung ultrasound and some of the limitations and pitfalls that may be encountered. The intended audience is intensive care and acute medicine doctors, anaesthetists and clinicians interested in assessment of the critically ill patient.

The sessions are mapped to the FICE curriculum but the whole module is suitable for anyone intending to undertake a hands-on training course or as a refresher of the knowledge previously acquired in this area. There is a final MCQ session, which will allow the production of a CPD certificate for those who have completed the eight sessions.

e-Pain - Pain management project launched

Posted on: November 11th, 2013 by Frankie No Comments

Thousands of people are affected by acute or chronic pain every year in the UK. For some this is short term due to illness or injury, for others chronic pain is a way of life. The National Pain Audit highlighted the inconsistencies with which pain is managed across primary and secondary care and, despite recent advances in both areas, patients are often referred too late for these services to make any significant difference.

e-PAIN is a multi-disciplinary programme designed to improve the early diagnosis and management of pain. The programme is aimed at all NHS healthcare professionals who do not specialise in pain medicine, but regularly encounter patients suffering from acute or chronic pain.

The e-PAIN programme has been developed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine in partnership with the British Pain Society and elearning for healthcare. Dr Douglas Justins, Clinical Lead for e-PAIN says: ‘This exciting and important project will help improve the recognition, assessment and safe treatment of unrelieved pain resulting in the significant improvement of patient care.’

For further information on the programme and how to access the elearning please visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/pain-management/

One in a million

Posted on: September 30th, 2013 by Frankie No Comments

elearning Anaesthesia (e-LA) recently topped a million session launches, with users working through an astonishing 340,000 hours of learning since e-LA was launched. More information. The millionth session was launched by Dr Alvin Soosay, an anaesthetic trainee in Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Alvin was very surprised to hear the news, but less surprised to find that the session in question was a Part 1 MCQ revision session! Alvin said “e-LA has been a godsend both during my first year in anaesthesia and during that final nervous push towards the exam. My key message to other trainees is to use e-LA early and to use it often.”

HRH launches e-SAFE DVD

Posted on: May 2nd, 2013 by Frankie No Comments

HRH the Princess Royal recently launched the e-SAFE DVD at the Royal College of Anaesthetists. A collaboration between elfh, RCoA and the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, e-SAFE is a free educational DVD for anaesthesia providers in resource-limited countries. Focusing on the key topics of paediatrics, obstetrics, trauma, newborn care and critical care, the e-SAFE DVD includes sessions from elearning Anaesthesia, together with a bespoke e-library and instructional videos filmed in Nepal. The DVD can be widely reproduced and requires no internet access. Copies are available from www.rcoa.ac.uk/e-SAFE or by emailing e-safe@rcoa.ac.uk For further information, see http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/news-and-bulletin/rcoa-news-and-statements/rcoa-hosts-hrh-the-princess-royal-e-safe-safer-education

HEEre we go …

Posted on: April 30th, 2013 by Frankie No Comments

In April 2013, elfh moved to Health Education England (HEE). An exciting opportunity for elfh, HEE’s remit includes the delivery of  ‘Better Training, Better Care’, with Technology Enhanced Learning being seen as a key enabler of transformational change across the healthcare sector.

I can see clearly now

Posted on: August 1st, 2012 by Frankie No Comments

A study of medical students has shown that using elfh’s Image Interpretation improves their ability to interpret chest x-rays by 50%.

In addition, 90% of the students reported an improvement in their confidence interpreting chest x-rays compared to 38% who used an e-textbook. 100% of those using the elfh material found it engaging, compared to 15% allocated to an e-textbook. The study was undertaken by Dr Elikem Tamaklo, Foundation doctor on Merseyside, and excited a lot of interest when he presented it at ASME in July 2012.

The study is available to download here.

Puffed with pride - Tracheostomy Safety

Posted on: April 4th, 2012 by Frankie No Comments

“Outstanding…. a great resource for the non-tracheostomy specialist”. So said David Roberson, Associate Professor of Otology and Laryngology at the Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School when he reviewed the new ‘Tracheostomy Safety’ project.

Developed in partnership with the National Tracheostomy Safety Project and the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the three sessions support those caring for ‘neck breathing’ patients, either routinely or in an emergency. They are applicable to general and specialist nursing staff, medical staff and allied health professionals from all backgrounds, in both hospital and community settings. Tracheostomy Safety is available at https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/tracheostomy-safety/ , via the NLMS or at www.tracheostomy.org.uk

Gold for eFM

Posted on: February 3rd, 2012 by Frankie No Comments

eFetal Monitoring won the top ‘Gold’ award for ‘Innovation in Learning Services’ at The Learning Awards 2012, hosted by The Learning and Performance Institute. The judges commended the innovative knowledge base, summative assessments and bespoke case study tool, which provides experiential training in interpreting CTGs. They said “In an outstanding presentation, the elfh team demonstrated that the programme will save training costs throughout the NHS and save the lives of, or prevent severe handicap to, hundreds of babies a year”.

For more information, please visit www.thelearningawards.com/.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies