ABCDE Approach
Accessible Information Standard
Acute Medicine
Acute NIV
Administrative triage using digital tools in General Practice
Adolescent Health Programme
Adult Safeguarding in a Secure and Detained Setting
Advanced Radiotherapy
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
Ages and Stages Questionnaire
Alcohol and Tobacco Brief Interventions
Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice
Alcohol Stigma
All Our Health
Allied Health Professionals - Virtual Reality 360 films
Allied Health Professionals’ Careers
Anaemia in Primary Care
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infections
Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Out of Hours
Applying a health psychology approach to workforce redesign
Approved Mental Health Professional
Aquatic Activity and Swimming for Health
ARCEx for Sickle Cell Disorder
Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development programme (ACCEND)
Assessment and Diagnosis of Dementia: A personalised approach
Assessments for on-call pharmacists
Asthma (Adults)
Asthma (Children and young people)
Avoiding Term Admissions Into Neonatal units
Back to the Floor
Becoming Simulation Faculty
Behaviour Change Literacy for Individuals and Workforce Leaders
Best practice in Optimising Opioid Substitution Treatment (BOOST)
Best Start in Speech, Language and Communication
Blood Component Use in Major Haemorrhage
Blood Transfusion
Breaking barriers in HIV care
Breaking Down the Barriers
Breast Awareness for Healthcare Professionals
Breastfeeding and Perinatal Mental Health
Breastmilk Provision for Preterm and Sick Neonates
Building a More SuppoRTTive Culture
Cancer Nursing Careers
Cannabis-based Products for Medicinal Use
Carbon Literacy for healthcare
Cardiovascular Disease
Care (Education) Treatment Reviews
Care Certificate
Career Planning for Healthcare Professionals
Caring for people with a learning disability
Child Sexual Abuse Awareness
Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning Disability
Children's Oral Health
Choice and Personalised Care in Maternity Services
Cleaning for Confidence
Clinical Imaging
Clinical Pharmacology and Prescribing
Clinical photography on mobile devices - practical, legal and ethical requirements
Clinical Video Assessment for Stroke - (CVAS)
Clinical Waste Segregation – A guide for nursing staff in the safe management of healthcare waste
Clinically Led workforcE and Activity Redesign (CLEAR)
Close Relative Marriage: equitable access to genetic information and services
Cognitive Behavioural Therapies for Psychosis
Cold Homes
Communicating with Empathy
Communication Skills for the Mental Health Practitioner
Community Diagnostics Centre Learning Resource
Community-centred approaches to health improvement
Complex Clinical Reasoning
Complications of excess weight (CEW) in children and young people
Congenital Heart Disease
Continence and Catheter Care
COVID-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation
COVID-19 Surge 2021 – Rapid Access Resources
COVID-19 Vaccination
Critical Care Intravenous Therapy
Critically Appraising the evidence base
Cultural Competence and Cultural Safety
Current and Future Management of Atopic Dermatitis
Data Security Awareness
Delivering Ear Checks in Residential Special Schools: Training Programme
Delivering sensory health services
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Dictionary of Medicines + Devices
Digital Clinical Safety Training
Digital Learning Solutions
Disability Matters
Doctors in Training Induction
Domestic Violence and Abuse elearning for Health Visitors and Nurses
Early Developmental Support
Early Intervention in Psychosis
Eastman Dental Hospital Education Centre (EDHEC) elearning series
Eating disorders training for health and care staff
Educator Training Resources
Elective Care
Electronic Prescriptions in Urgent Care
Electronic record keeping and SNOMED CT
Embedding Public Health into Clinical Services
Emergency Medicine Leaders
Emotional Wellbeing Training for Mental Health Crisis Staff
End-of-life Care For All (e-ELCA)
Enhanced Health in Care Homes: Workforce Development
Enhanced Paediatric Nursing Skills for Surge (EPNS4Surge) course
Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare
Essentials of Digital Clinical Safety
Family Ambassadors
Female Genital Mutilation
FeNO in Asthma
Fetal Monitoring
Flu Immunisation
Focused Acute Medicine Ultrasound
Freedom to Speak Up
Fundamentals of Health Protection
Fundamentals of Safer Staffing
General Practice
General Practice Access
General Practice Assistant
Genomics in the NHS
Geriatric Medicine
Growth Assessment Protocol
Guidance for Teaching Online for Healthcare Educators
Guidelines for the management and treatment of periprosthetic joint infection programme
Harm Free Care
Having Confident Appraisal Conversations
HCSW2020 Accelerated Care Certificate
Health and Wellbeing champions
Health and Work in Undergraduate Medical Education
Health Economics and Prioritisation in Public Health
Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT)
Health Inequalities
Health Literacy
Healthcare Support Worker Certificate – Children and Young People’s Mental Health Inpatient Settings
Healthcare Support Workers’ Handbook
Healthcare Waste Management and Disposal
Healthier Weight Competency Framework
Healthy Child Programme
Healthy School Child
Healthy Weight Coach
Heart Failure and Heart Valve Disease
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (H&I) Modules 1 to 4
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics – Granulocyte Immunology
Home First Act Now
Hot Weather Guidance for Carers
Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE)
Hydration in Older People
Identifying and Responding to Sexual Assault and Abuse
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies - Long COVID
Improving Mouth Care
Individual Placement Support
Infant Feeding
Infection prevention and control: community
Information Governance
Information Standard
Insights from SHOT for Safer Transfusion
Intelligent Intermittent Auscultation in Labour
Intensive Care Echo and Basic Lung Ultrasound
Intensive Care Medicine
Interactive Pathways
Internal Medicine Training
Internet Safety, Suicide and Self-Harm
Introduction to Allied Health Professionals in Neonatal Care
Introduction to Health and Justice Careers
Introduction to Integrated Care Systems for Pharmacy Professionals
Introduction to the Pelvic Floor During Pregnancy
Introduction to the Vocational Rehabilitation Toolkit
Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations
ISDN Toolkit
IV Therapy Passport
Keyworking for children and young people with a learning disability, and autistic children and young people
Knowledge Mobilisation Framework
Laser Safety
Late Career AHPs Supporting Practice Based Learning
Leading Change Adding Value
Learning Disability Nursing CPD Award
Let's Communicate Cancer
Liberty Protection Safeguards
Literature Searching
Making Every Contact Count
Management and Leadership Skills
Management of Procedure Induced Anxiety in Children
Managing chronic breathlessness
Managing Frequent Attenders
Managing Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Young People
Manufacturing Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)
Maternal and Neonatal Deterioration
Maternity and neonatal resource hub
Maternity insights: closing the loop, learning from harm
Maternity Resources: Ockenden Immediate and Essential Actions
Maternity Support Worker
Maximising Population Health and Prevention in curricula
Medical Equipment
Medical Examiner
Medical Mentoring
Medical Schools Council elearning Resources
Medico-legal Training
Menopause Awareness
Mental Capacity Act
Mental Health Awareness Programme
Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space
Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) Upskilling Programme
Mental Health Training Resources
Mentorship for Prosthetists and Orthotists
Microsoft Teams Training
Midwifery Continuity of Carer
Midwifery Identification, Stabilisation and Transfer of the Sick Newborn
Mini Mouth Care Matters
Modern Slavery
Mouth Care Matters
MRI Safety
Multi-Professional Preceptor e-Compendium
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Maternal Health
Musculoskeletal Primary Care
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (MECFS) eLearning
National Bereavement Care Pathway
National Breast Imaging Academy
National Child Measurement Programme
National Data Opt-Out Training
National induction for health and social care
National Numeracy Challenge
National Registration Authority and Smartcard Policy
Neonatal Airway
New Roles in Primary Care
NHS at home elearning
NHS Continuing Healthcare
NHS Flexible Working Programme
NHS Health Check
NHS Healthcare for the Armed Forces
NHS Induction Programme for International Medical Graduates
NHS London Region Virtual Safeguarding Conference
NHS Patient Safety Syllabus training
NHS Pharmacy First for IUC Health Advisors and Clinicians
NHS Project and Change Academy
NHS Screening Programmes
NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression: Positive Practice Guides
NHS Violence Reduction
NHSE TEL Content Development and Delivery programme
Nurses Returning to the NMC Permanent Register
Nursing in Adult Prison Healthcare Settings
Occupational Health
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Organ and Tissue Donation
Orthoptics Careers Overview
Overseas Visitors Cost Recovery
Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) inpatient chart
Paediatric elearning Programme
Paediatric Surgery
Patient Group Directions
Pelvic Mesh Complications
Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal Post-mortem Consent
Persistent Physical Symptoms
Person-Centred Approaches
Personal Health Budgets
Pharmacy ‘A Day in the Life’
Pharmacy Educational Supervisor Training
Pharmacy in Primary Care
Physical Activity and Health
Physical Health Checks for Severe Mental Illness
Place of Birth
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Podiatry Undergraduate and Post Graduate apprenticeship course
Population Health Management
Population Health Toolkit
Population Wellbeing Portal
Post COVID Services
Practice Educator and Assessor Preparation (PEAP)
Pre-registration Eating, Drinking, and Swallowing
Prescribing and Providing Medicines Advice
Preterm birth: Information for education and healthcare professionals
Preventing Falls in Hospital: Fallsafe/Carefall
Preventing harm from environmental exposure to carbon monoxide
Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Labour
Primary Care Cancer Care Coordinator Training
Primary Medical Care; Commissioning and Contract Management
Professional Clinical Midwifery Leadership
Professional Clinical Nursing Leadership
Promoting Careers in the Allied Health Professions
PRosPer - Cancer Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation
PRosPer Long-Term Conditions
Proton Beam Therapy
Psychologically-Informed Neonatal Care
Public Health England GxP Training
Public Health Ethics
Public Health Intelligence
Radiation Protection for Cardiology
Radiation Protection for Vascular Surgeons
Radiation Safety for Staff
Radioiodine for Endocrinologists
Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
Recognising and managing conflict between children’s families and healthcare providers
Recognising and managing deterioration
Reducing Avoidable Term Admissions
Remote Consultation: An Immersive Technology Resource for Trainees
Remote Consultations
Renal Medicine
Research, Audit and Quality Improvement
Resources for Health and Justice Nurses
Respiratory Disease
Respiratory Physiotherapy
Respiratory Surge in Children
Robotic Process Automation
Safe management of medicines for social care staff
Safe Prescribing
Safe Use of Insulin
Safeguarding adult victims of modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children and Young People
Saving Babies Lives
SBAR Communication in Care Homes
Sepsis Awareness
Sexual and Reproductive Health for Health Visitors
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Sexual Health and HIV
Sexual Orientation Monitoring Information Standard
Shared Decision Making
Sickle Cell Disorder National Education Programme
Six Steps Approach To Workforce Planning
Small Wonders
Social Prescribing
Social supervision and conditional discharge
South West Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Network GP Spotlight Podcast Series
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Basic Awareness
Staff Recovery Resources
STAR: Support and Treatment After Replacement
Statutory and Mandatory Training
Step to Work
Successful Self Care Aware Consultations
Summary Care Records
Supervision for Multi-Professional Teams
Supervision of COVID-19 Displaced or Shielding Trainees
Supporting a Smokefree Pregnancy and Smokefree Families
Supporting AHP Students
Supporting GP registration for people experiencing homelessness
Tackling HIV Stigma and Discrimination
Tackling Homelessness
Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation
Talking therapies for depression
TECS practice learning toolkit
Telephone assessment for colorectal STT
The Art of Honest Conversation
The Changing Story of Cancer
The Fit Note
The Lived Experience of Dementia
The National Lynch Syndrome project
The NHS Consortium for Global Health
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism
The Role of the Caldicott Guardian
The Standards of Proficiency for Midwives: Empowering Midwives at Every Step
Thinking Differently
Tracheostomy Safety
Transient Ischaemic Attacks
Transnasal Endoscopy (TNE)
Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma-informed communication with people experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping
UKONS Telephone Triage Training
Understanding sexual misconduct in the workplace
Venous Thromboembolism
Venous Thromboembolism (Public Access)
Video Group Clinics
Virtual wards enabled by technology
Volunteer Learning
WM – Anaphylaxis
Work and Health
Working with Families to transition from neonatal units to home
Wound Care Education for the Health and Care Workforce
Yorkshire and Humber Care Record