Enhanced Paediatric Nursing Skills for Surge (EPNS4Surge) course – elearning for healthcare
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • Health Education England_New logo 2021
  • West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership_logo
  • https://www.bradford.ac.uk/dementia/
  • • Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT)
  • Royal College of Nursing

About the EPNS4Surge course

The EPNS4Surge course has been designed for nursing staff looking after children with respiratory illness. It provides the knowledge and skills to enhance the delivery of care for children and young people with bronchiolitis, croup, asthma and viral induced wheeze. There is also an emphasis on how sepsis may mimic or present alongside these common conditions.

Supporting patient flow and creating capacity where possible is key to ensuring the safe and efficient care of our children and young people. Nurses are experienced in recognising and managing children with respiratory problems. The EPNS4Surge course builds on this and provides specific training to enable the development of new workflows, including:

  1. Enhanced nurse triage
  2. Nurse-led discharge
  3. Hospital at home care

These enhanced skills should help support patient flow and create capacity.

During winter months hospitals often experience a ‘surge’ in the number of respiratory admissions to paediatrics. This resource can be an integral part of ‘surge planning’ in combination with staff support and team development.

The course is freely available to all NHS staff and has been designed to be flexible in timescale for completion, with the option of tailoring teaching components to meet local needs.

Handbooks have been created to enable course leaders to implement EPNS4Surge within their local trusts, with clinical frameworks available for adaptation to ensure good governance.

Primary and secondary audiences

This course is primarily aimed at nursing staff of band 5 and higher, working in a paediatric environment. This could be the children’s assessment unit, an in-patient ward, emergency departments, community settings, primary care, or in the patients’ home.

The teaching content may also be useful for nurses who are not trained in paediatrics but may come into increased contact with unwell children during busy periods. This might include emergency department nursing staff who have adult training but may be required to help treat children during periods of high volume and limited capacity.

Engaging in the course will provide an opportunity to enhance local paediatric service delivery.

How to navigate the learning

Teaching content is delivered in such a way that trusts can focus on individual aspects of service delivery, and tailor the course according to local need.

All learning components are detailed below. It is expected that local educators will support, supervise and assess practical skills training to ensure student confidence and competence.

EPNS4Surge includes a training framework and matrix (Table 1). The matrix details the time required to complete optional learning components, alongside the mandatory learning components. As the matrix indicates, engagement in ALL taught content will take roughly 6.5 hours for students to complete before engaging with placement-based learning.

Table 1: EPNS for Surge training matrix.

  • Documents to run and structure the course locally

  • elearning

  • Clinical teaching

  • Placement-based learning

  • Simulation and OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) sign-off scenarios

Supplementary documents

All documents have been provided by the Ambulatory Care Experience (ACE) Hospital at Home team based at the Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust (BTHFT). The documents provide a guide for nurses working in hospital and in the community. It also provides clear governance for  hospital clinicians who take clinical responsibility for each child on the caseload. The documents can be used and adapted to meet local needs and context.

Click here to launch the Supplementary Documents folder in the elfh hub

  • ACE team governance documents
  • Nursing documentation templates
  • Asthma and viral induced wheeze documents
  • Croup documents
  • Bronchiolitis documents


On completion of all course content along with supervisor sign-off, learners will be provided with a certification of completion from the EPNS team in association with the University of Bradford.

Students wanting to progress their learning can use this certificate towards the Masters-level fully-accredited EPNS module at the University of Bradford.

Meet the team

  • Ben Hughes

    Dr Ben Hughes

    Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics, West Yorkshire
  • Mathew Mathai

    Dr Mathew Mathai

    Consultant Paediatrician, Project Sponsor and Chair, BTHFT
  • Megan Dale

    Dr Megan Dale

    Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics, West Yorkshire
  • Ms Dawn Hare

    Ms Dawn Hare

    Advanced Paediatric Nurse Practitioner and Content Development, BTHFT
  • Michael Tatterton

    Michael Tatterton

    Associate Professor and Field Lead for Children and Young People’s Nursing at University of Bradford; Specialist Advisor at CQC; Associate Editor Journal of Child Health Care
  • Emma Nye

    Emma Nye

    Programme Manager, HEE eLearning for Healthcare
  • Robin Pollard

    Robin Pollard

    Project Manager, HEE elearning for Healthcare

    Naomi Knight

    Graphic Designer, HEE elearning for healthcare
  • Louise Garrahan

    Louise Garrahan

    Communications and Stakeholder Officer, HEE elearning for healthcare


Content creation

  • Dr Ben Hughes, Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics West Yorkshire and Health Education England Leadership Fellow
  • Dr Mathew Mathai, Consultant Paediatrician, BTHFT
  • Dr Megan Dale, Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics, West Yorkshire

Content review

  • Ms Laura Deery, Practice and Professional Development Sister for Paediatrics, BTHFT
  • Ms Samantha Burns, Yorkshire & Humber Paediatric Critical Care Operational Delivery Network Educator

EPNS National Stakeholder Advisory Board:

  • Dr Sanjay Patel, Clinical lead for the Healthier Together programme, Wessex and Consultant Paediatrician in Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust
  • Dr Damian Roland, Associate Professor at Leicester University and Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, University of Leicester NHS Hospital Trust
  • Dr Victoria Hemming, Consultant in General Paediatrics, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Dr Bob Phillips, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist at Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and Senior Clinical Academic at the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York
  • Ms Karen Perring, Network Manager and Lead Nurse for Yorkshire & Humber Paediatric Critical Care Operational Delivery Network
  • Ms Julie Flaherty, Consultant Nurse in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
  • Dr Omowunmi Akindolie, Consultant in Ambulatory Paediatrics, King’s College Hospital NHS Trust
  • Dr Tallal Hussain, Consultant Paediatrician with special interest in High Dependency Care, BTHFT
  • Dr Catriona McKeating, Consultant Paediatrician with special interest in Palliative Care, BTHFT
  • Ms Zoe Tribble, Lead Nurse for Integrated Children’s Nursing at the Royal London Children’s Hospital NHS Trust, and Chair of the National forum for Children’s Hospital at Home
  • Ms Nubi Jones, Young person representative and advocate in Bradford

Content delivery

  • Dr Sindugaa Sivasubramaniam, Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics, West Yorkshire
  • Dr Anne Pinches, Senior Paediatric Clinician, BTHFT
  • Ms Emma Morrison, ACE Team lead, BTHFT
  • Ms Lucy Fletcher, ACE Team nurse, BTHFT
  • Dr Mathew Mathai, Consultant Paediatrician, BTHFT
  • Ms Dawn Hare, Advanced Paediatric Nurse Practitioner, BTHFT
  • Dr Laura Myers, HEE Leadership Fellow and Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics, South Yorkshire

Course guarantors

  • Dr Helen Jepps, Consultant Paediatrician and Children’s Clinical Business Unit Director, BTHFT
  • Mr Rob Guest, General Manager for Children’s services, BTHFT
  • Ms Kay Rushforth, Associate Director of Nursing for Children and Neonatal Services , BTHFT
  • Michael Tatterton, Associate Professor and Field Lead for Children and Young People’s Nursing at University of Bradford; Specialist Advisor at CQC; Associate Editor Journal of Child Health Care
  • Kirsty Lowery-Richardson, Workforce Transformation Lead, West Yorkshire and Harrogate H&C Partnership

How to Access

In order to access any elfh programme, you will need an elfh account. If you do not have one, then you can register by selecting the Register button below.

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If you already have an account with elfh, then you can enrol on to the The EPNS4Surge programme by logging in to the elfh Hub, selecting My Account > Enrolment and selecting the programme. You can then access the programme immediately in the My e-Learning section.

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Not an NHS organisation?

If you are not an NHS health or care organisation and therefore do not qualify for free access elfh Hub, you may be able to access the service by creating an OpenAthens account.

To check whether or not you qualify for free access via OpenAthens, you can view the eligibility criteria and register on the ‘OpenAthens’ portal.

Registering large numbers of users

If you are a HR, IT or Practice Manager and would like to register and enrol large numbers of staff within your organisation for access onto The EPNS4Surge programme, please contact elfh directly.

Organisations wishing to use their own LMS

For HR departments wanting to know more about gaining access to courses using an existing Learning Management System please contact elfh directly to express interest.

More information

Please select the following link for more information on how to use the elfh Hub.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies