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National Care Certificate e-learning programme

Posted on: January 3rd, 2017 by Frankie No Comments

As part of the continuing drive to implement the Care Certificate nationwide, Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) is developing an elearning programme. This is being supported by a steering group with membership from HEE’s local offices and content is being developed and reviewed by subject matter experts.

The programme will provide a suite of learning to support the underpinning knowledge for the Care Certificate. It will utilise the work completed in the existing online workbook which was developed by HEE, Skills for Care and Skills for Health, with health and social care staff across the country.

Part of the programme has been piloted by Care Certificate assessors and students across the country and feedback from this will help shape the final programme, which will be available in March 2017.

Access to the Care Certificate elearning programme will be free of charge for health and social care staff. All learning will be available within a single, structured, accessible programme and all activity will be recorded within the user’s account as evidence of completion.

For more information please contact Victoria Winlow, Assistant Programme Manager, HEE elfh by email.

Personal Health Budgets e-learning launched

Posted on: December 20th, 2016 by Frankie No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (elfh) has worked in partnership with NHS England to develop an elearning programme about personal health budgets.

Personal health budgets are one way to give people with long term health conditions and disabilities more choice and control over the money spent on meeting their health and wellbeing needs.

Adults who are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare and children who are in receipt of continuing care have had a right to have a personal health budget since October 2014. Since April 2015, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) have been looking at expanding their local personal health budget offer to other people who could benefit.

The elearning programme, which is aimed at those who are supporting individuals to plan for their own care, introduces personal health budgets and explains how they work for people. The resource also covers how to address some of the personal health budget challenges faced by the NHS and the plans to expand availability to other people with complex and long term health conditions.

To access the elearning resource click here.

Support for supervisors working with trainees under the new contract

Posted on: December 15th, 2016 by Frankie No Comments

Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) programme has launched an elearning resource that helps describes the role of clinical and educational supervisors and how they work with postgraduate medical trainees employed under the new 2016 contract. The elearning supports educational and clinical supervisors in understanding their role and how they can support their trainees under the new contract.

The elearning session is designed to support educational and clinical supervisors but is relevant to all those involved in the management of trainees, including trainees themselves. The development of this elearning session involved both NHS Employers and the British Medical Association.

Educational and clinical supervisors have always held a critical role in relation to the appropriate appraisal, assessment and support of trainees. The 2016 contract provides a structured method for them to raise issues about their working and learning environment through exception reports. The responsibility of educational and clinical supervisors has not changed with the introduction of this contract, however, some of the policies and processes that surround the role may differ, specifically around the introduction of work scheduling and exception reporting.

These changes will provide a clearer structure through which supervisors can resolve issues raised by trainees they are responsible for, and will require all supervisors to have knowledge of the processes and how to work with them to navigate and support.

The session describes how educational and clinical supervisors work together to deliver the functions defined by the new contract. Examples are worked through demonstrating how supervisors work with trainees to personalise generic work schedules and how this may operate across different training programmes. There are also examples of how exception reports are managed by educational and clinical supervisors and how these may relate to workplace reviews.

These are new activities which should serve to strengthen the ability of the educational and clinical supervisors in ensuring the integrity of training programmes

Professor Wendy Reid, Director of Education and Quality, Health Education England, said:

“This new resource is a timely addition to Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare catalogue. To explain the role of educational and clinical supervisors and how they work with and support postgraduate medical trainees, including the processes under the new contract, is welcomed. We hope the new processes will strengthen the role of educational and clinical supervisors in supporting trainees and in turn improve their working lives.”

To access the elearning click here.

e-Learning launched for NHS staff about responding to concerns

Posted on: December 5th, 2016 by Frankie No Comments

Health Education England has worked with Public Concern at Work and the National Guardian Office to develop an elearning session to help managers respond to concerns raised by members of their team.

Earlier this year the Secretary of State for Health commissioned Sir Robert Francis to carry out an independent review into the culture of raising concerns within the NHS. The review recommended that every NHS organisation should provide training on the value of speaking up which complies with national standards.

An elearning programme about raising concerns was launched earlier this year which teaches NHS staff the value of speaking up and highlights what support is available. Speaking up about wrongdoing at the earliest opportunity can save lives, prevent harm and protect organisational reputation.

This second elearning resource, which complements the “raising concerns” programme looks at appropriate ways of handling and supporting staff when they raise a concern. The session also addresses how best to respond to a concern about malpractice, wrongdoing or risk.

In addition two education and training films have been developed – “Raising Concerns” and “Responding to Concerns.” The films, which complement the elearning, support healthcare professionals to feel empowered to raise and respond to concerns.

Before commencing the new elearning resource, it is recommended that you complete the session: Raising a Concern. To access the elearning session please click here.

To view the films please click here.

Award win for NHS e-learning programme

Posted on: November 9th, 2016 by Andy Dowden No Comments

Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) programme picked up the “Best Adapt Project” award at the Learning Pool 2016 awards.

Adapt is an open source authoring tool for creating fully responsive, multi-device, HTML5 elearning content and Learning Pool are one of the organisations behind the open source project. The award was given in recognition of the way the authoring tool has been used in HEE elfh’s MindEd for Families elearning resource.

The “Best Adapt Project” judges were looking for evidence that the project is innovative and original and that the interactivity is used to reinforce learning. elfh certainly achieved this; pushing the limits of what can be done with Adapt and creating a comprehensive, graphically rich suite of resources of the highest quality. The team also used an innovative co-authoring model where parents and clinicians collaborated on each session along with elfh’s instructional designers.

HEE elfh’s MindEd for Families programme is aimed at parents and carers of children and young people who suffer from poor mental health. It was developed in partnership with a consortium to ensure this sensitive subject was handled appropriately and accurately, including the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the Royal College of General Practitioners, Young Minds, the National Children’s Bureau, the Royal College of Nursing and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. It also put parents at the heart of the authoring process to ensure that their views were represented and the output was right for them as the ultimate users of the content.

Commenting on HEE elfh’s recent win, Martin Sinclair, elfh Programme Lead, said: “HEE elfh is delighted to receive a Learning Pool award for the MindEd for Families programme. As elearning professionals it is great to see that our good work has been recognised by the industry and we are all very proud of MindEd for Families. It is an important and necessary resource for people in very difficult situations and we hope that we can make a positive difference.”

For more information about HEE elfh’s programme please visit www.e-lfh.org.uk

Attached photograph shows from L to R:

  • Sam Barbee – Sales and Marketing Director, Learning Pool
  • Martin Sinclair – Programme Lead, elearning for healthcare
  • Wendy Lowe – Instructional Designer, elearning for healthcare
  • Deborah Limb – Chief Operations Officer, Learning Pool.

Simulation faculty development resources

Posted on: October 24th, 2016 by Frankie No Comments

HEE – NW have developed five elearning resources to help in simulation faculty development and CPD. The aims of these resources are to introduce certain key areas and ensure staff have a common mental model of simulation and the educational process that under pins it. These resources are used in the North West as prelearning prior to a face to face session by the North West Simulation Education Network’s (NWSEN) faculty development course.

This course has been running since 2010 and has trained over 650 staff. The elements of the program cover an introduction to the core areas of Simulation based learning and include:-

  • Introduction to simulation based learning
  • Educational theory and practice for simulation based learning
  • An introduction to human factor and patient safety
  • Delivering the simulation based learning scenario
  • Debriefing the simulation based learning event

As well as being used together the modules can also be used to support bespoke sessions or training. The human factors course has been used as prelearning for a number of different sessions by both Royal Colleges, NHS organisations and universities.

For more information and to access the elearning programme for free click here

GIANT innovations planned for November

Posted on: October 20th, 2016 by Frankie No Comments

The GIANT (Global Innovation and New Technology) Health Event is coming to London on 16-18 November and the Health Education England TEL Programme is part of it

Click here to learn why we need GIANT from our two co-Chairs, John Nosta – digital health evangelist and health advisor to Google, and Shafi Ahmed – global surgeon and virtual reality pioneer.

GIANT is bringing together diverse stakeholders from the global health community to London.  Delegates and speakers include pioneers from the USA, India, and Europe, from large global corporates through to SMEs and start-ups, covering pharma, biotech, NHS, IT, investors and the general consumer.

The event’s interdisciplinary forum will showcase leading technologies and accelerate innovation worldwide by bringing ideas and people in a uniquely inspirational and creative environment.  Click here for latest programme news and speaker announcements.

Don’t miss GIANT!

To book your ticket and receive a 50% discount click  here and use code HEETEL50.

How culturally aware are you?

Posted on: October 17th, 2016 by Frankie No Comments

A new elearning tool has been launched to better support NHS clinicians in how to meet the diverse needs of all patients and families.

The new learning resource, entitled Cultural Competence, aims to support clinicians in the NHS to gain knowledge and understanding of the issues around culture and health; and how this might influence health care outcomes.

Funded by Health Education North Central East London (HENCEL) and developed from work initially undertaken as part of the Mary Seacole Awards, the new resource has been created to improve communication between patients and clinicians and enhance staff confidence in navigating and responding to the varied needs of their patients. Cultural competence supports the provision of quality and safe health services and this elearning tool aims to highlight the key issues relating to culture which may influence the uptake of health care and treatment options.

The resource, developed by Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) programme, includes animation, interactive activities and opportunities for self-reflection and evaluation. The elearning programme covers three modules, the first two for all health professionals and the third specifically aimed at midwives. It was developed through exploratory and development work examining midwives’ knowledge, understanding and experiences of providing culturally sensitive care as well as the needs of black and minority ethnic service users’ and their experiences of maternity service provision.

For more information about Cultural Competence and to access the elearning visit http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/cultural-competence/

New e-learning launched on principles of safety and risk

Posted on: October 14th, 2016 by Frankie No Comments

NHS Digital, in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), has developed an elearning programme on safety, risk management and risk mitigation.

The elearning resource is designed to support health and social care organisations and manufacturers of Health IT products with training in the principles of safety, risk management and risk mitigation, all within the context of Health IT by implementing the safety standards, SCCI 0129 and SCCI 0160.

The safety standards provide a framework that supports a systematic approach to clinical risk management during the development and use of Health IT systems. The standards establish the need for organisations to establish a clinical safety case to support the development and use of such systems.

The core course comprise seven sessions and one assessment session as follows:

  • Session 1 – Introduction to Clinical Safety and Safety Standards
  • Session 2 – Clinical Risk Management System
  • Session 3 – Clinical Risk Management Process: Activities
  • Session 4 – Clinical Risk Management Process: Deliverables
  • Session 5 – Hazard Assessment
  • Session 6 – Deployment, Use and Decommissioning
  • Session 7 – Clinical Safety Incidents
  • Session 8 – Assessment Module

In addition there are two ‘best practice guidelines’ sessions that are designed for health and social care organisations as follows:

  • Session 1 – Telehealth
  • Session 2 – Safety Critical Systems

The elearning is supplemented by a one day class-based course which will provide the knowledge and tools to support compliance with the safety standards and empower clinical safety officers to sign off and approve safety documentation.

For more information and to access the elearning programme for free click https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/clinical-risk-management-training

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies