Family Ambassadors – elearning for healthcare
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • Health Education England_New logo 2021

About the programme

The Quality Improvement Taskforce was created by NHS England, in 2019, following a series of reports highlighting recommendations to improve the quality of care that children and young people receive within mental health inpatient services.

A Parent Council was developed to support lived experience input into the improvement projects. The Parent Council co-produced the role of Family Ambassador, designed to improve the support families and carers received when faced with their child being admitted into services, alongside clinicians and other stakeholders.

The Family Ambassador role is a new role and will be under the Peer Support Worker group of roles. Their approach is to build on shared experiences and empathy, and is valued and supported by the NHS.

It is intended to support parents navigate and understand the CAMHS Tier 4 inpatient system and help drive ongoing quality improvements. NHS England and NHS Improvement has designed the role so that a Family Ambassador will be available in all inpatient units across the country by 2022.

Primary and secondary audiences

Future potential Family Ambassadors that may be interested in the role, and current Family Ambassadors that are in learning.

Patients and service users, families and carers; mental health provider organisations in England – both board level and staff level

More information

NHS England and NHS Improvement has listened to the needs of families and carers about the care of their child in mental health inpatient settings. This role has been developed to provide practical support to families and carers so they can better understand their child’s care pathway.

The aim is to support the families and carers and give them the tools they need to feel included and able to participate in the care their child receives.


Introduces the Family Ambassador role, including how and why this role was created by the Quality Improvement Taskforce.

Overview of the role

Explains what a Family Ambassador will do and how they will help families when a child or young person is receiving inpatient care.


Introduces the role from the perspective of a Family Ambassador, highlighting how this career allows someone to use their lived experience to improve patient experience and overall outcomes for others.

About the role

Shows what becoming a Family Ambassador looks like, including what experience is needed and how the role will be supported.

About the role

Introduces the Regional Family Ambassador role, what their duties will include, and how they will support and work with local Family Ambassadors.

Meet the team

  • Alex Riley

    Alex Riley

    Project Manager, Health Education England
  • Tahmaiza Yaqub

    Tahmaiza Yaqub

    Clinical Lead, Quality Improvement Taskforce, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Oliver Wilkinson

    Oliver Wilkinson

    Project Manager, Quality Improvement Taskforce, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Dave Rackliff

    Dave Rackliff

    Parent Council Member, Quality Improvement Taskforce
  • Nina Ni

    Nina Ni

    Parent Council Member, Quality Improvement Taskforce
  • Emma Jane Clark

    Emma-Jane Clarke

    Parent Council Member, Quality Improvement Taskforce
  • Jonathan Guy

    Jonathan Guy

    Programme Manager for Health Education England elearning for healthcare
  • Dave Beardmore

    Dave Beardmore

    Project Manager for Health Education England elearning for healthcare
  • Scott Tyrrell

    Scott Tyrrell

    Lead Animator, Health Education England elearning for healthcare
  • Robin Lewis

    Robin Lewis

    Animator, Health Education England elearning for healthcare
  • Rachel Gowland

    Rachel Gowland

    Stakeholder Officer, Health Education England Technology Enhanced Learning
elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies