HEE – NW have developed five elearning resources to help in simulation faculty development and CPD. The aims of these resources are to introduce certain key areas and ensure staff have a common mental model of simulation and the educational process that under pins it. These resources are used in the North West as prelearning prior to a face to face session by the North West Simulation Education Network’s (NWSEN) faculty development course.
This course has been running since 2010 and has trained over 650 staff. The elements of the program cover an introduction to the core areas of Simulation based learning and include:-
- Introduction to simulation based learning
- Educational theory and practice for simulation based learning
- An introduction to human factor and patient safety
- Delivering the simulation based learning scenario
- Debriefing the simulation based learning event
As well as being used together the modules can also be used to support bespoke sessions or training. The human factors course has been used as prelearning for a number of different sessions by both Royal Colleges, NHS organisations and universities.
For more information and to access the elearning programme for free click here