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eFM delivers!

Posted on: November 10th, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

elfh’s eFetal Monitoring case study tool has won the elearning Age 2011 Silver award for the ‘Most Innovative New Learning Hardware or Software Product’. eFM’s ground-breaking simulator demonstrates the crucial role of both elearning and simulation in future training and standard setting in obstetrics and midwifery. It will save many babies’ lives and millions in litigation costs. eFM has also been short-listed for a further award next year, so watch this space …

For more information, please view this summary of the tool.

eFM celebrates new arrival!

Posted on: September 13th, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

On Tuesday the 13th of September, the President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists ,Dr Anthony Dale Falconer, launched the eFM tool to an audience of obstetricians and midwives.

This web-based resource was developed through a partnership between the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Midwives and elearning for healthcare.

Obstetricians and midwives are required to independently interpret cardiotocographs (CTGs) in the crucial lead up to birth. EFM educates learners using assessment-driven case-based learning. The interactive learning sessions test knowledge of CTG interpretation and clinical management and provide feedback to the learner regarding their performance.

e-LfH shortlisted for e-Learning Age Awards 2011

Posted on: September 5th, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

Two elfh projects have been rewarded for their innovative thinking by being shortlisted for the elearning Age Awards 2011 in the Most Innovative New Learning Hardware or Software Product category. e-Fetal Monitoring’s Case Study tool allows users to practise their skills at interpretation of cardiotocographs in a virtual labour ward. elearning Anaesthesia’s MCQ tool is an Excel-based tool that lowers the bar for content creation, opening it up to any subject matter expert, while creating assessments of the highest quality. elfh has tasted success at previous elearning Age Awards and is hoping to continue that winning run at the Gala Evening on November 10th.

Getting onto the Leader Board

Posted on: July 4th, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

“Without leadership, all structural changes in the world will not deliver”.

So said Secretary of State Andrew Lansley at the recent launch of the NHS Leadership Framework. Underpinned by elfh’s LeAD programme, the NHS Leadership Framework recognises that frontline clinicians and the wider workforce must have leadership knowledge, skills and behaviours to drive radical service redesign and improvement.

For more information, or to register for LeAD, go to www.e-lfh.org.uk/projects/lead/register.html.

Paul Burstow launches Supporting Carers

Posted on: June 23rd, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

On June 16th, Minister of State for Care Services Paul Burstow launched ‘Supporting Carers in General Practice’.

Developed through a partnership between RCGP, Department of Health, The Princess Royal Trust and elfh, with support from The Children’s Society, the free-to-access elearning resource is primarily aimed at GPs, GP trainees and other health workers in primary care teams. It will also be available to all healthcare staff through the NLMS and the elfh LMS.

Please go to Supporting Carers in General Practice for more information.

Pathology "Potcasts" go live

Posted on: June 22nd, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

Pathpots, the joint project with the Histopathology Training Schools initiative of the Royal College of Pathologists has begun to release its first batches of podcasts of pathology museum specimens.

Designed for trainees and medical students and anyone interested in pathology they cover a wide range of disease – common, rare and exotic. Over 300 cases by some of the best teachers of pathology have already been produced and will be released over the next six months. They can be downloaded onto any podcatcher such as the ipad, ipod or smartphone.

To register for the podcasts go to www.e-pathpots.org.uk.

'Precious' international accolade for e-LfH

Posted on: May 26th, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

elfh and eXact learning solutions carried off the Platinum Award for established elearning at the 2011 IMS Global Learning Consortium Learning Impact Awards. Competing against a global field of 50 finalists, the judges commended elfh and eXact for “the world’s largest and most successful on-line medical content production initiative.”

Click here for further information.

Oh, baby: e-SRH wins e-Gov award

Posted on: January 31st, 2011 by Frankie No Comments

elfh’s e-Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare project carried off first prize in the e-Government 2010 awards, for Excellence in Learning and Skills. The judges said “e-SRH has revolutionised training in sexual and reproductive health. This nationally-validated course for healthcare practitioners has raised standards, widened access and enabled abolition of the face-to-face course. This improved training is saving the NHS £7.9m a year”. Addressing the awards ceremony, the Prime Minister said “You have put Britain at the forefront of e-government delivery in the world. We have the technology and skills, we have the innovation and crucially we have the people.” Congratulations also go to the e-Safeguarding Children and Young People team – SGC was a finalist in three separate award categories.

The e-Government National Awards are the primary technology awards for the public sector, and encompass national, local government, the NHS and the third sector. The awards ceremony was attended by 83 separate public sector organisations.

Click here to view the information in the awards booklet.

Celebrating success - e-LfH wins at e-Learning Age Awards 2010

Posted on: November 11th, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

elfh scooped two awards at the recent 2010 elearning Age event. Despite over 200 entries from the UK, US, Europe and the Far East, e-GP carried off the Silver award in the ‘Excellence in the production of elearning content – public sector’ category, going head to head with elfh’s Adolescent Healthcare project, which had also been short-listed in this category. e-LA was awarded Bronze in the ‘Best elearning securing widespread adoption’ category.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies