As part of the COVID-19 response a new programme was created for interim foundation Year 1 doctors who are being fast tracked into their Foundation Training.
This programme has been launched 53,161 times since it went live earlier this month with more than 4700 elfh accounts created.
The Foundation Fast Track elearning programme contains essential learning for Interim Foundation Year 1 (FiY1) doctors who are being fast tracked into their Foundation Training to support the workforce in responding to the pandemic.
The courses include a cut down version of the Statutory and Mandatory programme focusing on the key requirements for FiY1 doctors, and the Doctors in Training Induction scenarios, each of which contains a related assessment. Users will meet patients in each of the scenarios and follow their journeys. Each scenario covers relevant learning objectives and allows users to focus on key professional skills that they will need in their role as a Foundation Doctor.
The following courses from the Foundation learning programme are also included and are aimed at the key areas relating to the treatment of patients during the Coronavirus pandemic:
- Professional capabilities 9: Recognises, assesses and initiates management of the acutely ill patient (FiY1)
- Professional capabilities 11: Obtains history, performs clinical examination, formulates differential diagnosis and management (FiY1)
- Professional capabilities 13: Prescribes safely
To access the Foundation Fast Track elearning programme visit

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