Ensure specialist services are linked with midwives and that health visitors are aware of mothers and babies specialist needs. Utilise continuity of carer and personalised models of care.
Access ‘Neonatal Formulary: Drug Use in Pregnancy and the First Year of Life 7th Edition, Ainsworth, S.B.’ for comprehensive guidance on the safe use of all the drugs prescribed during pregnancy and commonly given to babies during labour, delivery, and the first year of life.
Discuss and achieve concordance with women when a prescription is necessary to protect breastfeeding in so far as is possible. Take account of women who are breastfeeding when making any prescribing decisions.
Access resources to understand the importance of breastfeeding or providing breastmilk for premature and sick babies, and how it improves their short- and long-term health and well-being outcomes, reducing both mortality and morbidity. Premature infants who do not receive breastmilk are much more likely to suffer infections, sepsis and necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).
Ensure specialist services are linked with midwives and that health visitors are aware of mothers and babies specialist needs. Utilise continuity of carer and personalised models of care.
Ensure specialist services are linked with midwives and that health visitors are aware of mothers and babies specialist needs. Utilise continuity of carer and personalised models of care.
Provide mothers and carers who are experiencing domestic violence with information on the support and services available, including counselling, and local safeguarding pathways are followed.
Protocols are in place to deal with high risk situations related to perpetrators of domestic violence which occur on health premises. Key staff are regularly trained in these protocols.
Coordinate care management and monitoring of LTC with relevant targeted and specialist health and allied professionals as outlined in NHS’s House of Care long-term conditions framework.
Use NHS’s Universal Personalised Care Model to deliver continuity of carer and multiagency approaches to work with other agencies to coordinate holistic wrap around support and treatment.