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Alcohol IBA e-learning gets a refresh

Posted on: June 1st, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

The Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) elearning project for primary care has been relaunched.

Developed by the DH Alcohol Policy Team in partnership with elfh Alcohol IBA is appropriate for a wide range of healthcare and other professionals. The elearning helps them to identify people whose drinking might be impacting their health, and to deliver simple, structured advice.

Formerly one complete course, the material has now been broken down into six individual sessions, each taking around 20 minutes to complete to fit in with busy working lives.

  • Facts About Alcohol
  • About Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice
  • Tools for Identifying Alcohol Misuse
  • Clinical Approach to Brief Advice
  • Practising Brief Advice
  • Course Assessment

The revised content is fully compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and accredited by the Royal College of Nursing. It is also endorsed by the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners.

The new look Alcohol IBA course is available to access via the Alcohol Learning Centre’s website (www.alcohollearningcentre.org/eLearning). It will also be available on the National Learning Management System, the elearning platform fully integrated with the Electronic Staff Record, in the coming few months.

Additionally, the elearning will be included in the Foundation elearning Programme (www.foundation.org.uk) and e-GP, elearning for General Practice (https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/general-practitioners). Two new pathways for hospital and pharmacy settings are currently under development and will be released later in 2010.

Iain Armstrong, Clinical Project Lead said: ‘Alcohol IBA elearning was initially launched in February 2009 and has proved to be a popular and valuable education resource. One of the main benefits of elearning is that it can be updated easily so that it is continually fresh and current. After asking learners for their feedback about the course, we have taken the opportunity to revisit the content and structure.

With smaller elearning sessions and enhanced material, Alcohol IBA now offers a more flexible and quality-assured learning resource to help healthcare professionals with tackling alcohol misuse by their patients.’

More information is available at https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/alcohol or by emailing support@e-lfh.org.uk.

e-learning for health and work is launched

Posted on: May 18th, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

A new and free elearning resource supporting primary care professionals with dealing with patient issues relating to work and health is now available.

Health e-Working has been developed by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine in partnership with the Royal College of General Practitioners, The Society of Occupational Medicine and elfh.

It offers six easy to use, interactive elearning sessions, each taking around 20 minutes to complete to fit in with busy schedules. The sessions cover subjects such as making the occupational link, advising on fitness for work, the implications of the Disability Discrimination Act and worklessness and unemployment.

Debbie Cohen, Clinical Project Lead for Health e-Working said, ‘Enabling people to return to work is good for their long term health, however, many patients need active support from their GP or other healthcare professionals. Health e-Working helps develop the knowledge, skills and confidence of GPs, trainees, primary care nurses and practice managers in dealing with the clinical issues relating to work and health. Designed in a flexible and engaging way, Health e-Working will help GPs and their teams provide the best possible patient care.

Health e-Working is available in e-GP, elearning for General Practice. e-GP has been developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners and offers a comprehensive programme of elearning sessions covering a broad range of primary care topics. Access to Health e-Working will be automatically granted to those primary care professionals already registered with e-GP. Those wishing to register can do so at https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/general-practitioners.

For more information on Health e-Working visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes.

e-GP is a critical success

Posted on: May 12th, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

e-GP, elearning for General Practice, has been recommended as a key resource for teaching and learning critical appraisal skills in an independent review of critical appraisal resources to be published in Education for Primary Care.

The review, which found e-GP to be ‘a modern, attractive resource that covers the core areas of critical appraisal’, was commissioned by the MRCGP blueprinting group. The authors of the review state that critical appraisal, as an essential part of the GP curriculum, should receive adequate coverage in training and assessment and be taught in a way that demonstrates its relevance to everyday general practice

e-GP has been developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in partnership with elfh. It is suitable for doctors in specialty training for general practice, general practitioners and other primary care professionals. Explicitly linked to the RCGP curriculum, e-GP offers a comprehensive programme of elearning sessions covering a broad range of primary care topics.

The Evidence-Based Practice module helps learners develop the knowledge and skills to find the best evidence available to support clinical and managerial decisions. Seven engaging elearning sessions examine evidence-based practice in detail, from working with the patient as a partner, to critically appraising a randomised control trial in a therapeutic intervention, diagnostic studies and a systematic review. Each session takes around 30 minutes to complete to fit in with busy work-study schedules, provides links to sources of information and features case studies and interactive exercises.

Dr Ben Riley, Project Clinical Lead for e-GP said, ‘Today’s general practitioner is expected to apply the results of a large volume of research evidence within the doctor-patient partnership and meet the high expectations of the both public and the profession. Within our Evidence-Based Practice module we break each aspect down into manageable chunks of learning and provide simple tools to support GPs with incorporating critical appraisal into their daily practice.’

For further information and to try out a sample session from the Evidence-Based Practice module visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/general-practitioners.

New Safeguarding e-learning now available for non-clinical staff

Posted on: May 5th, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

A new edition of Level 1 Safeguarding Children and Young People elearning has been produced especially for non-clinical staff. The new edition achieves the same learning outcome, but uses less graphic imagery more appropriate for non-clinical staff.

Safeguarding Children and Young People is an elearning resource designed to help protect children and young people from harm. It helps healthcare providers ensure their teams are up to date with the issues surrounding child protection.

The elearning meets the statutory training requirements of Section 11 of the Children Act and is delivered by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in partnership with elearning for healthcare.

It is available in 20-30 minute bite-sized sessions that can be accessed either from work or at home. The elearning covers two levels:

Level 1 – Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People

  • A single session that covers the knowledge and competencies required for Level 1 Safeguarding. This includes recognition of the four types of child abuse and the appropriate actions healthcare staff need to take if they are concerned a child is being abused or neglected.
    Level 1 (version 2) for non-clinical staff is now available.

Level 2 – Recognition, Response and Reporting

  • Three sessions that cover the knowledge and competencies required for Level 2 Safeguarding. This includes recognising child abuse, being able to document cause for concern, knowing who to inform and understanding the next steps in the child and young person protection process.

To find out more visit Safeguarding Children and Young People.

Training for sexual health and HIV gets the online treatment

Posted on: April 22nd, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

A free and comprehensive online resource supporting specialist training in sexual health and HIV was officially launched in April 2010.

eHIV-STI, elearning for Sexual Health and HIV, has been developed by the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) in partnership with the Royal Colleges of Physicians and DH elearning for healthcare.

It has been designed to reflect the UK sexual health and HIV specialist medical training curriculum and is suitable for all those involved in treating and supporting people with sexually transmitted infections.

eHIV-STI offers engaging and interactive elearning sessions which provide an extensive knowledge base for all STIs and HIV. It also covers related specialties such as dermatology, infectious diseases and gynaecology and is relevant for primary care professionals. Written and reviewed by subject matter experts the material is delivered at three levels: introductory, advanced and specialist.

Dr Jackie Sherrard, Clinical Project Lead said, ‘With increasing numbers of healthcare professionals involved in the management of STIs, it is important that we continue to provide quality innovative education and training resources. eHIV-STI is one such resource that we are proud to offer. It is an essential knowledge framework written by senior clinicians and provides flexible learning to fit in with busy working schedules. Furthermore, the elearning can be supplemented in day-to-day practice to reinforce the skills and attitudes necessary for delivering a first class patient service.’

eHIV-STI was launched at the Second Joint Conference of BASHH with the British HIV Association on 22 April 2010.

For more information on the elearning visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/sexual-health-and-hiv or email HIV-STI.support@e-lfh.org.uk.

Dental foundation trainees get the e-Den treatment

Posted on: March 31st, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

e-Den, the national elearning initiative encompassing dentistry’s foundation years, went live to over 1,200 dental foundation trainees and trainers across the UK on 31 March 2010. The project is the first major collaboration between The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK), and the Department of Health’s elearning for healthcare.

e-Den is a flexible online tool which can be accessed at a time and place to suit the learner and is available 24 hours a day. The curriculum is primarily based on the UK Dental Foundation Training curriculum, and is made up of four domains – clinical, management and leadership, professionalism, and communication.

The content has been written by respected subject matter experts from across all fields of dentistry. Over 500 sessions have been broken down into 12 modules covering broad subject areas such as anxiety and pain control, hard and soft tissue surgery, and restoration of teeth. There is also a 13th module in development which will contain multiple choice and case study questions only.

Dental foundation trainees and trainers, who have been pre-registered as part of the initial roll out of the project, have been given access to the first module of 45 elearning sessions covering elements of the clinical domain of the curriculum.

This first module focuses on patient assessment and includes topics such as assessment methods and techniques, good practice, and health promotion and disease prevention.

Each elearning session is 20-30 minutes long and contains a mixture of high quality images, animations and video clips to provide an engaging and visual learning experience.

e-Den Clinical Lead, Paul Brunton, said, ‘This versatile learning resource provides educational support for dental trainees within the UK and will also contribute to continuing professional development of the entire dental team. With its flexibility and dynamic content, e-Den is a new tool for a new age.’

Further sessions covering the next elements of the curriculum will be released throughout 2010 and beyond. Access to the elearning will be given free of charge to NHS members of the dentistry team over the coming months.

For more information on e-Den, visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/dentistry or contact the e-Den team at dentistry.support@e-lfh.org.uk.

e-Endoscopy provides a key to endoscopy training

Posted on: March 24th, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

e-Endoscopy was successfully launched at the Annual British Society of Gastroenterology meeting in Liverpool in March 2010.

Developed by the Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) and elearning for healthcare, e-Endoscopy is a web-based interactive resource available to all NHS users.

The content is designed to support all aspects of endoscopy skills training and practice from the novice to the independent endoscopist and sub-specialty training. There is also a dedicated course for the nurse endoscopy assistant. Users have unlimited access to the courses and sessions within them, which offer comprehensive, formative and interactive learning.

e-Endoscopy provides users with both base knowledge and revision material. It is integrated into the new e-portfolio for endoscopy and is easily accessible via the JAG and the JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS) websites.

A variety of sessions within the initial Foundation course, and Basic Upper GI and Basic Lower GI courses are now available. Information about access is available on the website at https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/endoscopy. New sessions will continue to be released throughout the year and all course content is due to be completed in 2012.

Professor Roger Barton, JAG Chairman, said, ‘This excellent project with its award-winning lineage will bring the essential knowledge that all high quality endoscopists need to the desktop. With modules for endoscopy nurses too, the easy-to-use content and integrated assessments are relevant and current, having been written by endoscopists for endoscopists. If only it had been around when I was learning endoscopy.’

A downloadable user guide is available to provide help and advice. It covers areas relating to initial registration and log on, through to ideas about integrating the e-Endoscopy learning material into endoscopy training.

Anyone who is interested in becoming involved in developing the content or is already involved in endoscopy is encouraged to register and use the educational material provided.

For further information and registration, visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/endoscopy.

Learn about dementia at the touch of a button with e-GP

Posted on: February 16th, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

Two new elearning sessions covering memory loss in older people and dementia are now available to all primary care professionals via e-GP, elearning for General Practice.

The two sessions, Memory Problems in Older People and Care of People with Dementia are the latest additions to e-GP, a comprehensive programme of elearning modules relevant to UK general practice. Written by experienced clinicians, the elearning uses case studies, animation and interactive exercises. Each session takes around 20 minutes to complete.

  • Memory Problems in Older People looks at how to assess memory problems and the differential diagnoses. The session also advises learners on how to investigate memory problems and understand the role of memory enhancing medication.
  • Care of People with Dementia recognises the impact of dementia on the health of the nation. The session describes the issues particular to the management of people from driving to end of life care. The session also provides guidance on the use of major tranquilisers for patients with advanced dementia.

The release of these two new sessions coincides with the first anniversary of the National Dementia Strategy. Launched in February 2009 the first ever National Dementia Strategy set out initiatives designed to increase awareness of dementia, ensure early diagnosis and intervention, and radically improve the quality of care that people with the condition receive.

Dr Ben Riley, Project Clinical Lead for e-GP said, ‘The UK has an ageing population and, going forward, the care of older people will make up a higher proportion of the general practitioner’s workload. Caring for older people presents certain challenges and, in general practice, we have an important role to play in helping to improve the care of older people.

‘These new e-GP sessions tackle some of the key issues that primary care professionals face when dealing with dementia and memory loss. The content has been written by subject specialists so learners can be confident they are benefiting from quality assured elearning and the easy to use sessions can be easily fitted around busy working schedules.’

e-GP has been developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners in partnership with elearning for healthcare and is suitable for doctors in specialty training for general practice, general practitioners, and general practice nurses and practice managers. It now offers over 200 sessions covering a broad range of topics from child and adolescent health, safeguarding children and young people, evidence-based practice, women’s health, sexual health, musculoskeletal problems and learning disabilities.

For further information and details on how to access the elearning visit www.e-GP.org.

E-learning Promises Breakthrough in End of Life Care Training

Posted on: January 28th, 2010 by Frankie No Comments

Access to high quality end of life care training is set to be transformed with the rollout of elearning resources for huge numbers of health and social care staff.

e-ELCA (End of Life Care for All) is one of the key elements in a programme to improve the skills of up to 2.5 million people working with dying people and their families – a key recommendation of the End of Life Care Strategy published in 2008.

The programme was launched in London on 21 January with around 60 highly-interactive learning sessions complete and soon to be available across large parts of the health and social care workforce. Each session lasts around 20 minutes and includes features such as self-assessment tools, audio/video clips and case studies.

All are written by experts in their field and peer reviewed.

The Department of Health (DH), the National End of Life Care Programme (NEoLCP), elearning for healthcare (elfh) and the Association for Palliative Medicine are all working in partnership to develop the resources. Each session will provide a certificate as evidence of learning.

Information on e-ELCA and some sessions open to the public can be accessed at www.EndofLifeCareforAll.com. Health and social care workers seeking to register for access to the much higher number of sessions which require registration should visit www.e-elca.org.uk.

Health and social care staff who do not yet have access to the elearning Management System can get started by working on nine sessions on the public-facing section of the website. That figure will soon rise to 12.

Eventually, staff working at all levels in any relevant job and across care settings from acute hospitals to care homes and domiciliary care will be able to access around 130 learning sessions based around four core courses.

These are:

  • Assessment
  • Advance care planning
  • Communication skills
  • Symptom management

A fifth course integrates learning through case studies.

NEoLCP director Claire Henry said:

“This is about widening access to training for many health and social care staff and volunteers. We are at last within reach of high quality, accessible training for everybody involved in this challenging area.”

Dr Bee Wee, national clinical lead for e-ELCA, said:

“One day we will all want top notch end of life care from the best trained staff – nurses, social workers, doctors, therapists – and volunteers. These interactive sessions are created by experts at the sharp end for all those at the coal face. Most are easy, many are fun – all are free.”

Julia Moore, national director for elearning for healthcare, said:

“As a mode of delivery for educational material, elearning capitalises on the latest technology to support flexible and self-directed learning for the health and social care workforce, including the 2.5 million involved in providing end of life care.”

For more information or to register for e-ELCA visit https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/end-of-life-care or contact the e-ELCA team at elca.support@e-lfh.org.uk.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies