The Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) elearning project for primary care has been relaunched.
Developed by the DH Alcohol Policy Team in partnership with elfh Alcohol IBA is appropriate for a wide range of healthcare and other professionals. The elearning helps them to identify people whose drinking might be impacting their health, and to deliver simple, structured advice.
Formerly one complete course, the material has now been broken down into six individual sessions, each taking around 20 minutes to complete to fit in with busy working lives.
- Facts About Alcohol
- About Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice
- Tools for Identifying Alcohol Misuse
- Clinical Approach to Brief Advice
- Practising Brief Advice
- Course Assessment
The revised content is fully compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and accredited by the Royal College of Nursing. It is also endorsed by the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners.
The new look Alcohol IBA course is available to access via the Alcohol Learning Centre’s website ( It will also be available on the National Learning Management System, the elearning platform fully integrated with the Electronic Staff Record, in the coming few months.
Additionally, the elearning will be included in the Foundation elearning Programme ( and e-GP, elearning for General Practice ( Two new pathways for hospital and pharmacy settings are currently under development and will be released later in 2010.
Iain Armstrong, Clinical Project Lead said: ‘Alcohol IBA elearning was initially launched in February 2009 and has proved to be a popular and valuable education resource. One of the main benefits of elearning is that it can be updated easily so that it is continually fresh and current. After asking learners for their feedback about the course, we have taken the opportunity to revisit the content and structure.
With smaller elearning sessions and enhanced material, Alcohol IBA now offers a more flexible and quality-assured learning resource to help healthcare professionals with tackling alcohol misuse by their patients.’
More information is available at or by emailing